Juni 2015


1/6: The Guardian offentliggør projektet The Counted, som tæller alle politidrab i USA i 2015. 3/6: Politiet i Cleveland afleverer deres undersøgelse af politidrabet på 12-årige Tamir Rice til statsanklageren. 4/6: Hillary Clinton fremlægger et forslag om automatisk vælgerregistrering og tre ugers frist til at stemme. 5/6: Politiet i Los Angeles konkluderer at politidrabet på den ubevæbnede sorte 29-årige Ezell Ford sidste år kan retfærdiggøres, selv om betjentene fremprovokerede en konfrontation. En betjent trækker våben mod en gruppe ubevæbnede sorte teenagere ved et pool party i McKinney, Texas og bliver suspenderet. 6/6: Kalief Browder, en 22-årig sort mand, der sad tre år fra han var 16 i det berygtede og brutale Rikers Island-fængsel i New York under anklage for at have stjålet en rygsæk, men uden en retssag, begår selvmord. 8/6: En storjury i South Carolina beslutter at tiltale betjenten Michael Slager for mord på den ubevæbnede sorte mand, Walter Scott, som han skød bagfra i april. 9/6: Betjent Eric Casebolt siger sit job op efter massiv kritik af hans adfærd i McKinney, Texas. En civil politikommission i Los Angeles afgør, at den ene af de to betjente, der skød og dræbte den ubevæbnede Ezell Ford, ikke burde have standset Ford. Ryan Bolinger, en ubevæbnet hvid mand, bliver skudt af politiet i Des Moines, Iowa. 11/6: Pew Research Center udgiver en undersøgelse om multietniske ("multiracial") amerikanere. En dommer i Cleveland afgør, at der er grundlag for en mordtiltale mod den betjent, der skød den 12-årige ubevæbnede Tamir Rice, men den endelige afgørelse er stadig op til statsanklageren. Nye tal fra Gallup viser, at sorte og hvide amerikanere ikke har samme opfattelse af racerelationerne i USA. Det afsløres, at lederen af den sorte borgerrettighedsorganisation NAACPs afdeling i Spokane, Washington, Rachel Dolezal ikke er sort, som hun har påstået, men hvid. 12/6: En ubevæbnet hvid mand, David Munday, dør i politiets varetægt i Mt Olive, West Virginia. 13/6: Politiet i Cleveland offentliggør rapport om poltidrabet på 12-årige Tamir Rice. 15/6: Rachel Dolezal, der har opfundet en falsk sort identitet, trækker sig som præsident for NAACP i Spokane. En ubevæbnet hvid mand, Kris Jackson, bliver skudt af politiet i South Lake Tahoe, Californien. 16/6: Der er indgået forlig i en civil retssag om erstatning efter drabet på den sorte kvinde Renisha McBride, der blev skudt af den hvide mand Theodore Wafer i 2013, da hun bankede på hans dør efter et biluheld - I forvejen er Wafer dømt for mord i samme sag. 17/6: En hvid mand, Dylann Roof, skyder ni mennesker i en sort kirke i Charleston, South Carolina. 18/6: Højesteret afgør at Texas har lov til at afvise at udstede nummerplader med Sydstatsflaget på. 20/6: Kevin Bajoie, en ubevæbnet sort mand, dør efter at være blevet skudt med en strømpistol i Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 21/6: Allen Hernandez, en ubevæbnet Latino, dør i politiets varetægt i Homedale, Idaho. 22/6: To betjente i New Mexico anklages for uoverlagt mord på en hjemløs mand i en sag fra 2014. South Carolinas guvernør Nikky Haley og senator Lindsey Graham vil have sydstatsflaget fjernet fra offentlig grund. En rapport viser, at sorte indbyggere i San Francisco udsættes for raceprofilering og -diskrimination fra politiet. I sagen om Freddie Grays død i politiets varetægt i Baltimore erklærer alle seks anklagede betjente sig uskyldige - retssagen starter til oktober. 23/6: Obduktionen af Freddie Gray i Baltimore vurderer, at der er tale om drab. Joshua Dyer, en ubevæbnet hvid mand, bliver skudt af politiet i Indianapolis, Indiana. 24/6: Alabamas guvernør beordrer sydstatsflaget fjernet fra regeringsbygningens grund, og i Virginia fjernes flaget fra nummerpladerne. Amazon, Sears, eBay, m.fl. vil ikke længere sælge varer med sydstatsflaget på. Primærte sorte kirker i Macon, Georgia og Charlotte, North Carolina brænder ned efter ildspåsættelser. 25/6: Spencer McCain, en ubevæbnet sort mand, bliver skudt af politiet i Owings Mills, Maryland. 26/6: En primært sort kirke i Warrenville, South Carolina brænder ned efter ildspåsættelse. Obama holder mindetale for den myrdede præst Clementa Pickney i Charleston, South Carolina, og bryder undervejs ud i sangen "Amazing Grace". 27/6 Bree Newsome, en sort kvindelig aktivist, kravler op og fjerner sydstatsflaget foran regeringsbygningen i Columbus, South Carolina. 30/6: En rapport fra det amerikanske justitsministerium slår fast, at politiet i Ferguson eskalerede situationen ved sin fremfærd under urolighederne.


America's "post-racial" fantasy (Anna Holmes, The New York Times)

Another black church burns after NAACP warns about suspected arson attacks (Matt Pearce, Los Angeles Times)

As Feds investigate black church burnings, will they take white supremacist terrorists seriously? (David Love, Atlanta Black Star)

As South Carolina mulls furling flag pro-Confederate protests grow (+video) (Patrik Jonsson, The Christian Science Monitor)

Baltimore ex-cop Michael Wood Jr on brutality and racism (James Reevell, BBC News)

Black churches are burning, and we need to be asking why (Darnell L. Moore, Mic)

Black church fires raise alarm after deadly South Carolina shooting (Jillian Kestler-D'Amours, The Toronto Star, Canada)

The casual, idiotic racism of modern American conservatism (Tim Wise, AlterNet)

Charleston then (Michael Meltsner, The Huffington Post)

Church burnings: Add Mississippi to the list, CNN responds, one arsonist caught (The Inquisitr)

CIA suffers significant decline in minority recruits (NBC News)

Colleges brace for Supreme Court review of race-based admissions (Tamar Lewin, Richard Pérez-Peña, The New York Times)

Concern grows as black churches burn across South (Doug Pardue, Jennifer Berry Hawes, The Charleston Post and Courier)

Dems want domestic terrorism (Jordain Carney, The Hill)

Distraught people, deadly results (Wesley Lowery, Kimberly Kindy, Keith L. Alexander, The Washington Post)

Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Why are so many schools still named Robert E. Lee? (Earl Ofari Hutchinson, eurweb)

Ferguson police antagonized Michael Brown protesters, DoJ report finds (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Fires at black churches raise concern (Rick Jarvis, USA Today)

Flag of hate (Christi Griffin, The St. Louis American)

Flag's time has passed (Leder, The Columbus Dispatch, Ohio)

Geraldo Rivera blames Kendrick Lamar for America's racial divide (Video, Evelyn Diaz, BET)

GOP 2016 candidate courting black voters meets with guy who says blacks were better off as slaves (Russ Choma, Mother Jones)

Henry Rollins: When you claim racism is over, you get a Dylann Roof (Henry Rollins, LA Weekly)

A historic black church burns near Charleston, the latest in a spate of fires (Sarah Kaplan, The Washington Post)

Houses over lives: The hypocrisy of discrimination without intent (Joshua Browder, The Hill)

How we got Confederate emblem off Georgia's flag (Roy Barnes, CNN)

Inequality: Where right and left agree (Eleanor Clift, The Daily Beast)

Infant mortality higher in Minnesota among blacks, American Indians (Lorna Benson, Minnesota Public Radio)

Intimidating, unconstitutional police tactics in Ferguson incited more unrest, says DOJ expert report (Ryan J. Reilly, The Huffington Post)

Investigations into whether Southern church fires are hate crimes is ongoing (Ema O'Connor, BuzzFeed)

Investigators probe arson as cause of fire that nearly destroyed L.A. church (Sharon Raiford Bush, The Examiner)

Justice Dept. report criticizes police response to Ferguson protests (Mark Berman, Wesley Lowery, The Washington Post)

KKK planning rally, effectively proving the Confederate flag must go [Opinion] (The Inquisitr)

Let's put Dolezal case in perspective (Anthony Stanford, Chicago Tribune)

Let's talk about race with our children (Audrey Hayworth, The Huffington Post)

Is Charleston a turning point for America on race? (Earl Ofari Hutchinson, The Huffington Post)

Making a Confederate flag invisible (Maurice Berger, The New York Times)

Michael Moore calls for more activism after Charleston: We still don't have a "free America" (Joan Shipps (Raw Story), AlterNet)

Misty Copeland makes history as first black female principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre (Lillian Cunningham, The Washington Post)

Most Americans approve of Obama's handling of race relations and the economy (Keith Brekhus, PoliticusUSA)

The next fight over voting rights (Emily Cadei, OZY)

No hate crimes found in 6 black church fires, authorities say (Ralph Ellis, Mariano Castillo, CNN)

No, "Je suis Charleston"?: The de-politicization of black oppression (Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report)

Obama's graceful pause in Charleston (Peter Manseau, The Atlantic)

Poverty pimps, free markets and freedom: Walter Williams talks race and economics (Video, Jamie Jackson, The Daily Signal)

Prejudice is a powerful force (Leonard Steinhorn, The Hill)

Processing Charleston's week of grace (David Dent, The Huffington Post)

Rachel Dolezal and Andrea Smith: Integrity, ethics, accountability, identity (tequilasovereign blog)

Racism and the Confederate flag (Neal Wooten, The Huffington Post)

The Supreme Court's disastrous misreading of the Fair Housing Act (Jason L. Riley, The Wall Street Journal)

The surprising science of race and racism (Eliza Sankar-Gorton, The Huffington Post)

US Confederate flag: Confronting Southern "victimhood" (Robert Parry, Centre for Research on Globalization, Canada)

Violent US history looms large as Feds investigate string of black church fires (Colleen Curry, Vice)

When "Gone with the Wind" swept into bookstores (Carl M. Cannon, Real Clear Politics)

When grace is amazing (Bob Collins, Minnesota Public Radio)

When slavery won't die: The oppressive Biblical mentality America can't shake (Valerie Tarico, AlterNet)

When we fully claim Black Lives Matter, we move closer to All Lives matter (John A. Powell, The Berkeley Blog, UC Berkeley)

White anxiety: Rachel Dolezal, Dylann Roof and the future of race in America (Nicholas Powers, The Indypendent)

White racism, NIMBYism, and the surprise Supreme Court ruling that could finally desegregate cities (Alan Pyke, Think Progress)

Whitewashing history (Maya K. Francis, Philadelphia Magazine)

Why rappers rock the Confederate flag: From Outkast to Kanye West's merchandise (Stereo Williams, The Daily Beast)

Why this black defender of the Confederate flag says slavery was "a choice" (Video, Peter Holley, The Washington Post)

Witnesses: Drivers yelling racial slurs, waving Confederate flags at Virginia Beach oceanfront (Video, WTVR, Richmond, Virginia)


21 signs you might be the "real racist" (Nick Wing, The Huffington Post)

100-year-old Echo Park church damaged in fire that may have been arson (Video, Veronica Rocha, Los Angeles Times)

2015 STEM index shows gender, racial gaps widen (Alan Neuhauser, U.S. News & World Report)

Affordable housing, racial isolation (Leder, The New York Times)

After the flag comes down we must address the state of black Americans (Leder, New York Daily News)

All these years later, the Civil War rages on (Renee Graham, The Boston Globe)

Americans are ready to fight powerful interests (Robert Reich, The New York Times)

Barack Obama's defining moment (Joe Klein, Time)

Barack Obama's second inaugural in Charleston (Allyson Hobbs, The New Yorker)

Black churches burning (Leder, The Baltimore Sun)

Bree Newsome releases statement: "I refuse to be ruled by fear" (Kara Brown, Jezebel)

Bree took a stand. Will you? (Jennifer Farmer, The Huffington Post)

Campaigning in South Carolina, Jeb Bush calls Confederate flag "racist" (Ed O'Keefe, The Washington Post)

The case against killing Dylann Roof (Mark Osler, The Huffington Post)

Charleston is part of a national gentrification trend as low-income families move to the subsurbs (Jasmine Nelson, Atlanta Black Star)

Church blazes across south investigated as possible arsons (Alan Yuhas, The Guardian)

Court cracks redistricting racket: Our view (Leder, USA Today)

The deep racial division in American churches (Marcus Gee, The Globe and Mail, Canada)

Enough broken windows policing. We need a community-oriented approach (John Eterno, Eli Silverman, The Guardian)

Everything you're hearing about racial violence is wrong (Jim Agresti, The Blaze)

Expect immigration reform to be next (Matt A. Barreto, The New York Times)

Five predominantly black Southern churches burn within a week; arson suspected in at least three (Lindsey Bever, The Washington Post)

Free at last: The liberation of Barack Obama (William H. Chafe, The News & Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina)

Hate in Vermont: It's here, but it's quiet (Emily Cutts, Rutland Herald, Vermont)

Hope in the face of intractable racism (Mark Galli, Christianity Today)

The housing recovery has skipped poor and minority neighborhoods (David Dayen, New Republic)

How do black churches prevent another Charleston? More security, says pastor. (Matt Vasilogambros, National Journal)

How Nikki Haley went from tea party star to a leader of the New South (Abby Phillip, The Washington Post)

In taking down the Confederate flag, why Bree Newsome's biblical quote matters (Karen Attiah, The Washington Post)

In the face of racial inequality, forgiveness can wait (Mariam Williams, National Catholic Reporter)

Investigators probe fires at 6 black churches in 5 Southern states (Radioindslag, Sam Sanders, Morning Edition, NPR)

The issue is complicated (Doug Bandow, The American Spectator)

John Lewis, civil rights veteran, asks black clergy to "fix" Voting Rights Act (Adele M. Banks, The Huffington Post)

Juan Williams: Whites think blacks are less intelligent, trustworthy, patriotic (Jon Greenberg, Politifact)

Katie Pavlich: America is not racist (Katie Pavlich, The Hill)

Kendrick Lamar on Charleston: "There's an energy sparking an evil race war" (Vibe)

Ku Klux Klan to protest removal of Confederate flag on July 18 at Statehouse (Schuyler Kropf, The Charleston Post and Courier)

Look past the flag: The real GOP problem is a half-century of promoting racial division for political advantage (David Paul, The Huffington Post)

Monitor Board of Contributors: America must address its race problem (Rev. Jared Rardin, Concord Monitor)

NBC dumps Donald Trump for making derogatory comments about immigrants (Stephen Battaglio, Los Angeles Times)

Newsome: Confederate flag "banner of racial intimidation and fear" (Greg Toppo, Donna Leinwand Leger, USA Today)

A new Southern heritage (Jamelle Bouie, Slate)

Obama's Hawaiian punch (Todd S. Purdum, Politico)

Obama's race speech, and where we stand in the 3 areas he highlighted (Janell Ross, The Washington Post)

Pastor of burned North Carolina church: "I don't want to believe" it's a hate crime (Collier Meyerson, Fusion)

The potential meaning of the rash of arsons against black churches (Rick Cohen, Nonprofit Quarterly)

The quality of health care you receive likely depends on your skin color (Erin Schumaker, The Huffington Post)

Quick: Race, family and flag (Alee Quick, The Southern Illinoisan)

Six predominately black southern churches burn within a week with arson suspected in at least three (Lindsey Bever, The Washington Post)

States don't have rights, people have rights (Scott Rasmussen, Real Clear Politics)

The straight interracial couple who paved the way for gay marriage (Peter Wallenstein, The Daily Beast)

String of fires at black churches investigated as arson after Charleston shooting (Stav Ziv, Newsweek)

Study: North Carolina among most patriotic states in nation (Will Hager, Charlotte Sun-Times)

The Supreme Court's ruling in favor of redistricting commissions, explained (Amber Phillips, The Washington Post)

Supreme Court to consider University of Texas race-conscious admissions (Robert Barnes, The Washington Post)

Supreme Court will reconsider affirmative action case (Adam Liptak, The New York Times)

These 5 facts explain America's enduring racial divide (Ian Bremmer, Time)

A Thurmond of the next generation seeks a new legacy in South Carolina (Karen Tumulty, The Washington Post)

The tragedy in Charleston (Susan Danish, The Huffington Post)

Troubling new study explains one big reason for inequality in America (Barbara Tasch, Business Insider)

What the South Carolina shooting can teach the nation about reacting to hatred (Tina Lifford, The Huffington Post)

When change stops waiting (E.J. Dionne Jr., The Washington Post)

White supremacy is tenacious in the face of change (Paul Butler, The New York Times)

Whose history is it anyway? It depends (Elizabeth Renzetti, The Globe and Mail, Canada)

Why now is right time to help close the racial wealth gap (Sabrina Terry, The Huffington Post)

Why Obama must make ending racial inequality the focus of his remaining time in office (David A. Love, The Grio)

Wickham: Charleston legacy fleeting unless police discrimination ends (DeWayne Wickham, USA Today)


13 of the South's most racist monuments (Mark Murrmann, Mother Jones)

After momentous week, Obama's presidency is reborn (Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico)

An appreciation of the black church, "where our dignity as a people is inviolate" (Stacia L. Brown, Vox)

Beasley: In the aftermath of Emanuel massacre, comprehensive healing key to racial healing (Sherry Beasley, The State)

Biden, suffering his own grief, visits church where nine people were killed (Dan Morse, The Washington Post)

Black churches in the South reportedly targeted by arsonists (Kenzi Abou-Sabe, PBS Newshour)

Blame Jefferson for the Confederate flag (Nicolaus Mills, The Daily Beast)

BOOK EXCERPT: First African-American to join NYPD suffered the silent hatred of his fellow officers (Boguddrag, video, Arthur Browne, New York Daily News)

Bristling Bobby Jindal SHUTS DOWN Chuck Todd on racism and gay marriage fight (Video, Michael Dorstewitz, BizPac Review)

Cases of passing for black date more than a century (Rachel L. Swarns, The New York Times)

Charleston and us (Paul Greenberg, Arkansas Online)

Charleston exposes ugliest truth of our time: Our society places little value on black life (Jason Sokol, Salon)

Confederate flag controversy at Washington National Cathedral (Video, Tracey Leong, CBS Baltimore)

Confederate flag down, rainbow flag up: this is the American pride we've been waiting for (Steven W Thrasher, The Guardian)

The Confederate flag, politics, and forgiveness (Jack Kelly, Real Clear Politics)

Cornel West: Obama still too "afraid of Fox News" to speak the truth on racism (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

Cummings: Confederate flag removal not enough (John Fritze, The Baltimore Sun)

A day of determined hope as Charleston mourns 3 more (Lizette Alvarez, Nikita Stewart, The New York Times)

Dolezal's delusion: Column (Alex Berezow, Razib Khan, USA Today)

From Obama, a more confident tone (Juliet Eilperin, Greg Jaffe, The Washington Post)

Gun control won't prevent another Charleston-style shooting, says Jeb Bush (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Hope for a turning point in nation's struggle with race (Eugene Robinson, The Charleston Post and Courier)

In the aftermath of Charleston, many whites ask what they can do to fight racism (Radioindslag, Karen Grigsby Bates, All Things Considered, NPR)

Leading on race: Communities, not elites (Salena Zito, Real Clear Politics)

Moore: In Charleston church shooter's arrest, racism's history lingers (Joseph Moore, The State, Columbia, South Carolina)

A movement to put church back in the fight against racism (Sophia A. Nelson, The Root)

My nickname: A cautionary tale about racism (Joel Peterson, The Huffington Post)

NASCAR was correct to denounce Confederate flag (Michael Vega, The Boston Globe)

Omdahl: Are we racist without the Confederate flag? (Lloyd Omdahl, The Dickinson Press, North Dakota)

Pro-Confederate flag rally held at SC Statehouse (Lynette Holloway, The Root)

Racism and African American men: Killing without a gun (Yael Levin, San Francisco Bay View)

Racism is not dying - it's adapting (Gugulethu Mhlungu, News24)

Rebel flags coming down and progressive patriotism rising. Are flag/ACA/gay issues related? (Mark Green, The Huffington Post)

States' rights, depending on the issue (Albert R. Hunt (Bloomberg View), The New York Times)

Taking down the Confederate flag is not enough to erase racism (Michael Twitty, The Guardian)

Ten days that turned America into a better place (Michael Cohen, The Guardian)

Where's our faith? (Sanjena Sathian, OZY)

Why police don't pull guns in many countries (Sara Miller Llana, The Christian Science Monitor)

Why we must fight economic apartheid in America (Robert Reich, robertreich.org)


Activist's removal of South Carolina's Confederate flag ignites both sides (Jenny Jarvie, Katie Shepherd, Los Angeles Times)

Activists take down racist flag in SC, government puts it back up in time for racist rally (Jordan Freiman, Death and Taxes)

Authorities investigate fire that destroyed black SC church (Associated Press)

Backlash over Confederate flag is, for some, "an attack on ... our heritage" (John Woodrow Cox, The Washington Post)

Barack Obama is right - flag-flying America is still plagued by racism (Charlie Catchpole, The Mirror, UK)

Barack Obama, lame-duck president, takes a stand (Tony Burman, Toronto Star, Canada)

Bree Newsome, who removed Confederate flag, known as principled leader (Natalie Sherman, Amanda Yeager, The Baltimore Sun)

Charleston shooting suspect's life: confused, troubled childhood then racial radicalization (Associated Press, Fox News)

Confederate flag raised again at South Carolina Statehouse after woman climbs pole to remove it (David Boroff, Rachelle Blidner, New York Daily News)

Confederate flag's history is "sick" and "twisted" (William Danaher, Detroit Free Press)

The Confederate flag was always racist (Bruce Levine, Politico)

Crucifying Jesus on the cross of white supremacy (All Together podcast) (Radioindslag, Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, The Huffington Post)

Episcopal Church elects first black presiding bishop (Brady McCombs, Rachel Zoll, Associated Press)

For many black Americans, Confederate flag debate a distraction (Tim Reid, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Full text of President Obama's eulogy for Clementa Pinckney (CNN)

Funerals held for three victims of Charleston shooting (Elizabeth Chuck, MSNBC)

Here's one Confederate flag that shouldn't be taken down (Gabrielle Canon, Mother Jones)

Historian debunks the Confederate flag debate: it's not racism vs. heritage, but racist heritage (Katie Halper, Raw Story)

"How I shed my skin:" losing the legacy of racism (Boganmeldelse, Jessica Contrera, The Seattle Times)

How the South rewrote history (Chuck Thompson, The Daily Beast)

In midst of shootings, South Carolina's youth fights racism (Joshua Mulvaney, Al Arabiya)

Inside Obama's "Amazing Grace" moment (Joshua DuBois, The Daily Beast)

Last battles (Jelani Cobb, The New Yorker)

The last thing the Left wants is racial healing (Lloyd Marcus, American Thinker)

Leonard Pitts Jr.: Real change must follow flag's takedown (Leonard Pitts Jr., Miami Herald)

Let's be clear: This is racism. Period. (Leonard Pitts, Monroe News Star, Louisiana)

LUCAS: Charleston, and the law of unintended consequences (John Lucas, Evansville Courier & Press, Indiana)

Many whites feel Charleston killer "could be my son" (Matthew C. Whitaker, The Philadelphia Tribune)

Mississippi flag with stars and bars missing from USA track championships (Paul Myerberg, USA Today)

Obama's grace (James Fallows, The Atlantic)

Opinion: Rainbow flags and Stars and Bars (Paul Thornton, Los Angeles Times)

Protesters march for Charleston victims (Samaria Bailey, The Philadelphia Tribune)

Remove the "flag agenda," too (The Rev. Jesse Jackson, The Charleston Post and Courier)

Straddling old and new, a South where "a flag is not worth a job" (Campbell Robertson, Richard Fausset, The New York Times)

Talking about Charleston and racism (Krista, Chicago Now)

They're still fighting the Civil War - and still lying about the Confederate flag (Paul Rosenberg, Salon)

Thomas under fire for invoking slavery in dissent to ruling on gay marriage (Lynette Holloway, The Root)

The unlikely YouTube star who started the "racial healing challenge" (Melia Patria, Byron Pitts, Ben Newman, Chris James, Lauren Effron, ABC News)

"We will shoot back": Meet the black activists who aren't ready to forgive (Sam P.K. Collins, Think Progress)

What happens when the contentious Confederate flag debate comes to a sleepy Virginia town (Jack Jenkins, Think Progress)

Why America needs to reject the Charleston massacre's dangerous narrative of forgiveness (Ericka Schiche, Salon)

With Confederate flags coming down, is it a new day for the South? (Associated Press, al.com, Alabama)

Woman takes down Confederate flag in front of South Carolina statehouse (Peter Holley, DeNeen L. Brown, The Washington Post)


9 new civil rights martyrs. Will America finally learn? (Bakari Sellers, CNN)

90-year-old Charleston-born civil rights activist: "We're still working on those revolutions" - video (Video, The Guardian)

After the attack on the Confederate flag is over, this piece of American history will be targeted (Norvell Rose, Western Journalism)

After the flag comes down (Adam Kirk Edgerton, The Huffington Post)

Around the world, do symbols like the Confederate flag stand for heritage or hate? (Jonathan S. Blake, The Washington Post)

Barack Obama's journey to Charleston (Margaret Carlson, Bloomberg View)

Beyond Dylann Roof: Why white supremacists want a race war (Stuart Wexler, Newsweek)

A blueprint for changing the way we talk about race (Kathleen Parker, The Washington Post)

China lashes out at US racial bias, police violence in human rights report (Associated Press, U.S. News & World Report)

Clarence Thomas cites slavery in his dissent against marriage equality, for some reason (Julia Craven, The Huffington Post)

Clinton attacks Republican rivals over gay marriage, domestic terrorism (Video, Rachel Weiner, The Washington Post)

Confederate flags should go. Accurate history should stay. (Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist)

Confederate groups vow to fight back (Greg Bluestein, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Ecstasy and despair on this historic day (Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, The Huffington Post)

The fall of the Confederacy (Eugene Robinson, Real Clear Politics)

Fire at black church in Ga. ruled arson (Breanna Edwards, The Root)

Flags of treason, hatred and white supremacy (Harry Franqui-Rivera, PhD, The Huffington Post)

From Republicans, skepticism about Bush's ability to win Latinos (Perry Bacon Jr., Meet the Press, NBC News)

How Barack Obama came to raise his voice on race (Peter Foster, David Lawler, The Telegraph)

How the n-word became the new f-word (Randall Eggert, The Washington Post)

I am black and gay, but I refuse to be proud this weekend (Darnell L. Moore, Mic)

In South Carolina, confusion and anger over the Confederate flag's unpopularity (Jeremy Borden, The Washington Post)

In the wake of Charleston, Fox News is perplexed on just what the Confederate flag and the N-word mean (Leslie Savan, The Nation)

It's incredibly scary to be a transgender woman of color right now (Samantha Michaels, Mother Jones)

"It's like having a crazy family member": On Southern black folks and the rebel flag (Gene Demby, NPR)

It's not about the Confederate flag, it's about what the flag means (Soledad O'Brien, Rose Marie Arce, Newsweek)

It's not the old South that died this week. It was the new South. (Glenda Gilmore, History News Network)

Jonathan Kay: Why it's not up to the first black president to cure America's racial divide (Jonathan Kay, National Post, Canada)

The key reason why racism remains alive and well in America (Colbert I. King, The Washington Post)

The latest: Georgia stops issuing Confederate plates (Associated Press, The New York Times)

Liberals are playing a racial shell game (Jonah Goldberg, Town Hall)

Look away from the Confederate flag to what Mr. Roof held in his other hand (Leder, The Washington Post)

Millions of Americans still embrace the Confederate flag. Don't dismiss them all as racists. (W. James Antle III, The Week)

Military times: Root out Confederate flags from military workplace (Leder, Military Times)

Obama calls for racial understanding, unity as thousands mourn S.C. pastor (Video, DeNeen L. Brown, Greg Jaffe, The Washington Post)

Obama delivers a sermon on race - in a way he hasn't in seven years (Janell Ross, The Washington Post)

Obama, emboldened, addresses race as never before (Rebecca Nelson, National Journal)

Obama: God has let us "see where we've been blind" (Video, David Jackson, USA Today)

Obama's moving eulogy: God, guns and grace (Alexis Simendinger, Real Clear Politics)

On the way to Charleston (Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II, cleaver.house.gov)

The other bad Supreme Court decision: Claims of racism can be filed without actual proof of racism (Aaron Bandler, Town Hall)

President Obama picks at the scab of race (Niger Innis, The Daily Caller)

Reflections on the Charleston massacre - from a Millenial (Monica Lindsey Ponder, The Huffington Post)

A refuge for racists (Timothy Egan, The New York Times)

Removing Confederate flags must be the beginning, not the end (Terry Newell, The Huffington Post)

Retiring flags and symbols of the Confederacy: Editorial board roundtable (Redaktionen, Cleveland.com)

"The Reverend President": Obama sings "Amazing Grace" in Charleston eulogy, tackles guns and race (Video, Olivier Knox, Yahoo)

The Robert E. Lee problem (David Brooks, The New York Times)

San Diego police give inside look at training to deter racial profiling (Megan Burks, KPBS, San Diego)

SDPD: Public perceptions of racial profiling can be wrong (Megan Burks, Voice of San Diego)

"Slavery deeply embedded" in South Carolina: Emanuel AME Church on street named for racist lawmaker (Video, Democracy Now)

String of nighttime fires hit predominately black churches in four Southern states (Bill Morlin, Southern Poverty Law Center)

Study: You should fear white supremacists more than Islamic terrorists (Tracy, Atlanta Black Star)

Supreme Court strikes down key portions of federal "3 strikes" sentencing laws (Occupy Democrats)

This cartoon is going to become iconic (Ben Dreyfuss, Mother Jones)

To my white friends who see tragedy in the black community and say nothing, make it personal (Kiara Imani Williams, The Huffington Post)

The torture of solitary (Lily Hughes, Jacobin)

The triumph of South Carolina (The Wall Street Journal)

Tulsa reserve deputy who shot unarmed man waives right to hearing (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Whitewashing the Democratic Party's history (Mona Charen, Real Clear Politics)

Why Obama's singing of "Amazing Grace" is so powerful (Sarah Kaufman, The Washington Post)

Why Republicans are determined to ignore the threat of right-wing extremism (Heather Digby Parton, Salon)


150 years later, America is still battling the Confederate mentality (Eugene Robinson, The Washington Post)

After Charleston's shootings, poll highlights race dilemma for Republicans (John Whitesides, Reuters)

American babies are no longer mostly non-Hispanic white (Jeanne Smialek, Gregory Giroux, Bloomberg)

Are we truly surprised? (Eileen P. Toplansky, American Thinker)

Aryan Nations throws its racist support behind Dylann Roof (Bill Morlin, The Southern Poverty Law Center)

As Apple purges the Confederate flag, the Nazi swastika stands (Gregory Ferenstein, Forbes)

The Atlantic slave trade in two minutes (Grafik, Andrew Kahn, Jamelle Bouie, Slate)

Baltimore County police fatally shoot unarmed black man in condominium (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Beyond the battle flag: Controversy over Confederate symbols unfurls (Radioindslag, Frank Morris, Morning Edition, NPR)

Black churches are burning again in America (Emma Green, The Atlantic)

A black church in North Carolina was deliberately set ablaze, officials say (Sarah Kaplan, The Washington Post)

A black church in North Carolina was just deliberately set on fire (Jon Levine, Mic)

Black people won't stop being poorer unless banks stop discriminating (A Mechele Dickerson, The Guardian)

Can country music quit the rebel flag? (James Joiner, The Daily Beast)

Challenging white supremacy (Ted Alexandro, The Huffington Post)

Charleston forgiveness was Christian, not racial (Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D., Breitbart)

Charleston's quieter lessons (Heather Wilhelm, Real Clear Politics)

Church arson investigated as possible hate crime (Video, ABC News)

Clarence Thomas: The NBA proves "racial imbalance" can be good for black people (Sophia Tesfaye, Salon)

The Confederate flag doesn't belong in a museum (Aleia Brown, Slate)

Confederate flag flap renews old hope (CBS Miami)

Confederate flag has new meaning for many Southerners since Charleston slayings (Michael Muskal, Los Angeles Times)

The Confederate flag: History and modern-day connotations (Radioprogram, The Diane Rehm Show, NPR)

Confederate flag purge goes nuts almost immediately, hits strategy games (Scott Shackford, Reason)

The Confederate flag: Where it flies, where it's coming down and why it's still used (James Queally, Los Angeles Times)

Confronting America's disease: white racism (Kelly Brown Douglas, The Baltimore Sun)

Conservatives finally agree that the Confederate flag is horribly racist. What's next? (Ryan Cooper, The Week)

Dylann Roof and the sound of silence (Alan Bean, Baptist News)

Dylann Roof's extremism is not an aberration: There are millions across Western nations who adhere to his white supremacist views (Musa Al-Gharbi, Salon)

Dylann Roof, the Confederate flag, and the logic of the left (Jack Kerwick, American Thinker)

Futility of Dylann Roof's call for a race war (Christopher Leelum, Newsday)

The Great Recession was much, much worse for African Americans (Shane Ferro, Business Insider UK)

Gun rights benefited black Americans during the civil rights movement and still do (Sheldon Richman, Reason)

Historians take issue with Apple's civil war games ban (Daina Beth Solomon, Los Angeles Times)

The housing market's new pain: Rising inequality (Aimee Picchi, CBS News)

How Marvin Gaye and Nikki Giovanni help my students discuss racial violence (Colin Pierce, PBS Newshour)

Ignoring the real roots of American violence (Danny Katch, Socialist Worker)

Immigrant families in detention: A look inside one holding center (Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Los Angeles Times)

In Charleston, S.C., racial lines redraw a neighborhood (Radioindslag, Hansi Lo Wang, All Things Considered, NPR)

In Fair Housing Act case, Supreme Court backs "disparate impact" claims (Bill Chappell, NPR)

"It's come back to haunt them": Flag historian on the Confederate flag (Simon Vozick-Levinson, Rolling Stone)

It's mostly white people who prefer to live in segregated neighborhoods (Daniel Denvir, CityLab)

The Justice Department compares the school-to-prison pipeline to racial segregation (Lauren Kirchner, Pacific-Standard)

Justices back broad interpretation of housing law (Adam Liptak, The New York Times)

Kennedy's racial impact (The Wall Street Journal)

Let's focus instead on fixing policies that enforce structural racism (Alicia Garza, The New York Times)

Lower the volume on race and guns (Jonathan F. Keiler, American Thinker)

Low-income whites live in better neighborhoods than middle-class blacks (Kimberly Gedeon, Madame Noire)

Map shows which American cities are most racially segregated (Daniel Stone, National Geographic)

Mayor de Blasio's reversal on more police (Leder, The New York Times)

The meaning of Charleston (Larry Elder, Town Hall)

Not just South Carolina: Countless Confederate tributes across U.S. (Video, Ashley Fantz, CNN)

Oakland's new racial equity division a "work in progress" (Chip Johnson, San Francisco Chronicle)

The Obama legacy on race (Matt Bai, Yahoo)

Of course Dylann Roof thinks Asians are racist. The media has been perpetrating that myth for years. (Jeff Chang, The Washington Post)

OK, the flag is down...can we talk middle-class problems? (Silvio Canto, Jr, American Thinker)

One nation, for better or worse (Emily Zanotti, The American Spectator)

On lowering the flag (Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post)

Pentagon: Confederate base names won't be changed (Barbara Starr, Daniella Diaz, CNN)

Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man, should be straight and white, says co-creator Stan Lee (Michael E. Miller, The Washington Post)

Realign your thinking to be a force against racism (Lauren Hood, Detroit Free Press)

The right to be free from guns (E.J. Dionne, Real Clear Politics)

Search for Confederate symbols finds them aplenty in Washington (Jennifer Steinhauer, The New York Times)

Shades of white: gender, race, and slavery in the Caribbean (Cecily Jones, Open Democracy)

Sheriff: Homedale man dies after being restrained by officers called to report of home invasion (Erin Fenner, Idaho Statesman)

Some find it difficult to heed calls for racial healing after Charleston, S.C. (Radioindslag, All Things Considered, NPR)

Sons of Confederate veterans: Dylann Roof got the race war he wanted (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Stanford study finds blacks and Hispanics typically need higher incomes than whites to live in affluent neighborhoods (Edmund L. Andrews, Stanford News)

Stop teaching hate (Matthew R. Drayton, The St. Louis American)

Study on minorities in special education proves provocative (Christina Samuels, Education Week)

The Supreme Court doesn't think racism's over after all (Suzy Khimm, New Republic)

Supreme Court upholds far-reaching rules against racial discrimination in housing (Timothy M. Phelps, David G. Savage, Los Angeles Times)

Supreme Court vs. neighborhood segregation (Alana Semuels, The Atlantic)

Talking racial divides and healing after Charleston (Radioindslag, Michael Caputo, GPB News)

The temperature of black America (Junius Williams, The Huffington Post)

Test-obsessed instruction leaves little room to teach race (Mercer Hall, Gina Sipley, Al Jazeera America)

There's an international standard for cops and deadly force. Guess how your state ranks. (Bryan Schantz, Mother Jones)

This is how you become a white supremacist (Arno Michaelis, The Washington Post)

Two miracles in Charleston (Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal)

Unacceptable impact (Jamelle Bouie, Slate)

Unarmed man shot, killed by Baltimore County officers in Owings Mills (Video, Pamela Wood, Jessica Anderson, The Baltimore Sun)

US critic: "undeniably racist" Gone with the Wind should be banned from cinemas (Catherine Shoard, The Guardian)

Using the n-word is more common than you (or President Obama) may think (Michael Tesler, The Washington Post)

U.S. National Park Service pulls Confederate flag merchandise (Kathryn Robinson, NBC News)

US Supreme Court upholds key provision banning racial bias in housing (Tom Dart, The Guardian)

We must renounce the Confederate battle flag, but not the rest of our history (Petula Dvorak, The Washington Post)

What America can learn from Singapore about racial integration (Fareed Zakaria, The Washington Post)

What we've overlooked in the debate about Charleston: The connection between guns and racism (Robert McWhirter, History News Network)

Whites projected to become a US minority (Haya El Nasser, Al Jazeera America)

Whites still live in "state of denial" on race (George E. Curry, Daytona Times, Florida)

Why disparate impact claims are essential to racial justice (Sean McElwee, Demos)

Why liberal racists are attacking Bobby Jindal (Seth Mandel, New York Post)

Will banishing the Confederate flag actually increase its power? (Anne Quito, Quartz)


Adopted woman raised as black finds out at age 70 that her birth parens were white (Video, Avianne Tan, ABC News)

After Charleston: Roof should not be put to death (Clio Chang, Newsweek)

Alabama governor orders Confederate flags removed from state Capitol grounds (Video, Fox News)

American hatred: the most informative books about the far-right (Michelle Dean, The Guardian)

"Anyone who looks black or urban": Tales of Zara's racial profiling (Cat Louis, Jezebel)

As a kid, I was biracial (and black). Today, I'm black (and biracial). (Kristal Brent Zook, The Washington Post)

As racist symbols fall away (Jamil Smith, New Republic)

Autopsy of Freddie Gray shows "high-energy" impact (Video, Justin Fenton, The Baltimore Sun)

Bases named after Confederates are an insult to U.S. soldiers (Jamie Malanowski, The New York Times)

Bernie Sanders lags Hillary Clinton in introducing himself to black voters (Patrick Healy, Jonathan Martin, The New York Times)

Beyond the Confederate flag: Five more racially insensitive things that need to go away (Chauncey Alcorn, New York Daily News)

Black Panther ex-chairman: "Complete" Charleston's slave rebellion's plan to kill all slave masters (Lee Stranahan, Breitbart)

Bryan Stevenson on Charleston and our real problem with race (Corey Johnson, The Marshall Project)

Calling Dylann Roof a "terrorist" doesn't erase the privilege of his race (Yassir Morsi, The Guardian)

Can Hillary Clinton step forward on race without leaving white voters behind? (Janell Ross, The Washington Post)

Can we please, finally, get rid of "Aunt Jemima"? (Riché Richardson, The New York Times)

Charles Krauthammer: Confederate flag hysteria is "standard liberal impulse" (Video, Jessica Chasmar, The Washington Times)

Charleston's battle against white supremacy has only just begun (Baynard Woods, Deadspin)

The civil rights movement of 2015 could use a voice like Nina Simone (Jillian Mapes, Flavorwire)

Colorado police say no "racial profiling" in traffic stop video (Video, Associated Press, The Christian Science Monitor)

Confederate battle flag: Separating the myths from facts (Ben Brumfield, CNN)

Confederate flag controversies have history in Chicago too (Jasper Craven, Chicago Tribune)

Confederate flag deserves history's harsh verdict (Robert Chase, CNN)

Confederate flag represents South no more than Mexico's represents California (George Skelton, Los Angeles Times)

Confederate flags and institutional racism (Charles M. Blow, The New York Times)

Confederate memorial belongs in a museum (Leder, The St. Louis American)

Conservative legislation provides support for gun control (Dale Hansen, The Huffington Post)

Conservatives, race and Republicans: Does the coalition survive? (Richard Brodsky, The Huffington Post)

Conversation vs. action: How truthful discussions can heal racial tensions in America (Evita Caldwell, St. Louis Public Radio)

The decision to forgive is rooted in faith. The desire to forget it rooted in racism (Anthea Butler, The Guardian)

Democrats again try to fix Voting Rights Act after SCOTUS (Brint Crockett, The New Civil Rights Movement)

Dylann Roof's defense of white rule in Africa has roots in American conservatism (Jeet Heer, New Republic)

Farrakhan: Cops who arrested Dylann Roof were happy he killed blacks (Chuck Ross, The Daily Caller)

Federal hate crime charges likely in South Carolina church shooting (Matt Apuzzo, Michael S. Schmidt, Richard Pérez-Peña, The New York Times)

Final disrespect: Rev. Clementa Pinckney mourned at South Carolina statehouse under shadow of Confederate flag (Rich Schapiro, Larry McShane, New York Daily News)

Forgiveness? I am just not there (Armstrong Williams, The Hill)

Forgiveness won't atone for 400 years of racial violence in America (Edward E. Baptist, Los Angeles Times)

For the South, against the Confederacy (Ross Douthat, The New York Times)

The GOP's secret "n-word" politics: What their latest Obama outrage is really about (Chauncey DeVega, Salon)

Government and politics won't solve our racial problem (Star Parker, Town Hall)

Grand jury indicts three people in death of college student in Georgia jail (Associated Press, The Guardian)

The "Great Migration" was about racial terror, not jobs (Brentin Mock, CityLab)

Guess what? American racism isn't about South (Jay Parini, CNN)

Gun control push fails to materialize in Congress after Charleston shooting (Ben Jacobs, The Guardian)

Haley's stock rises amid flag furor (Niall Stanage, The Hill)

Here's how one pastor fought for years to keep the Confederate flag flying in South Carolina (Tobin Grant, The Washington Post)

Here's why the Confederate flag is flown outside the US (Matthew Speiser, Business Insider UK)

Hillary Clinton, in a talk about race, hits a sour note (Steve Paul, The Kansas City Star)

Hillary Clinton tackles race in St. Louis suburb (Sam Frizell, Time)

Homegrown radicals more deadly than Jihadis in U.S. (Scott Shane, The New York Times)

Houska: The Racial wallpaper of slavery and genocide (Tara Houska, Indian Country Today Media Network)

How a Southern college is combatting its racist history (Video, Erin Burnett, CNN)

How Cleveland Police may have botched a 911 call just before killing Tamir Rice (Jaeah Lee, Mother Jones)

How white supremacist groups have used the deaths of Trayvon Martin and other black men to grow their ranks (Leon Neyfakh (Slate), National Post)

Hundreds line up in South Carolina's capital to honor slain pastor Clementa Pinckney (Jenny Jarvie, Los Angeles Times)

The internet's United Nations of white nationalists (Joseph Bernstein, Buzzfeed)

Justice after Charleston (Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, The Nation)

The Kanye West talk white people couldn't handle (Judnick Mayard, The Guardian)

Kirsten Powers: Christians forgive the unspeakable (Kirsten A. Powers, USA Today)

Larry Wilmore shows Don Lemon his own race card (Video, Erik Pedersen, Deadline)

The latest expressions of "white privilege" (David Conde, La Voz Nueva, Colorado)

Let's talk race: A teacher tells students not to be "color-blind" (Meghan L. Mills, The Conversation)

Middle-class black families, in low-income neighborhoods (David Leonhardt, The New York Times)

Millennials are not post-racial: An Ivy League education (Riley Jones, Next New Deal, The Roosevelt Institute)

Moms of black teens and white cops have the same prayer (Elaine Ambrose, The Huffington Post)

MSNBC guest: Americans are "infected" with country's "legacy of racial inequality" (Video, Curtis Houck, Newsbusters)

Myths of American gun violence (John Lott, New York Daily News)

Nas: America "fell asleep at the wheel" on racial equality (Daniel Kreps, Rolling Stone)

National dialogue on race is much bigger than Obama's N-word (Leder, The Star-Ledger, New Jersey)

Nearing the end, Obama finds candor (Ruth Marcus, Real Clear Politics)

New Orleans mayor Mitch Landrieu says it's time to take down symbols, monuments honoring Confederacy (Jacquetta White, The New Orleans Advocate)

Now is the time to unite, Mr. President (Karl Rove, The Wall Street Journal)

NYPD a long way off from matching city's racial makeup (Shawn Cohen, Bob Fredericks, New York Post)

NYPD officers argued about calling supervisor after shooting of Akai Gurley (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Obama's N-word interview shows America needs action, not talk, on race (Kehinde Andrews, The Guardian)

The odd, ignoble history of the Confederate battle flag (Video, Eric Levitz, MSNBC)

On Confederate flag, what took GOP candidates so long? (Dean Obeidallah, CNN)

On privilege and the monsters we create (Mo Ivory, The Root)

Praying while black (Kelly Brown Douglas, The Huffington Post)

Racial politics will never be the same (Francis Wilkinson, Bloomberg View)

Racial prejudice and hatred have to be carefully taught (Donald Lambro, Town Hall)

Racism is alive in the US north too - just without southern accents and flags (Zach Stafford, The Guardian)

Racism's psychological toll (Jenna Wortham, The New York Times)

Ralston reports: Nevada is not South Carolina, but... (Jon Ralston, Reno Gazette-Journal, Nevada)

The remarkable history of Charleston's racial divide, as told by the city's silent statues (Ted Melinik, The Washington Post)

Remembering America's first black town (Dontaira Terrell, Atlanta Black Star)

Rename public schools that honor racists, but stop there (Daryl Michael Scott, The New York Times)

Segregation in color: Teen brings poignant black and white photos to life in Technicolor (Blue Telusma, The Grio)

S.F. grapples with racial disparity in arrests (Vivian Ho, Jenna Lyons, San Francisco Chronicle)

Something as simple as smiling can help curb racial bias, study suggests (Jacqueline Howard, The Huffington Post)

South Carolina and another conversation about race in America (John Kass, Chicago Tribune)

The Southern lie (Rich Lowry, Politico)

Speaking truth to obliviousness (W.W., The Economist)

Stars, bars, magnolias: Miss., Confederate flag history (Video, Geoff Pender, The Jackson Clarion-Ledger, Mississippi)

The star-spangled banner in South Carolina (Sidney Blumenthal, The Atlantic)

Statement by the press secretary on the introduction of the Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2015 (The White House)

Stop explaining away black Christian forgiveness (Michael Wear, Christianity Today)

Strom Thurmond's son just called for the removal of the Confederate flag (Video, Edwin Rios, Mother Jones)

Study: Shocking racial disparities in San Francisco courts (Tamara Barak Aparton, San Francisco Bay View)

Taking down the Confederate flag musn’t obscure the South’s vile history (Harold Meyerson, The washington Post)

Tanisha Anderson: Cleveland sheriff to investigate police-involved death (Michelle Dean, The Guardian)

T.D. Jakes, A.R. Bernard and other voices from the pulpit discuss Charleston tragedy (Sophia A. Nelson, The Root)

Tearing down the Confederate flag is just a start (Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times)

Thank Black Lives Matter for not letting Charleston slip into the "lone-wolf killer" script (Natasha Lennard, Fusion)

This is how they teach South Carolina students about slavery (Casey Quinlan, Think Progress)

This is what happens when a black man and a white woman talk about privilege (Jamilah King, Mic)

Tide continues to swell against Confederate symbols (Nick Gass, Politico)

Today's multiracial babies reflect America's changing demographics (Gretchen Livingston, Pew Research Center)

WATCH: Bill O'Reilly explodes during debate over race with contributor (Video, Caitlin MacNeal, Talking Points Memo)

What black Americans can teach white Americans about faith (Michael Brown, Christian Post)

What does the Confederate flag mean? The history and design explained. (Sean Billings, Yahoo)

What it's like to be a white supremacist (Amber Phillips, The Washington Post)

What South Carolina needs to do for racial equality (Taking down the flag is just symbolic) (Juan Cole, TruthDig)

White Americans like protests in America way more when protestors aren't black (Sonali Kohli, Quartz)

White nationalists condemn church killings, identify with shooter (Tom Polansek, Reuters)

White-on-black crime: Cue the stats (Ann Coulter, WND)

Why and how the Confederate battle flag was created 154 years ago (Antonio Olivo, The Washington Post)

Why the Charleston massacre won’t move Congress on guns (Seung Min Kim, Burgess Everett, Politico)

Why the Confederate flag is surprisingly abundant in Canada (Tristin Hopper, National Post)

Why the deliberate focus on the Confederate flag is derailing the real conversation about race in America (Tracy, Atlanta Black Star)

Why we're finally taking down Confederate flags (Adam Serwer, BuzzFeed)

Would lowering Confederate flag betray Southern history? (Jon Schuppe, NBC News)

A Yankee teacher: My battle with the Confederate flag (Mark Franek, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Yes, there is anti-black racism among Asians (Sonali Kolhatkar, Truthdig)


#CharlestonSyllabus (Læseliste oprettet i forbindelse med mordene i Charleston)

#CharlestonSyllabus is your new reading list for race relations in America (Daniel Rivero, Fusion)

"3 1/2 minutes, 10 bullets" examines the murder of Jordan Davis (Ian F. Blair, Rolling Stone)

Agreeing to remove the Confederate flag isn't courageous. It's just politics (Jeb Lund, The Guardian)

Alleged shooter visited slave plantations before church shooting (Radioindslag, Hansi Lo Wang, Morning Edition, NPR)

All six officers plead not guilty in Freddie Gray case, trial date set for October (Associated Press, The Huffington Post)

An amazing shift in the political winds (Steve Benen, MSNBC)

Amazon waves goodbye to the Confederate flag (Jessica Goldstein, Think Progress)

America, not Dylann Roof, should be forgiven (Dennis Prager, Town Hall)

America: One nation, indivisible (Victor Davis Hanson, National Review)

Autopsy: Freddie Gray likely got to his own feet before suffering head injury in Baltimore police van (Chuck Ross, The Daily Caller)

A badge and incident of slavery (Bruce Fein, The Huffington Post)

Beyond Confederate flag, where's discussion on race? (Video, CNN)

Black Americans unfairly targeted by banks before housing crisis, says ACLU (Sam Thielman, The Guardian)

Black churches taught us to forgive white people. We learned to shame ourselves (Kiese Laymon, The Guardian)

Boston's history of police shootings of unarmed teens (Eric Levenson, Boston.com)

Charleston, and the next time (Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker)

Charleston church gunman Dylann Roof bought pistol locally: Officials (Mark Potter, Pete Williams, NBC News)

Charleston's black residents "elated" by governor's call to remove Confederate flag (Donovan X. Ramsey, The Huffington Post)

Charleston shooting at Emanuel AME hits close to home for former Daily Newser (Clem Richardson, New York Daily News)

The Charleston shooting was at least the 91st violent attack on a black church since 1956 (Taryn Finley, The Huffington Post)

Civil rights icon, Myrlie Evers, reacts to Confederate flag debate (Video, The Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC)

Clinton says Confederate flag has no place in US (Ken Thomas, Associated Press)

The Confederacy's pathetic case of flag envy (Justin Wm. Moyer, The Washington Post)

The Confederate flag comes down, the Gadsden flag goes up (Bernie Quigley, The Hill)

Confederate flag: Turning the tide on a symbol of the South (Cameron McWhirter, Josh Dawsey, Lindsay Ellis, The Wall Street Journal)

Congressional Democrats to introduce new Voting Acts fix (Wesley Lowery, The Washington Post)

Cops bought Dylann Roof Burger King after his calm arrest: report (Jason Silverstein, New York Daily News)

D'Angelo and Black Panther co-founder Bobby Seale discuss racial politics and protest music (Brennan Williams, The Huffington Post)

Dear white allies after Charleston: Please understand this about your privilege (D. Watkins, Salon)

Don Lemon's rebel charge: Flag + slur = social media moment (Video, Lisa De Moraes, Deadline)

Do the roots of the racial economic gap run so deep that real solutions are out of reach? (Michael A. Fletcher, The Washington Post)

DPD shooting follow-up: Who's insane, who's a terrorist and who gets shot? (Jim Schutze, Dallas Observer)

Dylann Roof apparently "self-radicalized," investigators say (Josh Margolin, ABC News)

Forgiveness, "cheap grace," and the struggle for justice in Charleston (Jack Jenkins, Think Progress)

Fox News must be stopped: Why its Charleston coverage has finally gone too far (David Palumbo-Liu, Salon)

Fox News' shocking racism effect: The alarming statistical relationships underneath conservative viewing habits (Sean McElwee, Salon)

Freddie Gray's death was homicide, autopsy says (Associated Press, The New York Times)

Freddie Gray suffered a single "high-energy injury," according to autopsy report (Kim Bellware, The Huffington Post)

From Piyush to Bobby: How does Jindal feel about his family's past? (Annie Gowen, Tyler Bridges, The Washington Post)

Fullerton neighborhoods find KKK fliers with candy on their lawns (Veronica Rocha, Los Angeles Times)

The GOP's delusional Charleston outrage shows just how desperate it has become (Heather Digby, Salon)

Harry Reid calls for expanded background checks (Seung Min Kim, Burgess Everett, Politico)

Historians crowdsource key reads about racial violence in America (Marta Bausells, The Guardian)

A history of hate rock from Johnny Rebel to Dylann Roof (Zoë Carpenter, The Nation)

History of the Confederate flag on statehouse grounds (Associated Press, ABC News)

Hood Health 101: Hate is not a mental disorder (Alife Allah, The Source)

How do we stop the next mass shooting? (John Roman, Ph.D., The Huffington Post)

Hug photo goes viral after Charleston shooting (Katie Kindelan, ABC News)

Hypocrisy and symbolism (Missy Beattie, CounterPunch)

I do not forgive you America: Thoughts on the Emanuel 9 (Tanya Steele, Shadow and Act blog)

If Alabama would not make a car tag with a swastika, why is it making one with a confederate flag (Opinion) (Charles J. Dean, Al.com)

Is country music ready to dissociate from the Confederate flag? (Grady Smith, The Guardian)

It's not Fox News' America anymore: Americans want a dialogue on race and gun violence after Charleston (Sophia Tesfaye, Salon)

It's not just the flag: Here are the other Confederate tributes that need to go (Lilly Workneh, The Huffington Post)

Jesus, forgiveness and Dylann Roof (Jonathan Merritt, The Huffington Post)

Jon Stewart slams Fox News over hypocritical coverage of Charleston shooting (Video, Shirley Li, Entertainment Weekly)

Jorge Ramos: Trump, you’re fired. (Jorge Ramos, Fusion)

Larry Wilmore: President Obama is 1st president to say the N-word without expecting someone to serve him (Video, Yesha Callahan, The Root)

Latino vote could decide winner of White House race in November 2016 (Monica Cantilero, Christian Today)

The lesser-known history of the Confederate flag (Cara Giaimo, Atlas Obscura)

Los Angeles police identify man they shot in head with hand up "in distress" (Jamiles Lartey, The Guardian)

Millennials are just as racist as their parents (Scott Clement, The Washington Post)

More people are searching Google about the Confederate flag now than in the past decade (Sam Spence, Charleston City Paper)

My country is a racist country - built on the lie of freedom and opportunity (Lindy West, The Guardian)

Neither forgive Dylann Roof nor ourselves: Quandaries of American "democracy" (Gary Corseri, Countercurrents)

No more Confederate flags (Leder, Los Angeles Times)

Once politically sacrosanct, Confederate flag moves toward an end (Karen Tumulty, Robert Costa, The Washington Post)

One Hipster's battle against the Confederate flaggers (Video, Logan Jaffe, Zachary Sigelko, The Atlantic)

One powerful tweet highlights America's hypocrisy when it comes to the N-word (Taryn Finley, The Huffington Post)

Race dramatically skews discipline, even in elementary school (Claudia Rowe, The Seattle Times)

Racial separatism versus the idea of America (Victor Davis Hanson, National Review)

Rebel flag not blowing away (Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times)

Removing Confederate flag won't be quick, or easy (Video, William Cummings, USA Today)

Report shows major disparity in treatment of African-Americans by SFPD and courts (Julia Carrie Wong, SF Weekly, San Francisco)

Report shows racial profiling, uenqual treatment of blacks on San Francisco streets, in court system (CBS San Francisco)

Research on the Confederate flag, diviseive politics and enduring meanings (John Wihbey, Journalist's Resource)

A responsibility to act against hate (Narinder Singh, Philly.com)

The roots of racism still exist (Eugene Robinson, Real Clear Politics)

Seeing the flags of racist African states on a killer's jacket is a wakeup call for America (Tinashe Mushakavanhu, Quartz)

Sen. Murphy: Walmart should stop selling assault rifles (Elise Viebeck, The Washington Post)

"Southern pride" or Jim Crow's death rattle? Everything you need to know about the Confederate flag (Danielle C. Belton, The Root)

Students push for removal of Confederate statue at University of Texas (Alexandra Svokos, The Huffington Post)

Taking down the Confederate flag isn't enough (Sean McElwee, Al Jazeera America)

Talk and talk, but no change (E.J. Dionne, Philly.com)

Tarring conservatives with the brush of "domestic terrorism" (Mark Nuckols, Town Hall)

These emails show just how "post-racial" America really is (Julia Craven, The Huffington Post)

Those two other flags (Nicole Hemmer, U.S. News & World Report)

Three things Charleston taught us about evil (Nicole Russell, The Federalist)

To be black and Southern (Amanda Bennett, The Huffington Post)

Tony Norman: Killer's bid to trigger race war rejected (Tony Norman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Unconditional forgiveness (Jeremy Lott, The American Spectator)

Washington faces battle to retain "Redskins" name as court case begins (The Guardian)

Washington Post questions Bobby Jindal's racial authenticity **update: Jindal's office responds (John Nolte, Breitbart)

Watch: Maya Rudolph's hilarious Rachel Dolezal impression (Video, Yesha Callahan, The Root)

What about our basic goodness? (Susanna Barkataki, The Huffington Post)

What Charleston tells us about race relations (Jason L. Riley, The Wall Street Journal)

What is the council cited in Charleston shooter's site? (Video, CNN)

What is the REAL symbol of white supremacy? (Video, The Real News Network)

What it's like to spend a week at Confederate summer camp (James King, Jacob Steinblatt, Vocativ)

What lessons will be learned from Charleston? (Courtland Milloy, The Washington Post)

What's at fault? (Mike Masterson, Arkansas Online)

What you should know about the Confederate flag's evolution (Kyle Kim, Priya Krishnakumar, Los Angeles Times)

White supremacist donated to Matt Bevin's U.S. Senate campaign (Sam Youngman, Lexington Herald-Leader, Kentucky)

Why are so many mass shootings committed by young white men? (Josiah M. Hesse, Vice)

Why I can't forgive Dylann Roof (Roxane Gay, The New York Times)

Why it's important - and almost impossible - to classify the Charleston shooting as a hate crime (Polly Mosendz, Newsweek)

Why it's so important to stop conflating racism with mental illness (Tom Hawking, Flavorwire)

Why Republicans saw Charleston as an assault on religion, in 1 chart (Aaron Blake, The Washington Post)

Will Charleston be another missed opportunity to talk about race? (Diana Montero, The Huffington Post)


After Charleston: What Dylann Roof represents (Ethan Zuckerman, Newsweek)

After Charleston, what now? Stop tolerating intolerance (Rupert W. Nacoste, The News & Observer, Raleigh North Carolina)

Alabama congressman: People "exploiting" Charleston tragedy to have Confederate flag removed are "beyond contempt" (Scott Eric Kaufman, Salon)

Americans on all sides must shed blinders on race (Cathy Young, Newsday)

Ben Carson abandons conservative talking points by calling racism racism (Keith Brekhus, PoliticusUSA)

Ben Carson: Call it racism (Ben S. Carson, USA Today)

Bi-racial Spider-Man to get new solo comic series (Video, Ben Lawson, Leah Becerra, KSHB, Kansas City, Missouri/Kansas)

Black America should stop forgiving white racists (Stacey Patton, The Washington Post)

Black bodies in motion and in pain (Edwidge Danticat, The New Yorker)

"Black Lives Matter" spray-painted over Charleston Confederate memorial (Jessica Chasmar, The Washington Times)

Black Lives Matter: You can fight racial bias with "micro-positive" behavior (Lecia Bushak, Medical Daily)

Boom: Charleston just shut down racial hatemongers with this message to Obama and Sharpton (B. Christopher Agee, Western Journalism)

Charleston and the power of grace over grievance (John Hart, Opportunity Lives)

Charleston church looks for stability, healing (Josh Dawsey, The Wall Street Journal)

Charleston lawmaker will introduce hate crime legislation in wake of church shooting (Donovan X. Ramsey, The Huffington Post)

Charleston massacre was an act of terrorism (Leder, Washington Examiner)

Charleston residents seek lasting change from moment of unity (John Eligon, The New York Times)

Charleston shooting exposes simmering racial climate in South, beyond (Greg Trotter, Chicago Tribune)

Charleston shooting: Obama's evolving language on race (Nick Bryant, BBC News)

Charleston: Why didn't anyone help Dylann Roof? (Dr. Keith Ablow, Fox News)

Clementa Pinckney, a martyr of reconciliation (David W. Blight, The Atlantic)

Clyburn: Obama's use of n-word "totally taken out of context," he was "trying to teach a lesson" (Video, Real Clear Politics)

CNN analyst destroys hate group leader's assertion that removing Confederate flag is "cultural genocide" (Video, Media Matters)

The complicated political history of the Confederate flag (Jessica Taylor, NPR)

"The condition of black life is one of mourning" (Claudia Rankine, The New York Times)

Confederacy veneration wrong in Missouri (Barbara Shelly, The Kansas City Star)

The Confederate battle flag is not worthy of respect (Leder, The Washington Post)

Confederate flag deserves history's harsh verdict (Robert Chase, CNN)

The Confederate flag symbolizes white supremacy - and it always has (Libby Nelson, Vox)

The Confederate flag: Time for the museum (R.L.G., The Economist)

Confederate flag wasn't flown at South Carolina statehouse until 1961, pundit claims (Anna Bruzgulis, PolitiFact)

Council of Conservative Citizens promotes white primacy, and G.O.P. ties (Michael Wines, Lizette Alvarez, The New York Times)

Cruz, Paul returning donations from leader of group linked to Charleston suspect (Ben Kamisar, The Hill)

The Dolezal drama hints at how identity has become fluid (Ana Veciana-Suarez, Miami Herald)

Don't blame the Second Amendment (Charles C. W. Cooke, National Review)

Dylann Roof attacked religion, too (Jeffrey Salkin, Religion News Service)

Dylann Roof is the product of a system that has bred racist hatred for centuries (Joanne Braxton, Michael Sainato, The Guardian)

Dylann Roof "kind of went over the edge" when love interest who spurned him chose African-American guy: report (Tobias Salinger, New York Daily News)

Dylann Roof may have been a regular commenter at neo-nazi website The Daily Stormer (Keegan Hankes, The Southern Poverty Law Center)

Dylann Roof's manifesto resembles comments on neo-Nazi website, analysis finds (Kurtis Lee, Los Angeles Times)

Dylann Roof's struggle for true whiteness (Anthony B. Bradley, Al Jazeera America)

Dylann Roof's teenage years marked by father's bitter divorce (Jeremy Borden, Todd. C. Frankel, The Washington Post)

Dylann Roof visited S.C. Confederate museum (Nathaniel Cary (The Greenville (S.C.) News, USA Today)

Dylann Roof was ultimate lone wolf, Left blames Right anyway (Ben Shapiro, Breitbart)

Editorial: Shining a light on racial profiling (Leder, Glenn Kauth, Law Times)

Emanuel AME - a true rock of ages (Rich Lowry, New York Post)

Episode 613 - President Barack Obama (Podcast, Marc Maron, WTF)

Equality and the Confederate flag (Jelani Cobb, The New Yorker)

The face of hate? (A.J. Castellitto, Western Journalism)

Finding the roots of Dylann Roof's radical violence (Video, PBS Newshour)

Fla. pastors call for unity after Charleston massacre (Florida Today, USA Today)

A former FBI profiler reveals the 2 personality traits that helped turn Dylann Roof into a murderer (Chris Weller, Business Insider)

Former Klan leader David Duke schools writer on racial hatred (Dahleen Glanton, Chicago Tribune)

Frank discussions on race help define Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign (Amy Chozick, The New York Times)

The greatest threats to American national security are guns and the police (Tom Engelhardt, The Nation)

The Guardian view on the Confederate flag: tear down this red rag (Leder, The Guardian)

Gun homicides, mass violence and racism in the U.S. (Radioindslag, The Diane Rehm Show, WAMU, Washington DC)

"Hate won't win": How Charleston brought unity, race relations to the forefront (Margus Gee, The Globe and Mail, Canada)

Hillary Clinton to join race debate, campaign near Ferguson, Missouri (S.A. Miller, The Washington Times)

Hip-hop sounds off on Charleston: The "white supremacy" and the right to bear arms (Stereo Williams, The Daily Beast)

Historians work to put Charleston shooting in context (Jeff Charis-Carlson, Iowa City Press-Citizen)

History of the Confederate flag in S.C. (Associated Press, The Boston Globe)

How a 16-year-old tricked the New York Times into reporting that Dylann Roof blogged about "My Little Pony" (Casey Tolan, Fusion)

How an infamous movie revived the Confederacy (Josh Zeitz, Politico)

How white Christians used the Bible - and Confederate flag - to oppress black people (Carol Kuruvilla, The Huffington Post)

If the Charleston shooter's beliefs scared you, here's who you really need to worry about (Zak Cheney-Rice, Mic)

In one week, a poser and a killer reveal U.S. racial dysfunction (Darryl E. Owens, Orlando Sentinel)

The Insiders: Flying the Confederate flag is not okay (Ed Rogers, The Washington Post)

Is the millennial generation's racial tolerance overstated? (Radioindslag, Gene Demby, Morning Edition, NPR)

Jeffers: Nation's conversation on race needs to flow (Gromer Jeffers Jr., The Dallas Morning News)

John Robson: Caitlyn Jenner, Rachel Dolezal and the identity double standard (John Robson, National Post)

Karl Rove: The only way you'll sharply reduce gun violence in America is to repeal the Second Amendment (Video, Allahpundit, Hot Air)

KKK praises Charleston killing suspect Dylann Roof in O.C. recruitment effort (Scott Schwebke, The Orange County Register)

Leader of group cited in "Dylann Roof manifesto" donated to top Republicans (Jon Swaine, The Guardian)

Lecrae op-ed: Charleston shooting comes from deeply rooted racism & injustice (Lecrae, Billboard)

Los Angeles police seeking witnesses to shooting of unarmed man (Rory Carroll, The Guardian)

Lupe Fiasco pens open letter to white supremacy (Yesha Callahan, The Root)

Making a point, Obama invokes a painful slur (Michael D. Shear, The New York Times)

Meet the anonymous online sleuths who dug up Dylann Roof's deranged manifesto (Caitlin Dewey, The Washington Post)

Meet the black Dylann Storm Roof: "I decided to play a game. Bash Asian women in the nose" (Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Mag)

Meet the Press should have axed gun violence segment (Jennifer Farmer, The Huffington Post)

Meet the fiercest defenders of the Confederate flag in South Carolina (Kay Steiger, Think Progress)

Michael Eric Dyson: Obama's use of the n-word "payoff" for those of us who have been pressing him on race (Video, Real Clear Politics)

Mississippi's black mayors reflect on recent racial tensions (Video, David Elliott, WLOX, Biloxi, Mississippi)

Mitchell: South Carolina moves to shed itself of symbol of "hurt, pain and humiliation" (Mary Mitchell, Chicago Sun-Times)

New Mexico officers face murder charges over shooting of homeless man (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Nikki Haley calls for Confederate flag to come down "We have changed through the times" (Video, Real Clear Politics)

Nikki Haley is not a hero. She's just doing damage control for Republicans (Brian Beutler, New Republic)

Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham will call for removal of Confederate flag, sources say (Elisha Fieldstadt, NBC News)

No, the Charleston shooting was not an attack on "religious freedom" (Benjamin Knoll, The Huffington Post)

No, you need a history lesson: The Confederate flag is a symbol of hate (Benjamin O'Keefe, The Huffington Post)

Obama, Biden to travel to Charleston on Friday (Byron Tau, The Wall Street Journal)

Obama mentions racial slur in describing fight against racism (Byron Tau, The Wall Street Journal)

Obama's use of n-word launches debate (Alexis Simendinger, Real Clear Politics)

Obama wonders if Dylann Roof, who passed a background check, could have been stopped by a background check (Jacob Sullum, Reason)

Officers plead not guilty in Freddie Gray case as judge and trial date selected (Kevin Rector, The Baltimore Sun)

One of three police officers who fatally shot immigrant in Washington resigns (Associated Press, The Guardian)

One tweet captures the media's racist double standard on black and white crime (Tom McKay, Mic)

Only difference between Dylann Roof and Bill Ayers is legitimacy among the left (John Nolte, Breitbart)

Op-ed: Biology versus choice when changing identities (Camille Gear Rich, The National Law Journal)

Overcoming Baltimore's issues (G.K. Butterfield, Carolyn Mahoney, Elijah E. Cummings, The Baltimore Sun)

Paul Krugman: "Racial hatred" is still the most potent force in Southern politics (Scott Eric Kaufman, Salon)

The "positive behavior" one study suggests white Americans should engage in to reduce racial bias (Liz Klimas, The Blaze)

President Obama, first lady, vice president to attend Pinckney's funeral Friday (Melissa Boughton, Robert Behre, Charleston Post & Courier)

Race, hate, guns - important so, shhh, let's not discuss (O. Ricardo Pimentel, My San Antonio, Texas)

Racial and ehtnic disparities analysis for the Reentry Council: Summary of key findings (Rapport, San Francisco Justice Reinvestment Initiative)

Racial dog whistles, the Confederate flag and the long shadow of the GOP's "Southern strategy" (Jud Legum, Think Progress)

Removal of Jefferson Davis statue not enough to root out historical racism (Mukund Rathi, The Daily Texan)

REVEALED: Leader of far-right group praised by Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof donated thousands to presidential candidate Ted Cruz (Christopher Brennan, Daily Mail)

Secret World War II chemical experiments tested troops by race (Caitlin Dickerson, Morning Edition, NPR)

Should we forgive Dylann Roof? (Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig, New Republic)

South Carolina governor calls for removal of Confederate flag from statehouse (Raya Jalabi, Tom McCarthy, The Guardian)

Step aside, Reverend Al: The next generation of race-baiters has arrived (Ian Tuttle, National Review)

The struggles of speaking about race to a deaf America (Julian Mitchell, The Huffington Post)

The surprisingly uncomplicated racist history of the Confederate flag (Marc Ambinder, The Week)

Take down the Confederate flag, symbol of hatred (Leder, The New York Times)

These emails show just how "post-racial" America really is (Julia Craven, The Huffington Post)

This is why South Carolina raised the Confederate flag in the first place (Justin Worland, Time)

Time for a new black radicalism (Chris Lebron, The New York Times)

The Times's policy on racial slurs: Editor's notebook (Philip B. Corbett, The New York Times)

Unfortunately, offensive racial comments don't always get you fired (at least under labor law) (Thomas C. Pense, The National Law Review)

The University of California's insane speech police (Robby Soave, The Daily Beast)

U.S. "not cured" of racism, Obama says, citing slavery's legacy (Michael D. Shear, Christine Hauser, The New York Times)

The way forward from racial violence: Empathy + action (Alex Yarde, The Good Men Project)

We created Dylann Roof (Zeba Blay, The Huffington Post)

We must focus our attentions on improving race relations (Dwayne Green, Charleston City Paper)

What the Charleston killer deserves (Steve Huntley, Real Clear Politics)

What this cruel war was over (Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic)

What we can't afford to forget about Rachel Dolezal: A master class in white victimology (Chancey DeVega, Salon)

When will it ever end? (Dale R. Gamble, The Patriot Post)

Where Dylann Roof's hate comes from (Video, Fox News Radio)

White supremacist campaign donations: How did Republicans not know? (+video) (Linda Feldmann, The Christian Science Monitor)

Why it matters that the Charleston attack was terrorism (Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic)

Why the Confederate battle flag is even more racist than you think (Hilary Hanson, The Huffington Post)

Why the conviction  of Dylann Roof will not stop white violence against black bodies (Tracy, Atlanta Black Star)

Why this has been the week for crazies (Mutale Nkonde, The Brooklyn Reader)

Why we are not "cured" of racism (Emily Badger, The Washington Post)

Why won't the GOP do the right thing on the Confederate flag? (Ron Christie, The Daily Beast)

The women we lost in Charleston (Maria Ricapito, Marie Claire)

Writing race the day after Charleston (Nayomi Munaweera, The Huffington Post)

"WTF" with Barack Obama (Sarah Larson, The New Yorker)


#CharlestonShooting: How long white America? How long - Pt. 1 (Travis Harris, Patheos)

After tragic shooting, Charleston church reopens with prayer, songs and tears (DeNeen L. Brown, Abby Phillip, The Washington Post)

A.M.E. church in Charleston reopens as congregation mourns (Richard Fausset, John Eligon, The New York Times)

America's churches: often a reflection of the nation's racial divide (Luciana Lopez, Harriet McLeod, Alana Wise (Reuters), Yahoo)

Bill O'Reilly: The Charleston reaction police (Video, Ellen, Newshounds)

Black Americans grapple with unease in wake of Charleston shooting (Kurtis Lee, Molly Hennessey-Fiske, Esmeralda Bermudez, Los Angeles Times)

Charleston and the mighty scourge of racism (commentary) (Tom Wrobleski, Staten Island Live)

Charleston appeals for unity as services honor shooting victims (Cameron McWhirter, Josh Dawsey, Mara Gay, The Wall Street Journal)

Charleston Christians teach the world a lesson in forgiveness (Jeannie DeAngelis, American Thinker)

The Charleston magistrate who sparked a debate about who is a victim (Abby Phillip, The Washington Post)

Charleston mayor calls for Confederate flag to be retired, put "into a museum" (Jose A. DelReal, The Washington Post)

Charleston shooting reopens unhealed wounds (Video, Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN)

Charleston: Warning signs in atmosphere of hate (Video, Face the Nation, CBS News)

Clive McFarlane: Rejection of racial identity not black and white (Clive McFarlane, Holland Sentinel, Michigan)

Closed minds, great books (Arnold Weinstein, The New York Times)

Compelling reason to reconsider gun laws (Leder, Charleston Post and Courier)

The Confederate flag and South Carolina (Steve Chapman, Real Clear Politics)

Conservative group defends Dylann Roof's "legitimate grievances" (Allie Gross, Mother Jones)

Dem rep: "All of us have work to do on race" (Mark Hensch, The Hill)

Does the Confederate flag signify heritage or hate? (Aram Goudsouzian, Al Jazeera)

Dylann Roof: far right denies links and disowns "act of purposeful evil" (Andrew Gumbel, The Guardian)

FBI: Blacks most often targeted in hate crimes (Video, PBS Newshour)

The first pitch: Race, redemption, and American legion baseball (Marty Dobrow, Vice Sports)

For Charleston, a lesson in the faith and resilience of Birmingham (Priscilla Hancock Cooper, al.com, Alabama)

Good Man presents "fun with flags" (Tegneseriestribe, TyTempleton.com)

GOP's fear of a black America: The long, racist history which explains Dylann Roof and stains the so-called "party of Lincoln" (Heather Cox Richardson, Salon)

The GOP's uneasy relationship with the Confederate flag (Amber Phillips, The Washington Post)

How America swallowed the gun lobby's Kool-Aid (Daniel Webster, CNN)

How the Confederate lives on in the flags of seven Southern states (Christopher Ingraham, The Washington Post)

Huckabee: Christianity is the means to achieving "true racial reconciliation" in America [VIDEO] (Christian Datoc, The Daily Caller)

Identity politics (Mark Hemingway, The Weekly Standard)

In Charleston, a millenial race terrorist (Charles M. Blow, The New York Times)

In Charleston, thousands join hands to show solidarity, mourn "Emanuel Nine" (DeNeen L. Brown, Abby Phillip)

In U.S., domestic terror, cop killings and violent gun deaths with suicides, dwarf anything "Jihadis" have produced (Tom Engelhardt, AlterNet)

KKK leader disputes hate group label: "We're a Christian organization" (Shadee Ashtari, The Huffington Post)

Let's try to learn something from this tragedy (Will Moredock, Charleston City Paper)

Lonnae O'Neal: Death of a nation - white supremacy is slowly killing us (Lonnae O'Neal, The Washington Post)

Mayor Joseph Riley on the tragedy in Charleston (Video, ABC News)

"Meet the Press" shows anti-gun montage of all black shooters following South Carolina rampage (Video, Samantha Page, Think Progress)

"Mislaid": A mother and child ditch white privilege to escape an unhappy home (Boganmeldelse, Taylor Grieshober, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

New Republic editor: "Black bodies are under assault" in America (Jeffrey Meyer, Newsbusters)

Obama on Condeferate flag: "Good point, Mitt" (David Jackson, USA Today)

The Observer view on the Charleston church shooting (Leder, The Observer, The Guardian)

Race just a label, but nevertheless real (Tiffany Glanville, Hartford Courant)

A racial division continues to haunt American discourse (Rev. L. Ronald Durham, The Daytona Beach News-Journal)

Racial hysteria blights modern American culture (Hussein Ibish, The National, Forenede Arabiske Emirater)

Republicans tread carefully in criticism of Confederate flag (Jonathan Martin, The New York Times)

Rove: "So many warning signs" on Charleston (Mark Hensch, The Hill)

Running for political cover in the wake of Charleston church shooting (Brad Knickerbocker, The Christian Science Monitor)

Science: There is no such thing as race (Video, Inquisitr)

S.C. killer Dylann Roof's segregation inspiration: The Council of Conservative Citizens and the politicians who pander to them (Olivia Nuzzi, John Avlon, The Daily Beast)

SC senator: US will have "robust conversation" on race relations (Mario Trujillo, The Hill)

Shooting resurrects Charleston's troubled racial history (Video, Yamiche Alcindor, USA Today)

Smiling faces, terrible racists: The dangerous culture of white possession in the Carolinas (James Yeh, Vice)

Spotlight on... Dear White People (Filmanmeldelse, Guy Lodge, The Guardian)

The Supreme Court is about to decide the fate of housing segregation (Alana Semuels, The Atlantic)

UI professor: Dolezal case brings up possibility of changing racial identity (Vanessa Miller, The Gazette, Iowa)

We must call him a terrorist: Dylann Roof, Fox News and the truth about why language matters (Sean Illing, Salon)

Witness reportedly says Dylann Roof attempted suicide after church shooting (Gillian Mohney, Vice)


Accused Charleston shooter discussed attacking college campus: Friend (Video, Reuters)

After Charleston: Rush to move past tragedy ignores racial realities (Errin Whack, NBC News)

Alabama cops fired for palling around with white supremacists (Asawin Suebsaeng, The Daily Beast)

Anti-intellectualism is killing America (David Niose, Psychology Today)

Behind alleged Charleston killer's manifesto, a patchwork of widespread myths and misapprehentions (Owen Davis, International Business Times)

The "benevolent sexism" behind Dylann Roof's racism (Lisa Wade, Quartz)

Beyond Rhodesia, Dylann Roof's manifesto and the website that radicalized him (Dan Murphy, The Christian Science Monitor)

Buchanan: SC shooting more along lines with Columbine, Tucson than '60s Birmingham church bombing (Video, Jeff Poor, Breitbart)

Charleston blacks, whites unite, but remain divided on flag (Daniel Dale, Toronto Star, Canada)

Charleston church massacre reignites bitter debate over Confederate symbol of segregation (Nick O'Malley, The Sydney Morning Herald, Australien)

Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof was loner caught in "internet evil": Family (Erin Calabrese, Elisha Fieldstadt, NBC News)

Charleston grapples anew with slavery's ingrained history (Akilah Johnson, The Boston Globe)

Charleston massacre: How do we end racism and violence? (David Plazas, The Tennessean)

Charleston shooting: Black churches targeted because of importance to community (Jesse J. Holland (Associated Press), The Huffington Post)

Charleston shooting suspect Dylann Roof said to be "a classic lone wolf" (Noah Bierman, Brittny Mejia, Richard A. Serrano, Los Angeles Times)

Charleston shooting: we need prayer, but also an end to this political genocide (Rev Jesse Jackson, The Guardian)

Church shooting forces Charleston, S.C., to confront underlying racial tension (Christopher Goffard, Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Kurtis Lee, Los Angeles Times)

Civil rights movement and the class of 1965 (Howard Simon, Miami Herald)

Clinton seizes the center on race and guns in wake of GOP's silence (Jonathan Allen, Vox)

The deeply racist references in Dylann Roof's apparent manifesto, decoded. (Clara Jeffery, James West, Mother Jones)

Democrats are losing faith in police. Republicans, not so much. (German Lopez, Vox)

Dylann Roof and the stubborn myth of the colorblind millennial (Gene Demby, NPR)

Dylann Roof burns U.S. flag, details white supremacist worldview in shocking online manifesto (Daniel Politi, Slate)

Dylann Roof photos and a manifesto are posted on website (Frances Robles, The New York Times)

Dylann Roof racist manifesto: What's known about his motives (Kelsey Warner, The Christian Science Monitor)

Dylann Roof's racist manifesto: "I have no choice" (Lenny Bernstein, Sari Horwitz, Peter Holley, The Washington Post)

Dylann Roof's racist manifesto is chilling (Katie Zavadski, The Daily Beast)

Dylann Storm Roof photos found on website (Frances Robles, The New York Times)

Facing America's great evils (Robert Parry, Consortiumnews.com)

Faith and grace in the face of hate (Mike Barnicle, The Daily Beast)

For Charleston, issues of race are never past (Akilah Johnson, The Boston Globe)

Friend of Dylann Roof says suspect planned attack on College of Charleston (Video, Fox News)

From Ferguson to Charleston and beyond, anguish about race keeps building (Lydia Polgreen, The New York Times)

Half a century on, carnage in Charleston resonates in the US South (Wayne Hester, Dawn)

Headlines fuel keynote address at Juneteenth gathering (Emily Gillespie, The Columbian)

A hectic day at church, and then a hellish visitor (Richard Fausset, John Eligon, Jason Horowitz, Frances Robles, The New York Times)

Hillary Clinton calls America's struggle with racism far from race (Nicholas Fandos, The New York Times)

Huge crowd at South Carolina statehouse wants the Confederate flag gone (Colin Daleida, Mashable)

In San Francisco, Hillary Clinton challenges nation on racism: "Race remains a deep fault line in America" (David Nakamura, The Washington Post)

Inside story: How Rachel Dolezal's cover as a black woman was blown (Diane Herbst, People)

Institutional racism is an American as apple pie (Angel Diaz, Complex)

The issue that won't go away (Paul Krugman, The New York Times)

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio weigh in on debate over flying Confederate flag in South Carolina (Alex Leary, Patricia Mazzei, Miami Herald)

Jeb Bush on Confederate flag controversy in South Carolina: Move the flag to a museum (Michelle FlorCruz, International Business Times)

Judge at Dylann Roof's hearing, James Gosnell, used racial epithet in Charleston court (Michael McLaughlin, The Huffington Post)

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: It's media terrorism to deny Charleston was about race (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Time)

The last Rhodesian (Dylann Roofs hjemmeside)

Let that hateful flag fly: From George W. Bush to Lindsey Graham, a history of Republican support for the Confederate flag (Sophia Tesfaye, Salon)

A long walk to freedom (Alex Q. Arbuckle, Mashable)

Los Angeles police shoot unarmed man in head - and then handcuff him (Joanna Walters, The Guardian)

Love and terror in the black church (Michael Eric Dyson, The New York Times)

Mercy and a manifesto in Charleston (David Remnick, The New Yorker)

Mitt Romney's opposition to Confederate flag puts GOP's current presidential candidates on the spot (Ed O'Keefe, The Washington Post)

Mitt Romney: "Take down the Confederate flag" (Emily Atkin, Think Progress)

Murder in a church (Hisham Melhem, Al Arabiya English)

A murderous hatred in Charleston (Leder, The Baltimore Sun)

Murders in rural Mississippi: remembering tragedies of the Civil Rights Movement (Carol V.R. George, Oxford University Press blog)

New Orleans police officer shot dead while transporting suspect to jail (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Rachel Dolezal, Dylann Roof and the tragic history of white America's love-hate relationship with "blackness" (Andrew O'Hehir, Salon)

Racial Dolezal and racial identity (Læserbreve, The New York Times)

Racism and gun violence are killing us, literally (James Zogby, The Huffington Post)

Racism in USA: Psychology and perception fail the system (Dr. Vivek Kumar Srivastava, Countercurrents.org)

Read president Obama's statement marking Juneteenth in wake of Charleston shooting (Tale af Barack Obama, Time)

Republicans are running for president and running from race (Lauren Victoria Burke, The Root)

The rest of the world thinks Americans should be ashamed (Rmuse, PoliticusUSA)

Rev. Jesse Jackson calls South Carolina shootings "domestic terrorism" (Tina Sfondeles, Chicago Sun-Times)

Romney wants Confederate flag taken down but other Republicans hedge bets (Martin Pengelly, The Guardian)

S.C. councilman: Shootings "racially motivated terrorism" (Video, PBS Newshour)

S.C. residents say focus should not be placed on Stars and Bars (Emma Ratliff, Zuri Berry, Boston Herald)

Shooting resurrects Charleston's troubled racial history (Yamiche Alcindor, USA Today)

South Carolina lawmaker: I'll introduce legislation to remove Confederate flag outside statehouse (Braden Goyette, The Huffington Post)

Ted Cruz cracks jokes on gun control days after Charleston shooting (Samantha-Jo Roth, The Huffington Post)

Ted Cruz: Democrats using Charleston as "excuse" to take away gun rights (Katie Zezima, The Washington Post)

Texas firefighter fired for siding with Charleston shooting suspect Dylann Roof in Facebook post (Nicole Hensley, New York Daily News)

A time to grieve for Charleston (Kathleen Parker, The Washington Post)

Unraveling the threads of hatred, sewn into a Confederate icon (Sally Jenkins, The Washington Post)

"Wag the dog" mass killing, race wars and gun confiscation obscure sleight of hand TPP passage (Joachim Hagopian, Centre for Research on Globalization, Canada)

Watch: SC judge calls for sympathy for family of accused church shooter (Video, Lynette Holloway, The Root)

What is whiteness? (Nell Irvin Painter, The New York Times)

What we know so far about Charleston church shooting suspect Dylann Roof (Sari Horwitz, Chico Harlan, Peter Holley, William Wan, The Washington Post)

Why is South Carolina using judge in Charleston church massacre who has used N-word before? (Kovie Biakolo, New Pittsburgh Courier)

Why Republicans were quick to cite religion - but not racism - on Charleston (Janell Ross, The Washington Post)

Why the Confederate flag still flies in South Carolina (Video, Tom Foreman, CNN)

Yale black law students association urges hate crimes charges for alleged Charleston shooter (Igor Bobic, The Huffington Post)


7 ways to be a white ally for Charleston and the black community (Aaron Barksdale, The Huffington Post)

150 years after emancipation, Dylann Roof is a chilling reminder of how little has changed (Zeba Blay, The Huffington Post)

The 2016 candidates on the Charleston AME church shooting (Ed Krayewski, Reason)

After Charleston, let's all look in the mirror (Jane Eisner, Jewish Daily Forward)

After S.C. shootings, what can we do that will make a difference? (Colette A.M. Phillips, The Boston Globe)

America has no monopoly on racism, it's just "more lethal" (Joyce Hackel, Kuang Keng Kuek Ser, Public Radio International)

America needs some soul searching (Errol Louis, CNN)

American history is one giant terror regime against African-Americans (Shane Ferro, Business Insider UK)

Apologize for slavery (Timothy Egan, The New York Times)

Atkins: Politicians failing to grasp reality of racial terrorism (Kimberly Atkins, Boston Herald)

Attack evokes dark days from the nation's past (Michael A. Fletcher, Janell Ross, The Washington Post)

Before Charleston's church shooting, a long history of attacks (Douglas R. Egerton, The New York Times)

Beyond the Confederate flag, racist traitors are far too celebrated in the United States (Matthew Yglesias, Vox)

Bill Maher blames right-wing media for Charleston: "They present a really twisted view" (Marlow Stern, The Daily Beast)

Black people aren't making things up: The science behind "racial battle fatigue" (Sam P.K. Collins, Think Progress)

"Black Lives Matter": Tamir Rice and the meaning of "no justice - no peace" (Glen Ford, Centre for Research on Globalization, Canada)

A bow to Charleston (Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal)

Call Charleston evil by its name (Virginia Postrel, Bloomberg View)

Centuries of violence (Kidada E. Williams, Slate)

Charleston and the age of Obama (David Remnick, The New Yorker)

Charleston church killer was spawned in a racist swamp (David Horsey, Los Angeles Times)

Charleston, Dylann Roof and the racism of millenials (Karen Attiah, The Washington Post)

Charleston isn't really about gun control. It's about racial violence. (Jennifer Carlson, The Washington Post)

Charleston lesson: Black Americans live with terrorism all the time (Barrett Holmes Pitner, The Daily Beast)

The Charleston massacre desecrated one of black America's most revered sanctuaries (Aaron Polkey, The Washington Post)

The Charleston shooter: Racist, violent, and yes - political (Jeb Lund, Rolling Stone)

Charleston shooting and police killing stem from same racism, residents say (Colin Daleida, Mashable)

Charleston shooting: From "liking a woman who dated a black man" to a "fan of white power music" - insight into Dylann Roof's life emerges (Justin Carissimo, The Independent)

The Charleston shootings belie the myth that America overcame racism (Leonard Pitts Jr., The Seattle Times)

Charleston shooting: Who are US white supremacists? (BBC News)

Charleston terror attack: Darcy cartoon (Jeff Darcy, cleveland.com)

A church in Charleston: A powerful reminder of racism and nine examples of how to defeat it (Brian C. Thomas, Chicago Now)

Clyburn: The Confederate "battle flag" should come down from the statehouse (Jim Clyburn, New York Daily News)

The complex politics of South Carolina's Confederate flag (Stav Ziv, Newsweek)

The Confederate battle flag is a symbol of intimidation (Barbara Combs, The New York Times)

The Confederate flag has become a trademark for racism, despite its historic appeal (Kareem U. Crayton, The New York Times)

Confederate flag "has to come down" in S.C., NAACP leader says (Bill Chappell, NPR)

The Confederate flag is a matter of pride and heritage, not hatred (Ben Jones, The New York Times)

The Confederate flag is a racist symbol of a failed rebellion. It's not a debate. (Ben Hallman, The Huffington Post)

The Confederate flag's message is clear for African-Americans (Brentin Mock, The New York Times)

"Crazy people will be able to get their hands on guns": Legal expert Adam Winkler on why outright gun bans won't prevent another Charleston (Scott Timberg, Salon)

The cross and the Confederate flag (Russell D. Moore, russellmoore.com)

Dear Democrats: Populism will not save you (John B. Judis, National Journal)

Dear white people: Why I am racist and so are you (Adam Ericksen, Patheos)

Death in Charleston: Trapped by the tragic, unheeded lessons of the nation's racial past (Peniel E. Joseph, Reuters)

Deep historical context precedes recent racial violence (Peniel Joseph, The Boston Globe)

Dems confront past failures on gun control (Chris Stirewalt, Fox News)

The disingeunous defense of the Confederate flag (Jonathan Bernstein, Bloomberg)

Don't tear down the Confederate battle flag (David French, National Review)

Dylann Roof and America's heart of darkness (Jordan Lebeau, Boston.com)

Dylann Roof and Michael Slager are jail neighbors, police confirm (WGN-TV, Chicago)

Dylann Roof and the white fear of a black takeover (Jason Morgan Ward, Los Angeles Times)

Dylann Roof racism: His white friends knew he wanted to hurt black people, but didn't say anything (Aaron Morrison, International Business Times)

Dylann Roof reportedly wanted a race war. How many Americans sympathize? (Janell Ross, The Washington Post)

Dylann Roof was racist. Why is that so hard to understand? (Laura Turner, Religion News Service)

Erick Erickson: Responsibility for the Charleston massacre falls squarely at the feet of... Caitlyn Jenner? (Scott Eric Kaufman, Salon)

Explaining the Confederate flag debate in South Carolina (Video, Evan Simon, ABC News)

FEMA denies disaster aid for Baltimore riot costs (Video, WBAL-TV, Baltimore)

Few Americans like Confederate flag, but it still flies in the South (Catherine Cloutier, The Boston Globe)

Fight racist fire with literal fire: Burn Confederate flags (Joe Lapointe, Detroit Free Press)

Finally, Conservatives begin to back away from the Confederate flag (Max J. Rosenthal, Mother Jones)

The first attack on Charleston's AME church (Maurie McInnis, Slate)

For accused killer Dylann Roof, a life that had quietly drifted off track (Jeremy Borden, Sari Horwitz, Jerry Markon, The Washington Post)

For church, 200 years of tragedy and revival (Robert Costa, David A. Fahrenthold, Sarah Kaplan, The Washington Post)

Has America given up on the dream of racial integration (Alana Semuels, The Atlantic)

Hate crimes are an American problem, not an aberration (Alexandros Orphanides, The Huffington Post)

"He said blacks were taking over the world": School friend reveals Dylann Roof was obsessed with Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray in weeks leading up to Charleston massacre (Associated Press, Daily Mail)

Hey, South Carolina - it's time to take down the Stars & Bars (Leder, New York Post)

Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump's racial rhetoric "not acceptable" (Adam B. Lerner, Politico)

How people convince themselves that the Confederate flag represents freedom, not slavery (Carlos Lozada, The Washington Post)

How the Charleston shooting is linked to the Confederate flag, according to a South Carolinian (Jack Jenkins, Think Progress)

How the tragedy in Charleston echoes America's long, unresolved struggle with race (Radioindslag, WBUR, Boston)

"I forgive you," relatives of those slain in Charleston church shooting tell suspect (Richard A. Serrano, Timothy M. Phelps, Michael Muskal, Los Angeles Times)

If the confederate flag won't come down now, when? (Steve Benen, MSNBC)

In Charleston, suffering the curse of racism and the fixation on firearms (Leder, New Jersey Star-Ledger)

Is Charleston shooter racist or crazy, and why does it matter? (Rodger Jones, The Dallas Morning News)

"I stand arm in arm with you today in your grief": White senator leaves touching note on the door of African-American church in Denver after Charleston church massacre (Kelly McLaughlin, Daily Mail)

Jeb Bush joins other GOP'ers in downplaying racism that fueled the Charleston attack (Allie Gross, Mother Jones)

Jeb Bush ordered the Confederate flag removed from Florida Capitol 14 years ago (Scott Conroy, The Huffington Post)

Jeb Bush's pathetic Charleston dodge: "I don't know" if white supremacist suspect was motivated by racism (Scott Eric Kaufman, Salon)

Jon Stewart on Charleston terrorist attack: "We still won't do Jack s--t (Video, Yesha Callahan, The Root)

Jon Stewart drops the humor, citing the Charleston church massacre (Video, Jim Dalrymple II, BuzzFeed)

Learn your history: The Confederate flag is racist (Drew Salisbury, Death and Taxes)

Le Moyne College professor: The South Carolina shooting stems from a failure to confront racial history (Charley Hannagan, Syracuse.com)

Let's call Charleston shooting what it was: A terrorist attack (Charles D. Ellison, The Root)

Lindsey Graham: Confederate flag is a "part of who we are" (Inae Oh, Mother Jones)

Lindsey Graham, race issues and the Charleston church shootings (Linda Killian, The Wall Street Journal)

Lindsey Graham's niece recalls Dylann Storm Roof as "strange" (First Draft, The New York Times)

Man killed by officer was shot in the back, Atlanta medical examiner says (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Martin O'Malley: "I'm pissed" at lack of action on gun control (John Wagner, The Washington Post)

Mass shooting at church in Charleston resonates far beyond (Timothy M. Phelps, Christopher Goffard, Richard A. Serrano, Los Angeles Times)

Mayor of South Carolina capital says Confederate flag should come down (Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico)

Massachusetts police fatally shoot man wielding knife in Boston - reports (Erin McCann, The Guardian)

McGovern: Hate-crime charge could actually soften penalty (Bob McGovern, Boston Herald)

Mother Emanuel's pain-filled but inspiring history (Carl M. Cannon, Real Clear Politics)

NAACP leader condemns shooting as "act of racial terrorism" (Video, Emily Shapiro, ABC News)

Nas addresses Charleston shooting: "Racism is rotting America" (VIDEO, Eric Diep, BET)

National Review Magazine's racism denial, then and now (Jeet Heer, New Republic)

New appeal to confront US racism (Emma Ratliff, Kimberly Atkins, O'Ryan Johnson, Boston Herald)

Nikki Haley, Mark Sanford weigh in on Confederate flag debate (Paige Lavender, The Huffington Post)

NRA leader blames slain Charleston pastor for slaughter of his congregants (Mark Follman, Mother Jones)

Obama believes South Carolina Capitol's Confederate flag belongs in a museum (Video, Paige Lavender, The Huffington Post)

Obama: I'm not giving up on guns (Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico)

The one thing missing from Fox News' coverage of the Charleston shooting (Video, Justin Peters, Slate)

On guns and race, America is a nation shackled to its past (Jonathan Freedland, The Guardian)

Only one 2016 candidate is talking about race and gun violence after the Charleston massacre (Sophia Tesfaye, Salon)

Only white people can save themselves from racism and white supremacism (Baynard Woods, The Washington Post)

Opinions: Church shooting shows racism persists in America (Jared Morgan, Guns.com)

Our view: Church massacre adds to toll of racial violence (Leder, The Portland Press Herald, Oregon)

OUTRAGE: Sniper shoots down Confederate flag at S.C. statehouse (Douglas Anthony Cooper, The Huffington Post)

Outrage versus tradition, wrapped in a high-flying flag of Dixie (Alan Blinder, Manny Fernandez, The New York Times)

Overcoming Charleston tragedy: Our view (Leder, USA Today)

The persistence of American hate crime (Christopher Ingraham (The Washington Post), Chicago Tribune)

A powerful case for taking down South Carolina's Confederate flag (Zack Beauchamp, Vox)

The power of flags after the Charleston church shooting (Video, Joshua Berlinger, CNN)

Prosecutors say attempts to remove Mosby from Freddie Gray case "distort facts" (Kevin Rector, The Baltimore Sun)

Racial and caste oppression have many similarities (Rajesh Sampath, The Conversation)

Racism can't destroy this Charleston church (Robert Greene II, Politico)

The racist ideas that drove Dylann Roof did not come from nowhere (Jay Bookman, Atlanta Constitution-Journal)

Racist talk from Dylann Roof's judge (Michael Daly, The Daily Beast)

The remarkable racial segregation of Washington, D.C., in 1 map (Aaron Blake, The Washington Post)

Republican candidates struggle to talk about race, guns (Eli Stokols, Daniel Strauss, Politico)

Returning home to console, Lindsey Graham joins the mourning (Ashley Parker, The New York Times)

Rick Perry says Obama administration always overreacts to "accidents" like Charleston shooting (Kay Steiger, Think Progress)

S.C. church shooting: Why is Confederate battle flag at full staff? (Lisa Suhay, The Christian Science Monitor)

Should Charleston church shooting be called terrorism? (Harry Bruinius, The Christian Science Monitor)

A sociologist explains the Charleston church shooting and racism in the U.S. (Jacqueline Howard, The Huffington Post)

South Carolina bible study and a lesson in hatred: Phillip Morris (Phillip Morris, The Cleveland Plain Dealer)

South Carolina massacre: Why don't we call killing of 9 black churchgoers an act of terrorism? (Video, Democracy Now)

South Carolina prosecutor grapples with racially charged killings (Albert Samaha, BuzzFeed)

South Carolina's Confederate flag not lowered to half-staff after massacre (Video, Erik Ortiz, NBC News)

South Carolina state sen. Marlon Kimpson: Dylann Roof is a "thug," "should receive the death penalty" (Rahel Gebreyes, The Huffington Post)

"Southern pride" is not white supremacy (Mac McCann, Chicago Tribune)

Steeped in racial history, Charleston ponders its future (Richard Fausset, The New York Times)

Symbolism and political violence in the Holy City (H. Gibbs Knotts, Jordan Ragusa, The Huffington Post)

Take down the Confederate flag (Kareem Crayton, The Boston Globe)

Texas built a Confederate memorial on a street named for Martin Luther King Jr. (Kriston Capps, CityLab)

Texas faith: When racism becomes terrorism (Joel Thornton, The Dallas Morning News)

"Things fall apart": On Mother Emanuel and white terrorism (Kirsten West Savali, The Root)

This is American terrorism: White supremacy's brutal, centuries-long campaign of violence (Lawrence Brown, Salon)

This racist terrorist did far more damage than Dylann Roof. Now he watches over South Carolina's statehouse (Ryan J. Reilly, The Huffington Post)

Va. man threatens Richmond churchgoers: "I'm gonna kill all you and all you are gonna get killed tonight" (Breanna Edwards, The Root)

The visual power of the 4 flags in the news this week (Kyle Vanhemert, Wired)

Wall Street Journal: Please ignore the Confederate flag on the South Carolina capitol - institutionalized racism "no longer exists" in the South (Scott Eric Kaufman, Salon)

War, murder and the American way (Robert C. Koehler, The Huffington Post)

The war on black people in South Carolina: the first casualty is truth. (Colin Flaherty, American Thinker)

We asked a lawyer if Dylann Roof could face terrorism charges (Mike Pearl, Vice)

We can't rely on media to discuss racism (Vanessa Baden, The Huffington Post)

We need to talk about white culture (Joshua DuBois, The Daily Beast)

What draws people to white supremacy? (Stephen L. Carter, Bloomberg View)

What is Juneteenth? (Ask History)

What it's like to be black and live under a white neighbor's Confederate flag (Dave Jamieson, The Huffington Post)

What preachers are preparing for their Sunday sermon after the unspeakable event in Charleston (Corinne Segal, PBS Newshour)

What the 1920s tell us about Dolezal and racial illogic (Carla Kaplan, The Chronicle of Higher Education)

What the Confederate flag really means to America today, according to a race historian (Roberto A. Ferdman, The Washington Post)

When is a crime a hate crime? (Beth Schwartzappel, The Marshall Project)

White and black: talking race after a massacre (Mensah M. Dean, Philly.com)

White Christian allies, talk about race from your pulpits (Reverend Emma Akpan, The Huffington Post)

White man threatens Virginia churchgoers, spews racial slurs: media (Curtis Skinner, Reuters)

White terrorism is as old as America (Brit Bennett, The New York Times)

White Topeka, Kan., residents find KKK fliers on their property (Nigel Roberts, The Root)

Why can't Republicans admit Dylann Roof was racist? (Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine)

Why Conservatives can only talk about "religious liberty" in Charleston (Tara Culp-Ressler, Think Progress)

Why conservatives should hate the Confederate flag (Philip Klein, Washington Examiner)

Why Conservatives want to make Charleston about "religious liberty" (Zack Beauchamp, Vox)

Why don't Americans call mass shootings "terrorism"? Racism (Jessica Valenti, The Guardian)

Why South Carolina's Confederate flag isn't at half-staff after church shooting (Justin Wm. Moyer, The Washington Post)

Why the black church has always mattered (Peniel E. Joseph, The Root)

Why the Charleston shooter should be called a terrorist (Margaret Hartmann, New York Magazine)

Why the language of mass murder matters (Jared Keller, Pacific-Standard)

Why we shouldn't call Dylann Roof a terrorist (Philip Bump, The Washington Post)

Why you can't kill the spirit of Mother Emanuel (Benjamin Jealous, Jotaka Eaddy, MSNBC)

Wilmore destroys Fox News' "Charleston was an attack on religion" trope (VIDEO) (Adam Johnson, AlterNet)

The word that will change the world (Sarah Thebarge, The Huffington Post)

World reacts to racial tensions, gun violence in US (Associated Press, Voice of America)

WSJ claims institutionalized racism "no longer exists," ends up priving it still does (Nick Wing, The Huffington Post)

Yes, racism exists, Jon Stewart. Now, stop hurting America (Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart)

Yes, seriously, it's about race (Minister Leslie Watson Malachi, The Huffington Post)


#NotAllWhitePeople: Twitter racists react to news of Dylann Storm Roof's killing spree with delusional denial (Scott Eric Kaufmann, Salon)

3 Jewish lessons on Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner (Leder, Jane Eisner, Jewish Daily Forward)

9 killed in shooting at historic black church in Charleston (Jim Dalrymple II, Jason Wells, Claudia Korerner, Salvador Hernandez, BuzzFeed)

14 #CharlestonShooting tweets show how the media covers white terrorism (Natasha Noman, Mic)

Actually, president Obama, mass killings aren't uncommon in other countries (David Harsanyi, The Federalist)

The African-American survival tactic Dylann Roof exploited (Dani McClain, The Nation)

After Charleston shooting, a sense at the White House of horror, loss and resolve (Peter Baker, The New York Times)

All 50 US states fail to meet global police use of force standards, report finds (Oliver Laughland, Jamiles Lartey, The Guardian)

Allegations of white privilege in the aftermath of South Carolina shooting (The Inquisitr)

America today: Where race, hate and progress collide (Neil Foote, Politics in Color)

America urgently needs a history lesson about the Confederate flag (Charles D. Ellison, The Root)

As black churches mourn Charleston shooting victims, questions about racism, gun policy raised (Video, Scott Dance, Michael A. Memoli, The Baltimore Sun)

At least nine other states offer the Confederate license plates the Supreme Court says Texas can deny (Niraj Chokshi, The Washington Post)

Baez, Crump team up to sue Windermere in racial-profiling case (Stephen Hudak, Orlando Sentinel, Florida)

Before national scrutiny, ex-NAACP leader faced questions about racial identity at university (Matthew Barakat, Nicholas K. Geranios (Associated Press), U.S. News & World Report)

Behind the hate crime massacre in a black Charleston church (Nico Hines, Katie Zavadski, The Daily Beast)

Ben Carson: Charleston shooting proves "racial based hate is still very much alive" (Video, Matt Wilstein, Mediaite)

Black activists fear "race war" amid Charleston shooting (S.A. Miller, The Washington Times)

Black Americans are killed at 12 times the rate of people in other developed countries (Nate Silver, FiveThirtyEight)

Black churches have always been targets of domestic terrorists (Khyla D. Craine, The Root)

Black community reacts to Charleston church shooting (Brennan Williams, The Huffington Post)

Black fatigue is real: How much more can we take? (Desiree Bowie, Madame Noire)

Blurred lines (W.W., The Economist)

Capture the flag (Will Bunch, philly.com)

Charleston and the South's sordid history of attacks on black churches (Chris Kromm, Facing South)

Charleston church massacre: The violence white America must answer for (Chauncey DeVega, Salon)

Charleston church shooting coverage criticized as racist because suspect described as "loner white man" - not domestic terrorist (Sasha Goldstein, New York Daily News)

Charleston church shooting: 9 killed in what officials call a hate crime (Ralph Ellis, Ed Payne, Ashley Killough, CNN)

The Charleston church shooting is another reminder that racism is not a thing of the past (Zerlina Maxwell, Cosmopolitan)

Charleston church shooting: KKK, white supremacists operate in South Carolina (Alastair Jamieson, NBC News)

Charleston church shooting reignites debates over guns, race in U.S. (S.A. Miller, Dave Boyer, The Washington Times)

Charleston church shooting suspect named as Dylann Roof - latest update (Video, Raya Jalabi, The Guardian)

Charleston church shooting: Without gun control, racism will keep killing black people (Gary Younge, The Guardian)

Charleston, Dylann Roof and the racism of millennials (Karen Attiah, The Washington Post)

Charleston faithful in disbelief over church massacre (Jason Ryan, The Daily Beast)

Charleston killings leave US reckoning with race and guns amid "broken peace" (Oliver Laughland, Lauren Gambino, Dan Roberts, The Guardian)

The Charleston massacre and the cunning of white supremacy (Greg Grandin, The Nation)

Charleston massacre: Reminder why race still matters (The Curator, Patheos)

Charleston massacre: Yet another terrorist act against Blacks in America (Eugene Puryear, Liberation)

Charleston shooter likely inspired by white supremacy movement (Video, PBS Newshour)

The Charleston shooting (The Wall Street Journal)

The Charleston shooting is part of an unspoken history of terror in black churches (Darnell L. Moore, Mic)

Charleston Shooting: Speaking the unspeakable, thinking the unthinkable (Charles P. Pierce, Esquire)

The Charleston suspect is a racist, but Republicans claim his motives are unclear (Jeet Heer, New Republic)

The church: A history of racial tension (Kristy Hoffman, The Globe and Mail, Canada)

Churches of Charleston represent history, racial injustice (Kimberly Johnson, Al Jazeera America)

Church shooting suspect Dylann Storm Roof told victims: "You've taken over this country ... This must be done" (Jeff Truesdell, People)

A civil-rights champion was lost in the attack on Charleston's Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church (John Nichols, The Nation)

CofCC deeply saddened by Charleston spree killing (Council of Conservative Citizens)

Confederate flag fight: Nikki Haley blasted by ex-Obama official in wake of Charleston shooting (Douglas Ernst, The Washington Times)

The Confederate flag isn't budging from South Carolina's Capitol -- because it's protected under state law (Kim Bellware, The Huffington Post)

Confederate flag's place at the South Carolina Statehouse questioned after church shooting (Stav Ziv, Newsweek)

Data shows most Utah hate crimes racially motivated (Leia Larsen, Standard-Examiner, Utah)

Deal is near on far-reaching reforms at Rikers, including a federal monitor (Benjamin Weiser, The New York Times)

Dylann Roof and a night of hate in Charleston (Amy Davidson, The New Yorker)

Dylann Roof had Confederate plates. Here's why the rebel flag still flies in South Carolina (Tim Murphy, Mother Jones)

Dylann Roof is America (Kali Holloway, AlterNet)

Dylann Roof's black Facebook friends (Farah Stockman, The Boston Globe)

Dylann Roof, suspect in Charleston shooting, flew the flags of white power (Frances Robles, Jason Horowitz, Shaila Dewan, The New York Times)

Dylann Storm Roof and the conversation white America should be having about race (Morgan Jerkins, Quartz)

Dylann Storm Roof's friend took gun away druing "crazy" bigoted rant 2 weeks before Charleston church shooting (Edgar Sandoval, Rachelle Blidner, Meg Wagner, Bill Hutchison, New York Daily News)

Editorial cartoon: Charleston shooting (Satiretegning, Dan Wasserman, The Boston Globe)

Emanuel AME church, now full of sorrow, was built on courageous past (Hailey Branson-Potts, Los Angeles Times)

Federal probe in Charleston shooting won't mean automatic hate-crime case (Gary Fields, John R. Emshwiller, The Wall Street Journal)

The fight for equality in Charleston, from Denmark Vesey to Clementa Pinckney (Yoni Appelbaum, The Atlantic)

Five perfect sentences that connect Baltimore, Ferguson and Charleston (Emily Badger, The Washington Post)

For 2016ers, Charleston massacre is treacherous terrain (Video, Zachary Roth, MSNBC)

For Charleston's Emanuel A.M.E. church, shooting is another painful chapter in rich history (Sarah Kaplan, The Washington Post)

Former cop suing town over racial profiling investigation (Kyle Hightower (Associated Press), WFLX, Orlando, Florida)

GENE ROBERTSON: Dissonance rises around racial identity (Gene Robertson, Columbia Missourian)

GOP hopefuls would rather not talk about race and the Charleston shooting (Josh Voorhees, Slate)

The growing right-wing terror threat (Charles Kurzman, David Schanzer, The New York Times)

Guest column: Black lives still matter too little in America (Anthony Greene, New York Daily News)

Gun-free zones an easy target for killers (John R. Lott, Fox News)

A gunman strikes a black church in Charleston (Matt Ford, The Atlantic)

Half of American whites see no racism around them (Jim Tankersley, Peyton Craighill, Scott Clement, The Washington Post)

Hate crime in America, by the numbers (Mike Brunker, Monica Alba, Bill Dedman, NBC News)

Henry Louis Gates: If Clementa Pinckney had lived (Henry Louis Gates Jr., The New York Times)

Here's what we know about the people who lost their lives in Charleston (Max J. Rosenthal, Mother Jones)

Here's why it matters that officials are calling the Charleston mass shooting a hate crime (Sarah Jones, PoliticusUSA)

Hillary Clinton champions more than just immigration to court Latino voters (Philip Rucker, The Washington Post)

Hillary Clinton, today is your moment to talk about racism in America (Brian Beutler, New Republic)

History of racial tension casts a shadow on Charleston tragedy (Tracy Fehr, The Huffington Post)

An honest, stream-of-consciousness conversation about race (Max Ufberg, Pacific-Standard)

How much has changed since the Birmingham church bombing? (David A. Graham, The Atlantic)

Improving race relations in an era of police brutality (Kevin Cokley, University of Texas at Austin)

In US, hate crimes have decreased steadily (Matt Rocheleau, The Boston Globe)

Is South Carolina just gonna fly that Confederate flag today or what? (Jia Tolentino, Jezebel)

It's not about mental illness: The big lie that always follows mass shootings by white males (Arthur Chu, Salon)

Juneteenth: 150 years ago, black America got its own Independence Day (Laura Saunders Egodigwe, The Root)

Justice Thomas Deals an unexpected blow to the Confederacy (Ian Millhiser, Think Progress)

Kan. family files claim against Wichita police officers in 2014 shooting death of mentally ill vet (Breanna Edwards, The Root)

Killing of nine blacks by white gunman: South Carolina's racial hate and guns collide in mass murder (Andrew Dys, The Herald)

Killings add painful page to storied history of Charleston church (Jonathan Weisman, The New York Times)

The legacy of the Charleston pastor killed in last night's shooting (Alice Ollstein, Think Progress)

Legal experts break down possible charges in Tamir Rice case (Brandon Blackwell, Cleveland.com)

Let your heart response to Charleston speak for you (Theresa Siries, The Huffington Post)

Listen to Lauryn Hill cover Nina Simone's "Feeling Good" (Madeline Kaplan, The Huffington Post)

A living landmark (Jamelle Bouie, Slate)

The long list of murders committed by white extremists since the Oklahoma City bombing (Ben Mathis-Lilley, Slate)

Man charged with attempted murder in George Zimmerman shooting (Mike Schneider, Talking Points Memo)

Man pleads guilty to plaing noose on civil rights statue at Ole Miss (Jeff Amy (Associated Press), The Huffington Post)

Many ask, why not call church shooting terrorism? (Rick Gladstone, The New York Times)

Marc Maron talked with Obama about racism, disappointment, and Charleston (Williams Hughes, A.V. Club)

Mayor says Rachel Dolezal must resign from Police Commission; she refuses (Margaret Hartmann, New York Magazine)

Michelle Obama lights candles for victims of Charleston church shooting (Colleen Barry (Associated Press), The Huffington Post)

MSNBC's Dyson: Obama can't "pretend" Charleston is more about guns than race (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

Murdered state senator Clementa Pinckney made this haunting speech about Walter Scott (Jaeah Lee, Mother Jones)

The murders at Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston (Eleanor Randolph, The New York Times)

Murders in Charleston (Jelani Cobb, The New Yorker)

Navigating our way through the maze of race in North America (Idil Issa, The Globe and Mail, Canada)

Nine dead after "hate crime" shooting at Emanuel AME (Glenn Smith, Robert Behre, Melissa Boughton, Charleston Post and Courier)

The nine people killed in Charleston are victims of America's racist present (Steven W Thrasher, The Guardian)

No quarter, no sanctuary, no succor (Jamil Smith, New Republic)

No safe place to be black: Charleston and America's gut-wrenching racial truth (Joan Walsh, Salon)

No sanctuary in Charleston (Patricia Williams Lessane, The New York Times)

Our racist history isn't back to haunt us. It never left us. (Rebecca Traister, New Republic)

The "passing" interest of racial identity (Ben Zimmer, The Wall Street Journal)

Police and prosecutors still foot drag on hate crimes (Earl Ofari Hutchinson, The Huffington Post)

Police: shooting at church in South Carolina (Video, The Washington Post)

The present tense of (racial) slavery: the racial chattel logic of the US prison (Dylan Rodríguez, Open Democracy)

Prosecuting hate crimes is hard. Here's why (Rebecca McCray, Take Part)

Putting the Charleston church shooting in the context of history (Jack Jenkins, Think Progress)

Race, ethnicity, and family stability in red and blue America (Nicholas Zill, W. Bradford Wilcox, Family Studies)

Rachel Dolezal, America's newest "victim" (Heather Wilhelm, Real Clear Politics)

Rachel Dolezal's adopted sister's blog shows deep-seated family issues (Yesha Callahan, The Root)

Racism is not a mental illness (Julia Craven, The Huffington Post)

The racist flags on Dylann Roof's jacket, explained (Zack Beauchamp, Vox)

Reid: SC shooter was a "sheep in wolf's clothing" (Jordan Carney, The Hill)

Remembering the Charleston church shooting victims (The Washington Post)

Remember Mother Emanuel (Eugene Robinson, Real Clear Politics)

Repeated attempts to pass hate crime bill in South Carolina have failed (Ned Resnikoff, Al Jazeera America)

S.C. shooting is "hate crime" - but what does that mean? (Jacqui Barrineau, USA Today)

Shooters of color are called "terrorists" and "thugs." Why are white shooters called "mentally ill"? (Anthea Butler, The Washington Post)

South Carolina is one of the only states that still doesn't have a hate crime law (Aviva Shen, Think Progress)

South Carolina politicians have very different responses to Charleston shooting (Rupali Srivastava, Think Progress)

South Carolina's Confederate flag is still flying. It's an insult to Charleston's victims. (Zack Beauchamp, Vox)

South Carolina suspect caught, and the politicization begins (David French, National Review)

Supreme Court says Texas can reject Confederate flag license plates (Adam Liptak, The New York Times)

Suspect captured in deadly shooting at black church in South Carolina (Robert Costa, Sari Horwitz, William Wan, The Washington Post)

Take down the Confederate flag - now (Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic)

Tensions run high after man makes threats outside of Richmond church (Robb Crocker, WRIC, Richmond, Virginia)

Terry Glavin: Rachel Dolezal is nothing new in a culture littered with racial pretenders (Terry Glavin, National Post)

Texas NAACP launches new effort aimed at stopping racial profiling by police officers (Ryan Poppe, Texas Public Radio)

These Republicans aren't sure what motivated a white guy to kill 9 black churchgoers, but it wasn't racism (Nick Wing, The Huffington Post)

Thugs and terrorists have attacked black churches for generations (Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic)

Trans-racial is more common than you might think (Video, John Hendricks, KXLY, Spokane, Washington)

The ugly truth about hate crimes - in 5 charts and maps (Christopher Ingraham, The Washington Post)

The victims of the Charleston, SC, church massacre (Diana Ozemebhoya Eromosele, The Root)

Views you can use: A hate crime in Charleston (Rachel Brody, U.S. News & World Report)

Watch: Obama speaks out on Charleston church shooting: "I've had to make statements like this too many times" (Video, Breanna Edwards, The Root)

What percentage of Charleston is black? There's been a radical shift in the city's racial demographics recently (Lauren Barbato, Bustle)

What the Charleston killings reveal about our national soul (Scott Martelle, Los Angeles Times)

What the Charleston shooting suspect's white power flag patches mean (Jeremy Stahl, Slate)

What you need to know about hate crimes in Texas and across the U.S. (Video, Keli Rabon, Trent Seibert, KTRK, ABC Houston, Texas)

White gunman opens fire at historic black church in SC, 9 dead (Breanna Edwards, The Root)

White supremacists worried Charleston shooting makes them look bad (Eliot Nelson, Amanda Terkel, Arthur Delaney, Samantha Lachman, The Huffington Post)

Why doesn't South Carolina have a hate crime law, given its past? (Daniel Rivero, Collier Meyerson, Fusion)

Why it's so hard to gauge level of hate crimes in U.S. (Josh Sanburn, Time)

Why recognizing the Charleston church shooting as an act of racially motivated terrorism is only the first step (Lilly Workneh, The Huffington Post)

Why the GOP hates talking about hate: Conservatives can't confront racism in Charleston shooting (Ana Marie Cox, The Daily Beast)

Why we must call Dylann Roof a terrorist (Shaun King, Daily Kos)

Wickedness in Charleston (Colbert I. King, The Washington Post)

The wildly different ways one senator responds to terrorism: Boston versus Charleston (Judd Legum, Think Progress)

With Charleston shooting, a time to stop teaching children about the "history" of racial violence (KJ Dell'Antonia, The New York Times)

Witnesses to Freddie Gray protest submit nearly 1,000 works to Md. Historical Society (Mary Carole McCauley, The Baltimore Sun)

Woman suspended from job over McKinney pool fight denies using racist slurs (Breanna Edwards, The Root)


Among African-Americans, all are welcome (Sarah Willie-LeBreton, philly.com)

Another day at the pool turns violent for a black family after police are called (Nick Wing, The Huffington Post)

As Dolezal played her game, many of us played along (Shawn Vestal, The Spokesman-Review)

Author Jess Row: There are others like Dolezal (Boris Kachka, Vulture)

Baltimore scholars weigh in on the existance of "transracial" (Video, Catherine Hawley, WMAR, Baltimore)

Before Dolezal, Calif. politician also said he was black (Video, Tim Daly, USA Today)

Beyond black and white: On designer races, Rachel Dolezal, racial normativity and the impossible absoluteness of race. (Xavier Lopez Jr., Seattle PI)

Black voices: Bernie Sanders should address racial injustice (Clarence Lusane, The Progressive)

Busting the myth of "the Ferguson effect" (Brentin Mock, CityLab)

Carr: Nut case Rachel Dolezal upping the ante on Liz Warren (Howie Carr, Boston Herald)

Choosing to be black is the epitome of white privilege (Errin Whack, Politico)

Chris Freind: Whitewash NAACP leader's race, ignore color (Chris Freind, The Delaware County Daily Times)

Concerns of black Americans reflect a year of simmering racial tension in the US (Wesley Lowery, The Independent)

The delusions of Dolezal (Charles M. Blow, The New York Times)

Devout racist's religion doesn't trump racial segregation in prison, appeals court says (Denny Walsh, The Sacramento Bee)

Dolezal controversy sparks questions about modern civil rights movement (Radioindslag, Cheryl Corley, Morning Edition, NPR)

Don't call it a comeback: racial slavery is not yet abolished (Jared Sexton, Open Democracy)

Esther Dolezal, Rachel Dolezal's black adopted sister, posts message of support online (Justin Wm. Moyer, The Washington Post)

The fight over Eric Garner grand jury records continues (Christopher Mathias, The Huffington Post)

Fitzgerald: Plenty have used race issues to gain an edge (Joe Fitzgerald, Boston Herald)

The great white dope (Charles Mudede, The Stranger)

Hawaii is home to the nation's largest share of multiracial Americans (Jens Manuel Krogstad, Pew Research Center)

Here's to you, Rachel Dolezal (Eric Frazier, The Charlotte Observer)

Hispanic and Latino identity is changing (Mark Hugo Lopez, The New York Times)

I am black, and Rachel Dolezal is not (Rebecca Carroll (Dame), Salon)

The internalized racism of white leftists (Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Mag)

In the afterglow of racial passing (David Palumbo-Liu, The Huffington Post)

The key to urban tensions: Government-sponsored racial segregation (Richard Rothstein, Newsweek)

Letters: Rachel Dolezal raises questions about racial identity (Radioindslag, All Things Considered, NPR)

Loretta Lynch formally sworn in as attorney general after whirlwind start (Tom McCarthy, The Guardian)

Newsroom diversity: Why we should care (Margaret Sullivan, The New York Times)

Nine dead in Charleston church shooting: Hollywood reacts (Ryan Gajewski, The Hollywood Reporter)

Nine killed in shooting at black church in Charleston (Jason Horowitz, Nick Corasaniti, Ashley Southall, The New York Times)

Provocative saga of Rachel Dolezal ignites conversation about racial identity (Nina Shapiro, The Seattle Times)

Race and racial identity are social constructs (Angela Onwuachi-Willig, The New York Times)

Race in the American church (Peter J. Leithart, First Things)

Rachel Dolezal and the complex politics of white privilege (Elwood D. Watson, The Huffington Post)

Rachel Dolezal draws ire of transracial adoptees (Justin Wm. Moyer, The Washington Post)

Rachel Dolezal reveals she's bisexual (Kim Bellware, The Huffington Post)

Rachel Dolezal's brother speaks out: "She keeps on making up more and more lies" (Joanna Rothkopf, Salon)

Rachel Dolezal's fractured family (Video, Ashley Semler, BBC News)

Rachel Dolezal's parents react to daughter's race identity comments (Video, ABC News)

Rachel Dolezal's unintended gift to America (Allyson Hobbs, The New York Times)

Rachel Dolezal: What black leaders are saying about her racial identity (Dylan Stableford, Yahoo)

Racial fluidity complicates the value we assign to race (Nancy Leong, The New York Times)

The science of race: Why Rachel Dolezal can't choose to be black (Tia Ghose, Live Science)

SEE IT: Ohio police and family dispute intense confrontation, arrests at pool (Jason Silverstein, New York Daily News)

Southern Baptists' efforts at racial reconciliation a mixed bag, review finds (Adelle M. Banks, The Washington Post)

The story of a hate crime (Margaret Talbot, The New Yorker)

Taken (Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic)

This poet's take on "how to raise a black son in America" is incredibly powerful (Taryn Finley, The Huffington Post)

Tougher teacher licensing exams and a question of racial discrimination (Elizabeth A. Harris, The New York Times)

Transracial lives matter: Rachel Dolezal and the privilege of racial manipulation (LisaMarie Rollins, The Huffington Post)

UVM sociologist on racial identity (Video, WCAX News, Burlington, Vermont)

Video: Chicago cop opens fire on black teens in car (Video, Jonah Newman, Chicago Reporter)

Virginia liquor agents were justified in bloody arrest of UVA student, prosecutor says (Tyler Kingkade, The Huffington Post)

Welcome to McKinney, home of more police brutality (Anthony Torres, The Daily Cougar, University of Houston, Texas)

We're a Dolezal nation, Tonto: Column (Gregory Smithers, USA Today)

What race would you be 100 years ago, according to the US census? (Dara Lind, Vox)

What really happened at Fairfield pool? (Video, Keith BieryGolick, Michael D. Clark, Cincinnati.com)

Why a woman's white lie is about much more than the issue of racism (Lindy McDowell, Belfast Telegraph, Nordirland)

Why is Rachel Dolezal any different from Caitlyn Jenner? (Haaretz, Israel)

Why we need police reform: some law enforcement tactics are simply racist (Judith Browne Dianis, The Guardian)

Yes, Rachel Dolezal is black (Ben Shapiro, Town Hall)

You can't fix "broken windows", so end it now (Leder, The Nation)


#RachelDolezal and the meaning of white privilege (Andre E. Johnson, The Huffington Post)

4 big mistakes ex-NAACP official Rachel Dolezal made in her resignation letter (Caroline McMillan Portillo, The Business Journals)

5 black Chicagoans who passed for black (Kim Janssen, Chicago Sun-Times)

10 questions Matt Lauer should have asked Rachel Dolezal (Latoya Peterson, Fusion)

12 burning questions for Rachel Dolezal, including, "Can Donald Trump be black, too?" (Jenée Desmond-Harris, Vox)

40 acres and a mule would be at least $6.4 trillion today: What the U.S. really owes black America (Tracy Loeffelholz Dunn, Jeff Neumann, AlterNet)

Actually, "trans-racial" is  much more reasonable than "transgender"... (Steven Crowder, Western Journalism)

Ala. authorities say alleged assault of white family by black teens is not a hate crime (Nigel Roberts, The Root)

The ambiguity of racial categories (Andrew Gelman, The Washington Post)

Among multiracial adults, racial identity can be fluid (Video, Rich Morin, Pew Research Center)

Are we all being bigots about Rachel Dolezal? (Alex Moore, Death and Taxes)

Ava DuVernay on why she's not ashamed of labeling herself a "black woman filmmaker" (Brennan Williams, The Huffington Post)

Being able to negotiate our racial identity is important (Amanda Kay Erekson, The New York Times)

The biggest political story isn't Clinton, Bush or Trump. It's Rachel Dolezal, by a mile. (Hunter Schwarz, The Washington Post)

Black like her: Is racial identity a state of mind? (Amy Ellis Nutt, The Washington Post)

Black like me: A white man's experience of segregation (Newsweek)

Black like who: Rachel Dolezal's harmful masquerade (Tamara Winfrey Harris, The New York Times)

Black women matter: Ms. Foundation CEO talks McKinney, #BLM through a "gender lens" (Sheryl Huggins Salomon, News One)

Blaming black protesters for "crime wave" (Van Jones, CNN)

Can a commercial solve racism? These 7 tried (Jason Johnson, The Root)

Can Rachel Dolezal really be "transracial" - or is white privilege to blame? (Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy, Yahoo)

Choosing your own: Definition of race becoming fluid (Jesse J. Holland, Associated Press)

The criminalization of black children in McKinney, Texas, and schools across America (J. Richard Cohen, The Huffington Post)

The curious case of Rachel Dolezal (Leder, Chicago Tribune)

Dear Rachel: Here's what I wrote after I got mad watching your interview (Hilary Beard, The Root)

Dear Rachel, I am not my hair, but I am a black woman (Calvalyn Day, The Huffington Post)

The deeper problems we miss when we attack "gentrification" (Emily Badger, The Washington Post)

Defining racial integration for the 21st century (Peniel Joseph, Newsweek)

Dolezal, Jenner raise fundamental questions about identity (Farah Stockman, Boston Globe)

Dolezal says she's felt black from early age, evaders tougher credibility questions on Today (Video, Ben Mathis-Lilley, Slate)

Dolezal's damaging "transracial" game (Samantha Allen, The Daily Beast)

The era of transracialism potential impact (Michael Vass, The Examiner)

Eric Garner case's secret evidence should be made public, attorneys argue (Lauren Gambino, The Guardian)

Ex-NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal grew up in strict, cult-like Christian family, brother writes in memoir (Ginger Adams Otis, New York Daily News)

Family of Renisha McBride settles wrongful death lawsuit, and raises awareness about violence against black women (Tracy, Atlanta Black Star)

Getting a clearer view of a white woman's black deception (Sandy Banks, Los Angeles Times)

Guest column: Rachel Dolezal is a strange symbol of progress on race (John McWhorter, New York Daily News)

A guy can be a gal, but white can't be black. Yet. (Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times)

Here's what Jon Stewart has to say about Rachel Dolezal (Video, Samantha Grossman, Time)

Identity, race or otherwise, is your lived experience (Heidi W. Durrow, The New York Times)

If Rachel Dolezal says she's black, she's black. Sort of. (Barrett Holmes Pitner, The Daily Beast)

"I identify as black": the historical precedent for Rachel Dolezal (+video) (Harry Bruinius, the Christian Science Monitor)

I'm a white woman who dated a Black Panther. I could have been Rachel Dolezal. (Hannah Miet, The Washington Post)

I'm still black: Rachel Dolezal and the realities of racial construction and boundaries (Rev. Dominique C. Atchison, The Huffington Post)

In these powerful maps, cities fracture along racial lines (Laura Bliss, CityLab)

Is it OK for white people to steal black culture? (Stephanie Klein, MyNorthwest.com)

I sometimes don't want to be white either (Ali Michael, The Huffington Post)

It's called "trans race:" Being white, identifying black (Sean Rowe, MyFox28 Columbus)

It was only a matter of time until #RachelDolezalMemoirTitles took over the internet (Susan Svrluga, The Washington Post)

Jason Stanford: Black faces in white spaces (Jason Stanford, The Baxter Bulletin, Arkansas)

Keenan: Black historian reflects on ex-NAACP leader (Marney Rich Keenan, The Detroit News)

Kehetian: Police are under attack in America (Mitch Kehetian, Oakland Press)

L.A.'s long hot summer of racial violence is brewing (Jack Dunphy, PJ Media)

Leonard Pitts Jr.: Dolezal controversy is about our racial delusions (Leonard Pitts Jr., Miami Herald)

Martin O'Malley needs black votes to win in 2016 (Emily Cadei, Newsweek)

Matt Lauer's interview with Rachel Dolezal shows why it's so hard to talk about race in America (Julia Felsenthal, Vogue)

Mental illness is an affliction, not a crime. Police must stop killing suffering citizens (Gwen Moore, The Guardian)

Montel Williams: Rachel Dolezal, you're no Caitlyn Jenner (Betsy Rothstein, The Daily Caller)

On whiteness, Rachel Dolezal and identity politics (Raluca Bejan, Rabble.ca, Canada)

Opinion: Washington needs to tell the truth about police violence (DeRay McKesson, The Washington Post)

The original Rachel Dolezal was a Jew named Mezz Mezzrow (Seth Rogovoy, Forward)

The other terror threat (Charles Kurzman, David Schanzer, The New York Times)

Pulling a Rachel Dolezal: Five others who adopted a different race (Tristin Hopper, National Post, Canada)

Punchlines: A path to black citizenship? (Video, Eileen Rivers, USA Today)

Race faker Rachel Dolezal may suffer from severe personality disorder (Keith Girard, The Improper)

Rachel discrimination (Victorino Matus, The Weekly Standard)

Rachel Dolezal affair highlights distinction between race, ethnicity (Lisa Suhay, The Christian Science Monitor)

Rachel Dolezal and the real divide among Americans (Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary)

Rachel Dolezal and the trouble with asking for "proof" (Sara Diaz, Ph.D., The Huffington Post)

Rachel Dolezal: "Blackface" in 21st century America (C. Matthew Hawkins, New Pittsburgh Courier)

Rachel Dolezal breaks her silence on TODAY: 'I identify as black' (Video, Eun Kyung Kim, The Today Show)

Rachel Dolezal brings up specter of delusional anti-racist (Louis Chude-Sokei, The Seattle Times)

Rachel Dolezal case exposes fault lines over racial identity (Eric Gorski, The Denver Post)

Rachel Dolezal doesn't think she's a con artist, do you? (Video, Black Entertainment Television)

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black (Camille Gear Rich, CNN)

Rachel Dolezal identifies as black, denounces blackface in confusing first interviews (Sarah Seltzer, Flavorwire)

Rachel Dolezal is just another person driven insane by liberalism (Matt Walsh, The Blaze)

Rachel Dolezal isn't black, or maybe the rest of us are just colorblind: Phillip Morris (Phillip Morris, The Cleveland Plain Dealer)

Rachel Dolezal: I've identified as black since I was 5 years old (Nick Gass, Politico)

Rachel Dolezal -- Learning to love the skin you are in (Theresa Sirles, The Huffington Post)

Rachel Dolezal, Matt Lauer, and the African American experience (Adam Ericksen, Patheos)

Rachel Dolezal: No "biological proof" I'm my parents' daughter (Hanna Trudo, Politico)

Rachel Dolezal on Today Show: "I identify as black" (Yesha Callahan, The Root)

Rachel Dolezal's definition of "transracial" isn't just wrong, it's destructive (Syreeta McFadden, The Guardian)

Rachel Dolezal's parents dispute claim that she identified as black at an early age (Abby Ohlheiser, The Washington Post)

Rachel Dolezal's remarkably brazen turn as a misunderstood politician (Janell Ross, The Washington Post)

Rachel Dolezal's story sparks questions about "how people experience race" (Radioindslag, All Things Considered, NPR)

Rachel Dolezal's Today Show interview insults me at my core (Mary Pryor, SheKnows)

Rachel Dolezal: The politics of race not-so-black-and-white (Radioindslag, CBC Radio, Canada)

Rachel Dolezal: Transracial, passing or blackface liar? (Christian Piatt, The Huffington Post)

Rachel Dolezal: Yes, I am black (Video, Benjamin Lang, Joy Y. Wang, MSNBC)

Racial delusions: The Devil's playground (Stephen Z. Nemo, Communities Digital News)

Racial Dolezal (Richard Fernandez, PJ Media)

A racial healing: An open letter to Rachel Dolezal (Naomi Pabst, The Huffington Post)

Reading about racial boundaries (John Williams, The New York Times)

SF may require cops to collect more race data in bid to curb bias (Vivian Ho, SF Gate)

Should Rachel Dolezal's story change how we think about race? (Radioindslag, Gene Demby, NPR)

So about that time Rachel Dolezal sued Howard University for racial discrimination... (D.L. Chandler, NewsOne)

Spokane's black community embraces white allies, so what's behind Rachel Dolezal's perplexing deception? (Kellie Carter Jackson, The Conversation)

The strange saga of Rachel Dolezal: "Transracialism," lies and whatever blackness means (Leslie Gray Streeter, Palm Beach Post)

Talib Kweli on Rachel Dolezal: "You're not an ally. You're an enemy" (Simon Vozick-Levinson, Rolling Stone)

A Texas town plagued by racial poison - welcome to McKinney (Jihad Hassan Muhammad, The Final Call)

Thank the left for Rachel Dolezal's "transracial" fiction (Robert George, New York Post)

Timson: We are not remotely close to a post-racial era (Judith Timson, Toronto Star, Canada)

Trading places (Eoin Higgins, The Huffington Post)

Trolls were just waiting for Rachel Dolezal: Her fraudulent life story sets everyone back (Arthur Chu, Salon)

Try switching Rachel Dolezal and Bruce Jenner in this article (D.C. McAllister, The Federalist)

The unfathomably weird case of Rachel Dolezal (Andrew Stewart, CounterPunch)

Video: Police respond to report of fight at public pool - now officers are accused of racial targeting, excessive force (Jason Howerton, The Blaze)

Video: White cop grabs black tween by her neck - and slams her against his squad car (Kate Briquelet, The Daily Beast)

Viewpoint: Why Rachel Dolezal cannot be compared to Caitlyn Jenner (Alexandra Samuels, Willie Burnley, USA Today College)

What do you call white rioters? Anything but thugs (Robert Greenwald, Van Jones, The Huffington Post)

Whatever Rachel Dolezal is doing, let's not call it "passing" (Blair L.M. Kelley, The Washington Post)

What Rachel Dolezal could've learned from Caitlyn Jenner (Dustin Petzold, Big Think)

White guilt never helped anyone (James Heartfield, Spiked)

White like me (Brian Levin, J.D., The Huffington Post)

Who decides racial identity? Not Rachel Dolezal (Margalynne Armstrong, Stephanie Wildman, San Francisco Chronicle)

Why donating to the NAACP is a great idea right now (Josephine B. Yurcaba, Bustle)

Why NBC News went way too easy on Rachel Rolezal (Andrew Wallenstein, Variety)

Why Rachel Dolezal is still welcome among blacks (Sarah Willie-LeBreton, philly.com)

Why we don't need to "discuss" Tamir Rice's death by cop bullet (Natasha Leonard, Fusion)

Why we should embrace the racial chaos (Kevin Noble Maillard, The New York Times)

Woman denies using racial slurs in McKinney pool party fight (Julieta Chiquillo, The Dallas Morning News)


#AskRachel and more: Social media loves Rachel Dolezal (Video, CNN)

As a privileged white guy living in "liberal" Berkeley, I wasn't expecting a police raid on my backyard pot plants (Jeremy Daw, AlterNet)

As Rachel Dolezal resigns, a renewed US debate on what it means to be black (Harry Bruinius, The Christian Science Monitor)

At least Rachel Dolezal "walked the walk" of being black (John McWhorter, Time)

Before Rachel Dolezal, there was Walter White (Randy Dotinga, The Christian Science Monitor)

Beyond the Jewfro: Rachel Dolezal story touches historic nerve for Jews (Allison Kaplan Sommer, Haaretz)

Black like her (Jelani Cobb, The New Yorker)

Broad questions about race after NAACP chapter leader's resignation (Leah Sottile, Abby Phillip, The Washington Post)

Caitlyn Jenner and Rachel Dolezal: Clash of identity and authenticity (Jonathan Capehart, The Washington Post)

Caitlyn Jenner, Rachel Dolezal and the American politics of identity (Rita Nakashima Brock, The Huffington Post)

CNN guest: Did Dolezal "take opportunities away" from other black women? (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

"Damn, Rachel Dolezal. Even Vanilla Ice didn't claim to BE black": Kamau Bell and Adam Mansbach debate race (W. Kamau Bell, Ada Mansbach, Salon)

Dolezal's resignation letter is ridiculous (Katherine Timpf, National Review)

Do liberals accept Rachel Dolezal's deception? (Isaac Cohen, National Review)

DOMINIC LAWSON: The truth in black and white: today, victimhood's seen as morally superior (Dominic Lawson, The Daily Mail)

Don Lemon on Rachel Dolezal: Not like black people can choose to be white (Video, Matt Wilstein, Mediaite)

Embattled NAACP leader, Rachel Dolezal, cancels chapter meeting (NBC New York)

"Everybody wants to be black until the police show up" (Clarence B. Jones, The Huffington Post)

Family of man killed by police wants investigation reopened in Philadelphia (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Glenn Beck on Dolezal: Does that mean I can be Asian? (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

Here are the best pop culture references about the Rachel Dolezal scandal (Stephanie McNeal, BuzzFeed)

How do you make a white person black? [Podcast] (Podcast, Austin Petersen, The Libertarian Republic)

How Rachel Dolezal just made things harder for those of us who don't "look black" (Lisa, xovain.com)

How Rachel Dolezal's lies hurt black people (Ijeoma Oluo, The Seattle Globalist)

How Section 8 became a "racial slur" (Emily Badger, The Washington Post)

How technology allowed Rachel Dolezal to pass as black (Marcia Dawkins, Talking Points Memo)

How to be an ally without committing Rachel Dolezal's mistake (Christine Stoddard, The Huffington Post)

I am black. Rachel Dolezal is not. (Rebecca Carroll, The Huffington Post)

I am confuzzled by Ms. Rachel Dolezal's identity crisis so I asked my kids for help (Tanya Young Williams, The Huffington Post)

If Jenner's a woman, then Rachel Dolezal is black (Joe Schimmel, WND)

If transgender, why not transracial? (Gene Veith, Patheos)

The importance of being earnestly native (Larry Thornberry, The American Spectator)

An interview with Mark Stebbins, the original Rachel Dolezal (Ben Mathis-Lilley, Slate)

Is Barack Obama secretly a white person like Rachel Dolezal? (Newsmachete, American Thinker)

Is being Hispanic a matter of race, ethnicity or both? (Ana Gonzalez-Barrera, Mark Hugo Lopez, Pew Research Center)

Is "transracial" identity real? 11 opinions that will leave you thinking (Taylor Lewis, Essence)

It isn't crazy to compare Rachel Dolezal with Caitlyn Jenner (Vanessa Vitiello Urquhart, Slate)

Juan Williams: Dems should not be losing voting-rights fight (Juan Williams, The Hill)

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Let Rachel Dolezal be as black as she wants to be (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Time)

Katie Pavlich: Obama's anti-police ideology (Katie Pavlich, The Hill)

Let's not question blackness because a white woman says so (Kirsten West Savali, The Root)

Limbaugh: Dolezal wanted to be a "victim" because victims get "goodies" and sympathy (Radioindslag, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

Lying about your race is a sure way to be persecuted, Rachel Dolezal shows (Laurence Arnold, Bloomberg)

NAACP imposter sued school over race claims (The Smoking Gun)

NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal: "I was born a poor black child...?" (J.D. Crowe, al.com, Alabama)

No, the difference between Dolezal and Jenner is not "fraud" (Sean Davis, The Federalist)

Passing for black-ish (Hannah Miet, Newsweek)

Penny for your thoughts: What if there were a transracial movement? (Penny Wrenn, Madame Noire)

Provocative novels take on "post-racial America" (Radioindslag, Sarah Bagby, KMUW, Wichita Public Radio, Kansas)

Race, ethnicity and belonging (Julia O'Connell Davidson, Joel Quirk, Open Democracy)

Rachel Dolezal and fictitious "dad's Deep South exodus": Newly uncovered interview shows her claiming she had a black father who fled because a white cop was hunting him (Chris Spargo, Daily Mail)

Rachel Dolezal and the surprisingly common practice of "racial shifting" (Janell Ross, The Washington Post)

Rachel Dolezal: As a mixed race woman, I know that culture and skin colour are different things (Natasha Devon, The Independent)

Rachel Dolezal, Caitlyn Jenner comparison rejected by transgender women of color, LGBT activists (Aaron Morrison, International Business Times)

Rachel Dolezal can choose her race: Column (Eliyahu Federman, USA Today)

Rachel Dolezal case shows identity isn't as simple as it seems (Erika D. Smith, The Sacramento Bee)

Rachel Dolezal: Choosing to identify as African-American (Radioindslag, Morning Edition, NPR)

Rachel Dolezal could be my sister (Phyllis Fletcher, The Seattle Times)

Rachel Dolezal, ethnic politics and the world of make believe (Peter Wehner, Commentary)

Rachel Dolezal gave lectures on "nappiness" and "the brown paper bag test," once told student she didn't look "Hispanic enough" (The Grio)

Rachel Dolezal is breaking bad: Meet Walter White, the black man who looked white, led the NAACP, married a white woman and became a race traitor (Graham Lanktree, International Business Times)

Rachel Dolezal isn't alone - my family history proves choosing a racial definition is hard (Bliss Broyard, The Guardian)

Rachel Dolezal quits N.A.A.C.P. in Spokane (Richard Pérez-Peña, The New York Times)

Rachel Dolezal resigns from NAACP. Is her race relevant? (+video) (Michelle Toh, The Christian Science Monitor)

Rachel Dolezal resigns from Spokane NAACP chapter; video surfaces of her using the N-word (Yesha Callahan, The Root)

Rachel Dolezal's black woman ruse: It was all about social capital (Demetria Lucas D'Oyley, The Grio)

Rachel Dolezal's choice to identify as black was an act of empathy (Omar Mohammed, Quartz)

Rachel Dolezal's false claim that black father fled Deep South (Lydoptagelse, The Daily Mail)

Rachel Dolezal's "imitation of life" (Kim Kane, The Huffington Post)

Rachel Dolezal's little black lie and the ethics of truth telling (Jacquie Kubin, Communities Digital News)

Rachel Dolezal's "passing" isn't so unusual (Daniel J. Sharfstein, The New York Times)

Rachel Dolezal's story, a study of race and identity, gets "crazier and crazier" (Maria L. La Ganga, Matt Pearce, Los Angeles Times)

Rachel Dolezal's truth (William Saletan, Slate)

Rachel Dolezal vs. Caitlyn Jenner: Can the two be compared? (+video) (Sarah Caspari, The Christian Science Monitor)

Racial identity, misrepresentation, and African American culture (Stephen Balkaran, The Huffington Post)

Sam Leith: In today's world identity is not all black and white (Sam Leith, London Evening Standard)

Sanders offers thoughts on race, policing (Neal Goswami, Barre Montpelier Times Argus, Vermont)

Scoot: What's wrong with lying about being black? (Scoot Paisant, WWL, New Orleans)

She didn't just play the race card - she actually lived it! (Carole Boyce Davies, Jeremy Levitt, Miami Herald)

"Sister Outside": Rachel Dolezal and the ideology of race (Jim Downs, The Huffington Post)

Sociology expert: Dolezal case is "condescending, upsetting" (Video, Maggie Vespa, KGW, Portland, Oregon)

Sorry, Rachel Dolezal, putting on blackface is not the support we need (Jeneé Osterheldt, The Kansas City Star)

Spokane's NAACP leader quits amid charges she faked her race (Fox News)

The surprising ways Caitlyn Jenner and Rachel Dolezal are now linked (Justin Wm. Moyer, The Washington Post)

This Father's Day, let's shatter the myth about the absent black father (Kirsten West Savali, The Root)

This series of five Rachel Dolezal 2014 raw interview videos will absolutely baffle you (Video, Aura Bogado, ColorLines)

The unelectable whiteness of Scott Walker (Alec MacGillis, New Republic)

Waving the white flag: Rachel Dolezal's insulting assumptions about her NAACP colleagues (Leder, New York Daily News)

What did Rachel Dolezal do to her adopted brother Izaiah? (Rosslyn Smith, American Thinker)

What my black Jewish son teaches me about Rachel Dolezal (Alina Adams, Forward)

What Rachel Dolezal has in common with half a million Americans (Janell Ross, The Washington Post)

White or black, girls go wild without fathers (Katie Kieffer, Town Hall)

White people have been passing for black for centuries. A historian explains. (Dara Lind, Vox)

White woman who lied about race forced down but not out (Mary Mitchell, Chicago Sun-Times)

Whoopi Goldberg and Raven-Symone defend Rachel Dolezal on "The View" (Video, Amanda Mikelberg, CBS News)

Why Al Sharpton's wrong about Rachel Dolezal's parents (Karol Markowicz, New York Post)

Will the real Rachel Dolezal please stand up? Where it all went wrong. (Steven Robinson, ThyBlackMan)


At Harvard, "too Jewish has become "too Asian" (George C. Leef, Newsweek)

Baltimore cop, activist slams O'Malley's civil rights record (Richard Pollock, The Daily Caller)

Black churches led the civil rights movement. Can they do it again in Baltimore? (David Dagan, The Huffington Post)

Can Rachel Dolezal redeem herself as an ally? (David A. Love, The Grio)

CNN's Hill: White NAACP leader pretending to be black is "white privilege" (Video, Brad Wilmouth, Newsbusters)

Denis Reyes' grieving family demands answers a month after death during NYPD encounter (Lauren Gambino, The Guardian)

Every white ally has a little bit of Rachel Dolezal (Morgan Guyton, Patheos)

Exclusive: Dave Chappelle won't be making jokes about Rachel Dolezal anytime soon. Here's why. (Soraya Nadia McDonald, The Washington Post)

Explaining away the new crime wave (Heather Mac Donald, The Wall Street Journal)

Former police chief faces retrial in death of black man in South Carolina (Associated Press, The Guardian)

I became a black woman in Spokane. But, Rachel Dolezal, I was a black girl first (Alicia Walters, The Guardian)

"Iggy Azalea meet Rachel Dolezal... You have a lot in common": Aboriginal activist accuses rapper of adopting a "black" persona by comparing her to US civil rights leader outed as a white woman (Emily Crane, Lydia Warren, The Daily Mail)

Jayne: Time to think outside the box about racial heritage (Greg Jayne, The Columbian)

Lies that make news: Jeb Bush is Hispanic; Rachel Dolezal is black; & Hillary Clinton is trustworthy (John Lillpop, Canada Free Press)

Man fatally shot after swinging flagpole at police in Kentucky (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Mimicry is not solidarity: Rachel Dolezal and the creation of antiracist white identity (Tim Wise, timwise.org)

Most Americans expect a long, hot summer of racial unrest. Moynihan would not be surprised. (John Fund, National Review)

Multiracial population three times larger than census count, Pew survey says (Carolina Moreno, The Huffington Post)

New study shows disparities in student loan debt are about more than just income, it's about a lack of black wealth (Taylor Gordon, Atlanta Black Star)

NYU professor weighs in on Rachel Dolezal "transracial" controversy (Ben Yakas, Gothamist)

Rachel Dolezal and academia's authenticity litmus test (Jennifer Wilson, Al Jazeera America)

The Rachel Dolezal case challenges the definition of race (Radioindslag, Gene Demby, Weekend Edition Sunday, NPR)

Rachel Dolezal not only thinks she's born into wrong race, she has everyone believing it ... including the NAACP (Linda Stasi, New York Daily News)

Rachel Dolezal's case can't be compared to Caitlyn Jenner, says psychologist (Diane Herbst, People)

Rachel Dolezal, Sunday update: Reports from inside her race and culture college courses. Also, Rob Lowe jumps in (Salon)

Rachel Dolezal: The Movie is inevitable (Andrew Wallenstein, Variety)

Rachel Dolezal to address furor over her race. Who defines racial identity? (Jessica Mendoza, The Christian Science Monitor)

Rethinking implicit bias in wake of McKinney incident (Tom Cadwallader, The News & Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina)

This conversation about black people in Silicon Valley tech was really awkward (Biz Carson, Business Insider UK)

What the Rachel Dolezal scandal teaches us (Danusha Goska, American Thinker)

Whites pass for black to gain empathy, experts say in wake of Dolezal case (Melanie Eversley, USA Today)

Why Rachel Dolezal needed a narrative of oppression (Adam Serwer, BuzzFeed)


Activist Rachel Dolezal's race claims spark Twitter debate on identity (Nicholas K. Geranios, Danielle Abreu, NBC New York)

Alarming report: There is a huge racial divide in depression, anxiety sufferers (Dan Taylor, National Monitor)

Arrests in Baltimore plummet, and residents are fearful (Doug Donovan, Colin Campbell, The Baltimore Sun)

Black like she: Rachel Dolezal's disputed claim to be African-American touches a raw nerve in American history (Leder, New York Daily News)

Blackness isn't something that can be acquired with a little bronzer (Khadijah White, Quartz)

Dear Dolezal: Here's who you hurt when you pretend to be black (Laina Dawes, Refinery29)

Did Rachel Dolezal not only fake her race, but fake "hate crimes," too? (Rick Moran, American Thinker)

Dolezal, accused of lying about her race, spoke at Baltimore protest (Fern Shen, Baltimore Brew)

Dolezal colleague: Rachel sees herself as black (Video, NBC News)

Donald Harris, white NCAAP leader, weighs in on Rachel Dolezal (Andy Campbell, The Huffington Post)

An expert weighs in on the strange case of Rachel Dolezal (Kate Wheeling, Pacific-Standard)

Florida grand jury to hear 2013 police shooting of black man holding fake gun (Associated Press, The Guardian)

The great pretenders (Jeff Crouere, Town Hall)

Hillary Clinton rally lacks racial diversity, but not enthusiasm (Joy-Ann Reid, MSNBC)

How film, TV have explored the scope of racial identity for decades (Candace Amos, New York Daily News)

How to become black in three easy steps (Newsmachete, American Thinker)

If Rachel Dolezal duped us into believing she's black, blame ourselves (Fredrik Deboer, Los Angeles Times)

Larry Elder: Conservative blacks long accused of "trying to be white," ignored by Ebony (Twitchy)

The left can't handle an inconvenient truth (Kimberly Ross, RedState)

Like shootings, suspected officer-involved suicides raise suspicion (Andrew Knapp, The Charleston Post and Courier)

Mayor Garzetti addresses Ezell Ford investigation, aftermath (Video, CBS Los Angeles)

Meet Kevin Jones, Baltimore homicide victim no. 123 (Video, Adam May, Nicole Grether, Al Jazeera America)

Melissa Harris-Perry on Rachel Dolezal: "It is possible that she might actually be black?" (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

No one heard Cleveland officer warn 12-year-old Tamir Rice before opening fire (Daniel Politi, Slate)

No, we shouldn't make X-Men supervillain Magneto black (Noah Beriatsky, Quartz)

The psychology of an ethnic fraud: Behind Rachel Dolezal's invented persecution (Pat Blanchfield, The Daily Beast)

Rachel Dolezal + the "politics of passing": MHP talks with Allyson Hobbs (Video, New Black Man (in Exile)

Rachel Dolezal a lesson in how racism works (Michael P. Jeffries, The Boston Globe)

Rachel Dolezal: Does it matter if she is black or white? (+video) (Denise Hassanzade Ajiri, The Christian Science Monitor)

Rachel Dolezal identifying as African American is highly unusual, experts say (Amanda Holpuch, The Guardian)

Rachel Dolezal isn't African-American, so what motivated her to identify as one? (Stephanie Castillo, Medical Daily)

Rachel Dolezal's imitation game: Why couldn't she struggle and be white? (Charles D. Ellison, The Root)

Rachel Dolezal: Video shows white race campaigner using her hair as example of African American style (Video, Jamie Lewis, The Mirror)

Sarah Palin rambles about Rachel Dolezal, "political correctness" in loopy Facebook post (Bethania Palma Markus, Raw Story)

Severely black, the Rachel Dolezal story (Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo)

Sheriff's report provides new details on Tamir Rice's death, but leaves questions (Mitch Smith, Richard A. Oppel Jr., The New York Times)

Spokane's NAACP leader would not be first to pass herself off as black (Tina Susman, Los Angeles Times)

Tamir Rice report: Cleveland policeman who fired fatal shots said he had "no choice" (James Queally, Los Angeles Times)

Tamir Rice report: witnesses contradict officer on warning to boy shot dead (Richard Luscombe, The Guardian)

Tavis Smiley: LOL - who'd sign up to be black? (Tavis Smiley, Time)

Texas pool party incident exposes McKinney's housing segregation battle (Tom Dart, The Guardian)

There have only been 9 days this year when the police did not kill someone. (Tom McKay, Mic)

VP of LA police commission speaks on Ezell Ford case (Video, Conan Nolan, NBC Los Angeles)

What percentage of Spokane, Washington is black? There's a staggering lack of diversity (Chris Tognotti, Bustle)

White panic, white denial: The racial prehistory of the McKinney pool party that white America can't let go (Andrew O'Hehir, Salon)

White women have always stolen black beauty (Keli Goff, The Daily Beast)

Why it was so easy for Rachel Dolezal to slip into black skin (Kali Holloway, AlterNet)

Why Rachel Dolezal would want to pass as a black woman (Fredrick Deboer, Los Angeles Times)


#Transethnicity, or the dangerous Tumblr myth that Rachel Dolezal brought to life (Charles Pulliam-Moore, Fusion)

The 5 worst conservative reactions to the McKinney pool incident (Amanda Marcotte, Rolling Stone)

14 tweets about Rachel Dolezal that reveal the uncomfortable truth about America (Natasha Noman, Mic)

48 years since Loving v. Virginia (Hayley Miller, Human Rights Campaign)

After Rachel Dolezal, conservative trolls are having a field day with "transracial" (Max Plenke, Mic)

All charges against UVA student Martese Johnson dropped (Breanna Edwards, The Root)

Anger and grief at vigil for Kalief Browder (Christopher Mathias, The Huffington Post)

Another white cop pulls gun -- now what? (Michael Coard, The Philadelphia Tribune)

Are police in Baltimore sulking over indictments in Freddie Gray case? (Kevin Drum, Mother Jones)

Baltimore rising (Paul Abowd, Al Jazeera America)

Baseball and black history (Frank Bruni, The New York Times)

The big question in the NAACP Rachel Dolezal case: Why? (Tina Susman, Los Angeles Times)

Black or white? Woman's story stirs up a furor (Richard Pérez-Peña, The New York Times)

The black people killed by police are just one piece of a larger structural problem (Patrisse Cullors, Darnell L Moore, Alicia Garza, The Guardian)

The changing categories the U.S. has used to measure race (Anna Brown, Pew Research Center)

Citizens motion viable in John Crawford case (WHIO, Dayton, Ohio)

Civil rights history: Five of Medgar Evers' achievements (Linnea Crowther, Legacy.com)

A civil rights leader has disguised herself as black for years, her parents say (Claudia Koerner, Jim Dalrymple II, BuzzFeed)

Cleveland police finalize agreement to address widespead racial bias and excessive use of force (Payton Guion, The Independent)

The comedy-drama "Dope" defies "black film" expectations (Filmanmeldelse, Lorraine Ali, Los Angeles Times)

Commentary: Rachel Dolezal's transracial America (Britt Middleton, BET)

The damage Rachel Dolezal has done (Jonathan Capehart, The Washington Post)

Dear Rachel: A letter from Goldie Taylor to #Rachel Dolezal (Goldie Taylor, Blue Nation Review)

The difficult question of why people pretend to be another race (Charlotte Alter, Time)

Does Cleveland need congress acting on police reform? (Phillip Jackson, Politico)

Does Rachel Dolezal's lie about her race discredit her civil rights work? (Dominique Hobdy, Essence)

Everything you need to know about transracial hero Rachel Dolezal (Ben Shapiro, Breitbart)

Examining the importance of racial self-identification as questions arise about Spokane NAACP president (Radioindslag, KPCC, Southern California Public Radio)

Fake black folks, fake Indians, and allies: The native roots of the Rachel Dolezal saga (Gyasi Ross, Indian Country Today Media Network)

The fallout from McKinney (Ian Tuttle, National Review)

Ferguson is still everywhere if you're black (Rika Tyler, T-Dubb-O, New Pittsburgh Courier)

Fighting for the black vote (Jay Cost, The Weekly Standard)

First son, now grandson taken by Baltimore violence (Dan Rodricks, The Baltimore Sun)

Florida police shooting of homeless man prompts state investigation (Richard Luscombe, The Guardian)

"The game isn't the NBA. It's the American racial empire": Let's talk about basketball's white-privilege problem (Matthew Pulver, Salon)

How a white woman who identifies with African Americans feels around white people (Carlos Lozada, The Washington Post)

How did white Rachel Dolezal convince everyone she was black? (Katie Zavadski, The Daily Beast)

How scientists explain Rachel Dolezal (Sam P.K. Collins, Think Progress)

How the disadvantages caused by residential segregation end up costing billions (Erik Sherman, Forbes)

How to make sense of Rachel Dolezal, the NAACP official accused of passing for black (Jenée Desmond-Harris, Vox)

The huge problem with the Rachel Dolezal scandal that everyone needs to know (Darnell L. Moore, Mic)

If Rachel Dolezal isn't black, how is Caitlyn Jennfer a woman? (Sean Davis, The Federalist)

I have questions about that white lady who maybe pretended to be black (Kara Brown, Jezebel)

I'm biracial, and Rachel Dolezal's story is an outrage to those who struggle with "passing" (April Siese, Bustle)

Imitation of life? (Bobbi Booker, The Phiadelphia Tribune)

I passed for black (James F. McGrath, Patheos)

Is Rachel Dolezal black just because she says she is? (Jamelle Bouie, Slate)

Is Rachel Dolezal white or black? Africana Studies colleague, NAACP respond to controversy (Morgan Winsor, International Business Times)

It's been a big year for racial identity issues in Spokane (The Spokesman-Review, Spokane)

I was born a poor black child (Jim Teacher, The Daily Caller)

Jaw-droppingly racist McKinney post gets teacher fired - but she insists she only meant well when pining for segregation (Sophia Tesfaye, Salon)

Judge backs murder charges in Tamir Rice's death, but the case drags on (Margaret Hartmann, New York Magazine)

Judge not HAPPY with being called a racist for acquitting white officer (Casey Harper, The Daily Caller)

Just what is the "Ferguson effect"? It depends on how you view police. (Patrik Jonsson, The Christian Science Monitor)

LAUREN FOREMAN: Flatter me more, NAACP leader (Lauren Foreman, The Bakersfield Californian)

Let's talk about race -- and what we're doing wrong (Six Brown Chicks, Chicago Now)

Lonnae O'Neal: Spokane woman is a race chameleon of a different stripe (Lonnae O'Neal, The Washington Post)

Los Angeles confronts a spike in homelessness amid prosperity (Adam Nagourney, The New York Times)

Making sense of Rachel Dolezal, the alleged white woman who passed as black (Kinsey Clarke, NPR)

Marilyn Mosby's father was a "crooked cop," police officer grandfather sued for racial discrimination (Chuck Ross, The Daily Caller)

Martese Johnson, free of charges, seeks racial harmony on U-Va. campus (T. Rees Shapiro, The Washington Post)

NAACP leader is a white woman in blackface (Inquisitr)

New tensions arise on both sides of Ezell Ford case (Video, CBS Los Angeles)

NYU professor on Spokane NAACP controversy. Some people can be trans-racial (Video, CBS New York)

The other cultural forces behind police brutality (James Wolcott, Vanity Fair)

Parents: Rachel Dolezal being dishonest, deceptive (Video, CNN, YouTube)

Passing for black? It happens in Hollywood all the time (Nikki Schwab, U.S. News & World Report)

Passing for black? Now that's a twist (Lisa Respers France, CNN)

Passing in reverse: What does an NAACP leader's case say about race? (Krissah Thompson, The Washington Post)

People respond to NAACP incident with #wrongskin (Lori Grisham, USA Today)

A perfect new novel for Loving Day (Boganmeldelse, Stacia L. Brown, The Washington Post)

Playing "good cop/bad cop" in McKinney, Texas (Michael A. Cohen, The Boston Globe)

Police killed an unarmed white man in Iowa and his community didn't seem to notice (Nick Wing, The Huffington Post)

QUIZ: Are you black? (Jason Parham, Gawker)

Race of Rachel Dolezal, head of Spokane NAACP, comes under question (Video, Ben Brumfield, Greg Botelho, CNN)

Race v ethnicity: the curious case of Rachel Dolezal, explained (sort of) (Video, The Guardian)

Rachel Dolezal and the overearnest uplifters (Matthew Schmitz, First Things)

Rachel Dolezal exposes our delusional constructions and perceptions of race (Steven W Thrasher, The Guardian)

Rachel Dolezal: "I don't give two sh*ts what you guys think" (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

Rachel Dolezal is nothing like Caitlyn Jenner - and here's why (Michelle Garcia, Mic)

Rachel Dolezal is "pimping blackness," says prominent black Canadian scholar (Sheena Goodyear, Toronto Sun, Canada)

Rachel Dolezal needs to go sit down somewhere (Jordan Lebeau, boston.com)

Rachel Dolezal responds to ethnicity questions: "Yes, I do consider myself to be black" (Lilly Workneh, The Huffington Post)

Rachel Dolezal's brothers speak out on sister's "blackface" makeup and strange actions (Video, Ken Meyer, Mediaite)

Rachel Dolezal's deception: her "black" identity doesn't make sense - or make her black (Gary Younge, The Guardian)

Rachel Dolezal: Twitter sounds off (Jason Hanna, CNN)

Rachel Dolezal wasn't the first - here are 6 more whites who passed for black (Lynette Holloway, Michigan Chronicle)

The reactions to Rachel Dolezal's lie that get it right (Lilly Workneh, The Huffington Post)

Reconstruction history long ignored, neglected: Are we finally ready to talk? (Gina Smith, Beaufort Gazette, South Carolina)

Segregation hurts black youth and young adults but helps whites (Erik Sherman, Forbes)

Sharpton weighs in on Rachel Dolezal's "transparency and honesty" (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

The short but intriguing history of white Americans pretending to be black (Ben Mathis-Lilley, Slate)

Sorry, Rachel Dolezal, there's no "trans" in front of "racial" (Britni Danielle, Take Part)

Sorry, you can't choose to be black (Julie Borowski, The Libertarian Republic)

Special grand jury indicts Norfolk police officer in mentally ill man's death (Gary A. Harki, The Virginian-Pilot)

Spokane NAACP president proves actions, not race, is what counts in civil rights battle (Earl Ofari Hutchinson, The Hutchinson Report)

Spokane NAACP president Rachel Dolezal's claims about background disputed (Kip Hill, David Wasson, The Spokesman-Review)

Stop making excuses for Rachel Dolezal: The Spokane NAACP official's fraud is unforgiveable (Mary Elizabeth Williams, Salon)

The strange case of Rachel Dolezal (John Hinderaker, PowerLine)

Stunning ruling by Cleveland judge in death of Tamir Rice (Video, ABC News)

Tamir Rice case reveals justice systems: "One for police, one for everybody else" (Afi Scruggs, The Guardian)

Tamir Rice: judge finds cause for murder charge over police killing of 12-year-old (Jon Swaine, Daniel McGraw, The Guardian)

There is no comparison between transgender people and Rachel Dolezal (Meredith Talusan, The Guardian)

"This case had absolutely nothing to do with race" (Daniel J. McGraw, Politico)

This is the face of the Rachel Dolezal madness (Kara Brown, Jezebel)

This poet's powerful explanation of "black privilege" will give you chills (Video, Lilly Workneh, The Huffington Post)

Transgender vs. transracial: Caitlyn Jenner & Rachel Dolezal (So Let's Talk About)

Transrace, transsex, transabled: Objective truth and self-marginalization (Elizabeth Scalia, Patheos)

To Rachel Dolezal: A white NAACP president could have been a powerful thing (Morgan Jerkins, Quartz)

"Ultimate exercise in white privilege": CNN panel piles on Rachel Dolezal (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

UPDATED! Don't confuse Rachel Dolezal with Caitlyn Jenner (Nick Gillespie, Reason)

West Baltimore's police presence drops, and murders soar (Richard A. Oppel Jr., The New York Times)

What Rachel Dolezal doesn't understand: being black is about more than just how you look (Osamudia James, The Washington Post)

"What's being black and what's being white?" (Doug Miller, KHOU 11 News, Houston, Texas)

When police brutality goes viral (John Stoehr, The National Memo)

When Rachel Dolezal met Marilyn Mosby (Julie Scharper, The Baltimore Sun)

White college professor posing as black woman raises questions about hiring (Anissa Ford, Examiner)

Whites just 8% of New York City's marijuana arrests (Victoria Bekiempis, Newsweek)

Why CAN'T Rachel Dolezal be black? (Blake Neff, The Daily Caller)

Why comparing Rachel Dolezal to Caitlyn Jenner is detrimental to both trans and racial progress (Zeba Blay, The Huffington Post)

Why someone like Rachel Dolezal might try to change their racial identity (Rebecca Ruiz, Mashable)

Why the Rachel Dolezal/NAACP scandal REALLY handicaps the Left (Steven Crowder, Western Journalism)

A woman who insists she's African American but isn't (Charles C. W. Cooke, National Review)


4 arrested in fight at Fairfield pool (Eric Robinette, Hamilton Journal News, Ohio)

After Ezell Ford ruling, LAPD chief's video upsets police commission (Video, Kathe Mather, Los Angeles Times)

Americans are staying as far away from each other as possible (Jared Keller, Pacific-Standard)

Americans' views on race relations depends on their race (Video, Matt Picht, Newsy)

Ben Carson: Every group faces discrimination (Video, CNN)

Benet Embry, black radio host: "My own people" threatening to kill me over McKinney comments (Jessica Chasmar, The Washington Times)

Black like me? (Jeff Selle, Maureen Dolan, Coeur d'Alene Press, Idaho)

Black lives matter (Wendi C. Thomas, Memphis Flyer)

Black vs. blue in America (Patrick J. Buchanan, buchanan.org)

The case for raising housing vouchers for higher rent neighborhoods (Brentin Mock, CityLab)

Cleveland judge finds probable cause to charge officers in Tamir Rice death (Richard Pérez-Peña, Mitch Smith, The New York Times)

Cleveland police officer's attorney says "nothing has changed" following judge's probable cause opinion (Evan MacDonald, cleveland.com)

Cleveland tries out Baltimore justice, ignores facts in Tamir Rice shooting (Andrew Branca, Legal Insurrection)

Clinton gets everything wrong on voting (Hans A. von Spakovsky, National Review)

Colin Quinn on race, comedy and political correctness: "People should stop lying and pretending there's a racial dialogue" (David Daley, Salon)

Cop shoots homeless man wielding pipe at Overtown park (Charles Rabin, Miami Herald)

Credibility of local NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal questioned (The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Washington)

Disconnected: 1 in 5 black youths neither working nor in school (Video, Octavio Blanco, CNN Money)

Ezell Ford's shooting death exposes LAPD brutality (Sonali Kolhatkar, CityWatch)

Ezell Ford... still waits for justice (Brian W. Carter, Los Angeles Sentinel)

The false promise of black political representation (Nicholas Stephanopoulos, The Atlantic)

Florida police chief defends officers that victim says "beat me like a dog" (Richard Luscombe, The Guardian)

Focus on facts, not the politics (Mark Davis, philly.com)

Frenship teacher deletes McKinney, segregation post, creates uproar (#Merica Man Blog) (Adam D. Young, Lubbock Avalanche-Journal)

From "quadroon" to "Hispanic": The ever-changing way the Census defines race (Hunter Schwarz, The Washington Post)

From solitary to the street (Christie Thompson, The Marshall Project)

Gender and racial bias is systemic in the sciences (Katherine W. Phillips, The New York Times)

George Wallace stood in schoolhouse door 52 years ago today (Charles J. Dean, al.com, Alabama)

Hackensack man with knife fatally shot by police, officials say (Abbott Koloff, Minjae Park, Jim Norman, NorthJersey.com)

Hillary's unlawful plan to overrule voter-ID laws (David B. Rivkin Jr., Elizabeth Price Foley, The Wall Street Journal)

A history of blacks in NYPD blue: It all started with Samuel Battle (Arthur Browne, New York Daily News)

How white people need to talk to white people about race (and why) (Holly Roach, Patheos)

Iowa police officer kills unarmed man who "walked with purpose" (Jamiles Lartey, The Guardian)

It's going to be a long, hot summer in America (Steve Nelson, The Huffington Post)

Judge says cause exists to charge Tamir Rice officers, but leaves case in prosecutors' hands (Ben Mathis-Lilley, Slate)

Legal options weighed in Texas pool party case (Jobin Panicker (WFAA-TV, Dallas-Forth Worth), USA Today)

Lonnae O'Neal: Are we all drowning in McKinney's pool troubles? (Lonnae O'Neal, The Washington Post)

Louisiana's racist injustice: Why the Angola 3 spent decades in solitary confinement (Natasha Lennard, Fusion)

Man kicked by Orlando police while sitting on curb demands charges (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Michelle Obama's season of calling it like she sees it (Krissah Thompson, The Washington Post)

More on the McKinney case (Paul Austin Murphy, American Thinker)

Multiracial in America (Undersøgelse, Pew Research Center)

The myth of a white minority (Richard Alba, The New York Times)

New York City council passes "Ban the Box" bill restricting use of criminal records in hiring (Christopher Mathias, The Huffington Post)

New York man who fatally shot police officer due in court (Sebastien Malo, Reuters)

Number of multiracial Americans signals shifting social norms (Laura Santhanam, PBS Newshour)

The number of times black people were brutalized by police this year? Unknown. (Peniel E. Joseph, Reuters)

Obama making bid to diversify wealthy neighborhoods (Tim Devaney, The Hill)

Obama moving to force "diversity" on "rich" neighborhoods with increased "affordable housing" plan (Warner Todd Huston, Breitbart)

Officers' union says "proactive policing" may decline as result of Ford decision (Patrick Healy, Beverly White, NBC Los Angeles)

The origins of the phrase "black-on-black crime" (Brentin Mock, CityLab)

Pew: Multiracial population changing the face of the U.S. (Frederick Kunkle, The Washington Post)

Police kill black women too - and we don't talk about it enough (Samantha Michaels, Mother Jones)

Policing America's swimming pools -- an old, troubling story (Michele Goodwin, The Huffington Post)

The politics of multiracial Americans (Video, Alex Altman, Time)

Pool-party policeman goes into hiding (Cheryl Chumley, WND)

Prosecutors drop charges against U-Va. student in tussle with officers (T. Rees Shapiro, The Washington Post)

Racial gerrymandering - as bad as the other kind (Linda Killian, The Wall Street Journal)

Racial-profiling case stalled, sheriff wants judge to step down (Radioindslag, Jude Joffe-Block, Morning Edition, NPR)

Report says census undercounts mixed race (Richard Pérez-Peña, The New York Times)

Right-wing media accuse Clinton of playing "race card" for supporting expanded voter access (Libby Watson, Media Matters)

Sharpton offers ways to improve community and police relations (Video, Desiree Wiley, WKBW-TV, Buffalo, New York)

Sister of man killed by Baltimore police says race relations in the city have only gotten worse (Kira Lerner, Think Progress)

A snapshot of race in America's neighborhoods (William H. Frey, Brookings)

The source: Race and economics (Radioprogram, Paul Flahive, Texas Public Radio)

Stephen Hunter: The case of Tamir Rice (Scott Johnson, PowerLine)

Survey: America's multiracial population surges (Nick Gass, Politico)

Tamir Rice's family "grateful" after judge says there is probable cause to charge Cleveland police officers (Evan MacDonald, cleveland.com)

Tensions swell between police forces and black communities (Francisco Dominguez, Northeast Valley News, Arizona)

"There goes the neighborhood": Right-wing media reactions to HUD's neighborhood diversity plan (Thomas Bishop, Media Matters)

Two-thirds of Latinos consider Hispanic their race: Pew report (Suzanne Gamboa, NBC News)

US Catholic bishops condemn racism at St. Louis meeting (Lilly Fowler, The Washington Post)

Views of race relations as top problem still differ by race (Video, Alyssa Brown, Gallup)

WATCH: Ben Carson says LGBT rights are not the same as civil rights (Video, Dawn Ennis, The Advocate)

Watch: In terms of race and the police, what makes Boston different? (Video, WGBH News, Boston)

Watch: Need to know special: Modern-day segregation & Urban-Suburban (Video, Hélène Biandudi Hofer, WXXI, Rochester, New York)

What do Latinos actually see as their race? New report says... (Raquel Reichard, Latina)

What makes someone identify as multiracial? (Hayley Mungua, FiveThirtyEight)

What McKinney police officer Eric Casebolt did wrong (Video, Wesley Lowery, The Washington Post)

A white children's book world? It still is, says new study's author (Melanie Bencosme, NBC News)

White fear and greed (Video, Dixon White, The Huffington Post)

White woman involved in McKinney pool fight suspended from job (Veronica Wells, Madame Noire)

Why are college buildings still named after white supremacists? (Alexandra Svokos, The Huffington Post)

Witness in Walter Scott shooting recognized by S.C. House (Melissa Boughton, Charleston Post and Courier)


4 shocking ways segregation continues to devastate black America (Lawrence Brown, Salon)

The 5 worst responses to the McKinney pool story (Michael Arria (AlterNet), Salon)

After McKinney, Texas (Leder, The Houston Chronicle)

AlterNet comics: Matt Bors on those crazy pool party cops (Satiretegning, Matt Bors, AlterNet)

America's swimming pools have a long, sad, racist history (Jeff Wiltse, The Washington Post)

America's war on black girls: Why McKinney police violence isn't about "one bad apple" (Brittney Cooper, Salon)

Army ends investigation of "racial Thursdays" at Alaska military base (Megan Edge, Alaska Dispatch News)

At Maryland fundraiser, Rand Paul decries racial injustice, champions diversity (Ovetta Wiggins, The Washington Post)

Attorney says her teenage client's treatment at McKinney pool party was "inappropriate, excessive and without cause" (Tristan Hallman, The Dallas Morning News)

Baltimore to pay $1.7m in workers compensation to those injured in unrest (Ben Jacobs, The Guardian)

Charges dropped against teen arrested at McKinney pool party (Todd L. Davis, NBC Dallas-Forth Worth)

Cop who resigned after video facing death threats, attorney says (Meghan Keneally, ABC News)

The Counted: number of people killed by police this year reaches 500 (Jon Swaine, The Guardian)

Dashcam refutes cops' claims of fearing for their safety when they attacked innocent blind man (Video, Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project)

David Felix: jailed by an unjust system, failed by city services, killed by police (Marissa Ram, Brendan M Conner, The Guardian)

De Blasio hails NYPD commissioner William Bratton's efforts at healing city's racial divisions (Anthony M. Destefano, Newsday)

Did Rand Paul redeem himself in Baltimore? (Olivia Nuzzi, The Daily Beast)

Editorial: More brutality on video (Leder, The Charleston Gazette, West Virginia)

Ex-cop: McKinney takedown "hard to watch" (Jobin Panicker, WFAA, Dallas-Forth Worth)

Ezell Ford's mother says decision shows "what happened to Ezell was wrong" (Angel Jennings, Kate Mather, Joel Rubin, Peter Jamison, Los Angeles Times)

Ferguson appoints new city manager, municipal judge (Video, KSDK-TV, St. Louis)

Ferguson: If negligent and careless poor people can't make bail, it's their fault (Ryan J. Reilly, Mariah Stewart, The Huffington Post)

Fox News is unraveling as their "objective witness" to McKinney pool party is a convicted felon (Sarah Jones, PoliticusUSA)

Good cop, bad cop (Courtney McKinney, The Huffington Post)

Keeping black people away from white swimming pools is an American tradition (Jenée Desmond-Harris, Vox)

LAPD police chief silent on fate of officers faulted in Ezell Ford death (Rory Carroll, The Guardian)

The "larger truth" about Eric Casebolt and the McKinney pool party (Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart)

Lawyer: McKinney police officer "allowed his emotions to get the better of him" (Peter Holley, Elahe Izadi, The Washington Post)

Matthew Ajibade family files complaint after waiting months for report on death in custody (Max Blau, The Guardian)

McKinney is a Rorschach test (Chris Ladd, The Houston Chronicle)

McKinney officer has history of racial animus (Cheryl Dorsey, The Huffington Post)

McKinney officer responded to 2 suicide calls before pool incident (Associated Press, Dallas-Fort Worth Star-Telegram)

McKinney pool party: White woman who struck black teen placed on leave from job, video shows fight (Video, The Inquisitr)

McKinney's black kids were seduced into thinking they are safe in the middle class (Jim Schutze, Dallas Observer)

McKinney's "one bad cop": Excuse can't stop us from getting at real problem (Sharon Grigsby, The Dallas Morning News)

The McKinney, Texas pool party: More proof that "black children don't get to be children" (Jonathan Capehart, The Washington Post)

Megyn Kelly, McKinney, and the "Media Matters lie" that wasn't (Zachary Pleat, Media Matters)

Messenger: McKinney pool incident reminds us Fairground Park wasn't that long ago (Tony Messenger, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Missouri slow to advance a post-Ferguson agenda (Radioindslag,Jason Rosenbaum, All Things Considered, NPR)

Mom's passionate plea: What it feels like to be black in America (Margaret Jacobsen, Yahoo)

Officer recorded in Texas pool party incident resigns (David Warren, Terry Wallace (Associated Press), Houston Chronicle)

Officer shot through car window, hitting man who later died (Video, KCCI, Des Moines, Iowa)

Ol McKinney, Mississippi, and the dangers of celebrating while black (Torraine Walker, ThyBlackMan.com)

O'Reilly: The war on cops (Video, Real Clear Politics)

Police, prosecutors claim BGF victory as city crime continues to escape control (Video, Kevin Rector, The Baltimore Sun)

The "pool party cop" was sued in 2008 for racial profiling & using excessive force (Diana Ozemebhoya Eromosele, The Root)

Principal fired for defending cop at center of McKinney incident - here are the three sentences he posted online (Jason Howerton, The Blaze)

Race in America: The ultimate "tipping point" (Jeffrey L. Boney, Forward Times)

Right on voting rights (Jill Lawrence, U.S. News & World Report)

Roland Martin blasts National Organization for Women for silence on McKinney police misconduct, prompting organization to release a statement (Yesha Callahan, The Root)

Sensationalism for a month, inner city devastation forever (Barak Biblin, The Chronicle, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina)

Think the McKinney rage is a media creation? Watch this. (Video, Mike Drago, The Dallas Morning News)

This man speaking out about the McKinney pool party isn't telling the full story (David Mack, BuzzFeed)

Twitter mercilessly mocks McKinney cop defender with #SeanToon911 (Joanna Rothkopf, Salon)

Watch: Black woman goes on EPIC rant about McKinney, says what no one else will (Video, Randy DeSoto, Western Journalism)

We must make police brutality against black women an issue in 2016 (Kali Gross, The Root)

When bail is out of defendant's reach, other costs mount (Shaila Dewan, The New York Times)

Who gets to go to the pool? (Brit Bennett, The New York Times)


The 9 things black people can't do (Danielle C. Belton, The Root)

As protesters descend on McKinney, conflicting narratives emerge (Peter Holley, The Washington Post)

Black deaths matter (Edwin Rios, Kai Wright, Mother Jones)

Blame the teenagers for what happened in McKinney, not the police (Matt Walsh, The Blaze)

By the numbers: US police kill more in days than other countries do in years (Jamiles Lartey, The Guardian)

Cleveland activists aim to force murder trial with obscure law in Tamir Rice case (Amanda Holpuch, The Guardian)

Cleveland City Council introduces legislation addressing police racial profiling and other biases (Leila Atassi, cleveland.com)

Conservative radio host compares pool party teens to "jungle animals" (Adam Howard, MSNBC)

Cop's pool party barrel roll makes more sense with a Beastie Boys soundtrack (Video, Nick Wing, The Huffington Post)

The culture war returns (Jacob Heilbrunn, The National Interest)

"The Daily Show" hammers "a**hole" McKinney police officer: "This is progress because a cop pulled a gun on a group of black kids and no one is dead" (Colin Gorenstein, Salon)

DC police union chairman: "Ferguson effect" partly to blame for violent weekend (Video, Emily Miller, MyFox Washington DC)

Denver police change guidelines after shooting and killing teen in car (Associated Press, The Guardian)

The DIY effort to count who police kill (Kately Fossett, Politico)

Effort to recall Ferguson mayor hits roadblock (Stephen Deere, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Ezell Ford decision reflects complex and tragic case (Leder, Los Angeles Daily News)

Ezell Ford: Los Angeles officer violated policy in death of mentally ill black man (Andrew Gumbel, The Guardian)

Ezell Ford's mother "satisfied" with ruling on shooting, seeks charges (Video, Willian Avila, NBC Los Angeles)

Fact-checking Hillary Clinton on voting rights (Angie Drobnic Holan, PolitiFact)

The familiar narrative crashing the McKinney pool party (Scott Greer, The Daily Caller)

Ferguson, Baltimore ... now McKinney? (WND)

Footage shows Salinas, California police beating man with batons - video (Video, The Guardian)

A former cop on what went wrong in McKinney (Seth Stoughton, Talking Points Memo)

Here's what happened at McKinney in the words of the girl who was body-slammed by police (Video, Natasha Noman, Mic)

Here's what people are saying about the McKinney, Texas, pool party video (Jasmine Poteat, NPR)

Homes vandalized and residents threatened in McKinney, Texas over #BlackLivesMatter (Bob Price, Lana Shadwick, Breitbart)

If I could talk to Kalief Browder (Shaka Senghor, The Huffington Post)

It's difficult to hire black officers since too many black people have been arrested, says NYPD commissioner (Julia Craven, The Huffington Post)

L.A. police commission faults officers in Ezell Ford shooting (Kate Mather, Joel Rubin, Los Angeles Times)

Larry Wilmore shreds Fox News coverage of McKinney: "The PC police can f*cking wait - let's keep talking about the real police" (Colin Gorenstein, Salon)

Life as a black cop: caught between love for the NYPD and the people they serve (Donna Ladd, The Guardian)

Los Angeles police officers acted improperly in Ezell Ford shooting, civilian board says (Jennifer Medina, The New York Times)

Los Angeles tense ahead of decision on police killing of Ezell Ford (Andrew Gumbel, The Guardian)

Man's suicide prompts city to look into Rikers Island reform (Rich Colder, Yoav Gonen, New York Post)

Markos Moulitsas: Voter fraud is a lie (Markos Mulitsas, The Hill)

McKinney police chief: Officer was clearly "out of control" (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

McKinney - Police terror strikes again (Eugene Puryear, Liberation)

McKinney pool party cop's vicious hatred: This is the face of white rage (Marie Myung-Ok Lee, Salon)

McKinney pool party reignites debate over #BlackLivesMatter (Anne-Sophie Brändin, Deutsche Welle)

McKinney, Texas and the hypervisible invisibility of black children (Olivia Cole, The Huffington Post)

McKinney, Tex., police officer resigns over incident caught on video (Ashley Southall, The New York Times)

O'Reilly on McKinney: "Hysterical media" fueling growth of "disrespect" for police (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

Our segregated summers (Jamelle Bouie, Slate)

Police: Cop in pool party video resigns, was out of control (Video, The Root)

President of L.A. police commission issues ruling in Ezell Ford killing (Video, Los Angeles Times)

Protesters rally in Texas town after video of officer drawing gun on teens surfaces (Fox News)

Rikers Island and the death of Kalief Browder (Leder, The New York Times)

Sheron Patterson: McKinney video traumatizes black women (Sheron Patterson, The Dallas Morning News)

Tamir Rice's family to directly ask judge for murder charges against officers, using obscure state law: report (Jason Silverstein, New York Daily News)

Texas pool party incident raises questions about wealth and race (Tom Dart, The Guardian)

Texas teenager speaks out about police officer who drew a gun at pool party - video report (Video, Reuters, The Guardian)

This striking image flips the narrative around black women and police brutality on its head (Lilly Workneh, The Huffington Post)

What role did race play in how police handled Texas pool party chaos? (Video, Nick Valencia, Ashley Fantz, Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN)

What the McKinney pool party says about urban design (Mark Lamster, The Dallas Morning News)

White House: Video of Texas cop pinning girl to the ground could be "detrimental" to police-community relations (Paige Lavender, The Huffington Post)

Who gets to hang out at the pool? (Gene Demby, NPR)

Who was Kalief Browder? The jailed teen's tragic death hits hard against the U.S. prison system (Melissah Yang, Bustle)

Why did LAPD officers shoot Ezell Ford? (Leder, Los Angeles Times)

"You're a race pimp!" Hannity, guest clash with activist DeRay McKesson on McKinney (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)


#McKinney pool fight was started by white neighbors who racially slurred, attacked black kids (Frank Vyan Walton, Daily Kos)

3 1/2 minutes, 10 bullets: The death of Jordan Davis (Kirsten West Savali, The Root)

After 3 years at Riker's, Kalief Browder & his story contributed to several important accomplishments (Lauren Holter, Bustle)

As race issue flares in McKinney, a predictable "us" vs. "them" mentality quickly takes hold (Janell Ross, The Washington Post)

Black America is so very tired of explaining and debating (Chauncey DeVega, Salon)

Black and white witnesses agree: McKinney pool party fight started when white mother slapped a black teen (Blue Telusma, The Grio)

Black children are not even safe from police violence at a pool party (Steven W Thrasher, The Guardian)

Black dads are doing best of all (Charles M. Blow, The New York Times)

Black people are not a reason to call the police (Zak Cheney-Rice, Mic)

The brief and tragic life of Kalief Browder (Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic)

"Broken Windows" policing does work (Heather Mac Donald, National Review)

Browder "completely traumatized" after being abused in jail (Radioindslag, All Things Considered, NPR)

Cleveland leaders bypass prosecutors to seek charge in Tamir Rice case (Michael S. Schmidt, Matt Apuzzo, The New York Times)

Commentary: It's time for white people to check themselves after McKinney incident (Keith Boykin, BET)

Councilman says "white lives matter" rally wasn't racially motivated (Andy Cush, Gawker)

A conversation about racism in America has to address mental health, too (Veronica Womack, Quartz)

The death of Kalief Browder is an "American tragedy almost beyond words" (Christopher Mathias, The Huffington Post)

De Blasio "deeply saddened by death of man held years at Rikers without trial" (Jillian Jorgensen, New York Observer)

Didn't the McKinney, Texas police officer know he was being recorded? (Marc Fisher, Peter Hermann, The Washington Post)

Diversity in children's apps: "Gender depictions tend to be very stereotyped" (Stuart Dredge, The Guardian)

Don't equate the McKinney pool party with a long list of #BlackLivesMatter incidents caught on video (Jim Mitchell, The Dallas Morning News)

The dreadful criminal justice system that destroyed Kalief Browder (Scott Shackford, Reason)

Dueling views of McKinney melee fault intruding teens, racist adults, police officer (Wendy Hundley, Naomi Martin, Jeffrey Weiss, The Dallas Morning News)

Editorial: McKinney cop's escalation could have had tragic results (Leder, The Dallas Morning News)

Ezell Ford shooting: Mayor says commission's review will be "impartial" (Kate Mather, Los Angeles Times)

The failure of the race to erase racism: From Harvard to Baltimore and beyond (Antonio Moore, Black Star News)

Family of Georgia man who died in custody: "We want to know why" (Max Blau, The Guardian)

Fast times in McKinney, Texas (Paul Mirengoff, PowerLine)

For black women, police brutality and sexual harassment go hand in hand (Zeba Blay, The Huffington Post)

Former McKinney officer: Police department must get race problem "under control" (Video, Ken Meyer, Mediaite)

Former South Carolina officer is indicted in death of Walter Scott (Alan Blinder, Timothy Williams, The New York Times)

The full story of the McKinney Texas, pool mob - inside the "Craig Ranch" subdivision... (sundance, The Conservative Treehouse)

"The girl was no saint either": Fox jumps to defend McKinney police officer's brutal manhandling of teen girl at pool party (Thomas Bishop, Media Matters)

"Go back to your Section 8 home": Texas pool party host describes racially charged dispute with neighbor (Video, Abby Phillip, The Washington Post)

Goldie Taylor on the death of Kalief Browder (Goldie Taylor, Blue Nation Review)

Grasping for the Ferguson effect (Mike Pesca, Slate)

Here's everything we know about the pool party in Texas (Stephen A. Crockett Jr., The Root)

"Horrific" police beating in California caught on camera (Tim Stelloh, NBC News)

How the rise of gated spaces like swimming pools can quietly perpetuate racial tension (Emily Badger, The Washington Post)

Inequitable school funding called "one of the sleeper civil rights issues of our time" (Emma Brown, The Washington Post)

Inside William Bratton's NYPD: broken windows policing is here to stay (Donna Ladd, The Guardian)

The "invisible" white man holding the camera in McKinney (Arthur Chu, The Daily Beast)

Is McKinney, Texas the new norm? (Pedro L. Rodriguez, The Huffington Post)

It's time to stop solitary confinement: How many more Kalief Browder's will it take? (Elias Isquith, Salon)

Jarring image of police's use of force at Texas pool party (Carol Cole-Frowe, Richard Fausset, The New York Times)

Judge strikes state's motion for gag order in Freddie Gray case (Kevin Rector, The Baltimore Sun)

Judging police in the court of YouTube (Dante Ramos, The Boston Globe)

Kalief Browder and the enduring torture of wrongful imprisonment (Matt Taylor, Vice)

Kalief Browder, man held for three years in prison without trial, kills himself (Jessica Glenza, The Guardian)

Kalief Browder's family mourns his suicide and urges reforms (Matt Pearce, Los Angeles Times)

Kalief Browder's suicide and the high cost of violence and delay at Rikers (Abby Phillip, The Washington Post)

The link between police tactics and economic conditions cannot be ignored (Keith Ellison, The Guardian)

Local, state fraternal order of police say McKinney pool party incident not "racially motivated" (Claire Cardona, The Dallas Morning News)

"Ma, I can't take it anymore": Teen jailed at Rikers commits suicide (Al Jazeera America)

McKinney community fights charges of racism brought on by pool party video (Video, Craig Stanley, Jon Schuppe, NBC News)

McKinney officer was no rookie (Jeffrey Weiss, The Dallas Morning News)

The McKinney pool party: What happens when fear meets force (Latoya Peterson, Fusion)

McKinney, Texas, and the racial history of American swimming pools (Yoni Appelbaum, The Atlantic)

The McKinney, Texas, pool party shows racial segregation is still alive in America (German Lopez, Vox)

McKinney, Texas: Rage is our rightful response to anti-black racism (Kirsten West Savali, The Root)

McKinney, Texas: A reminder of America's segregated pools (Rebecca McCray, TakePart)

Missouri whiffed on a "Ferguson agenda," other states stepped up to the plate (Jason Rosenbaum, St. Louis Public Radio)

The Mormon struggle for whiteness (Radioindslag, RadioWest, KUER, University of Utah)

NAACP demands "full investigation" into McKinney, Texas, police after pool party (Michele Richinick, Newsweek)

On the road (Richard Brody, The New Yorker)

Police commission to judge two questions in Ezell Ford shooting (Joel Rubin, Kate Mather, Los Angeles Times)

The police video that shocked America (Video, BBC News)

Pool party attendee: "I honestly believe it was about race because they did nothing to the Caucasians" (Terrell Jermaine Starr, AlterNet)

Race, the Supreme Court, and the McKinney pool (Kriston Capps, CityLab)

Rand Paul offers condolences to family of Kalief Browder (Katie Zezima, The Washington Post)

South Carolina police officer in Walter Scott shooting indicted on murder charge (Mark Berman, The Washington Post)

State employees are having a hard time explaining Scott Walker's new voting restrictions (Alice Ollstein, Think Progress)

Swimming pools (Michael W. Waters, The Huffington Post)

Tensions rise, answers sought in Texas pool party incident (Video, CBS News)

Thousands protest brutal police treatment of black teens in McKinney, Texas (Judd Legum, ThinkProgress)

Texas community questions police use of force and disrespect at a pool party (Video, PBS Newshour)

Texas pool party cop sued in 2008, accused of abusing black driver (Doyle Murphy, New York Daily News)

Texas pool party incident: teen in video says officer was provoked by "rudeness" (Tom Dart, Amanda Holpuch, The Guardian)

Texas pool party update: Teens and residents speak out (Bill Chappell, NPR)

Three killed in Baltimore Monday, 13 in last eight days (Carrie Wells, Colin Campbell, The Baltimore Sun)

The truth about race and father involvement (Robert VerBruggen, Real Clear Policy)

Twitter explodes over #McKinney, Texas cop who tackled black teen girl in video (Scott Eric Kaufman, Salon)

US high school graduation rates are soaring, but too many students of color are still being left behind (Alma J. Powell, The Root)

Was viral Texas police video taken at a kids' pool party or an out-of-control mob scene? (Ben Mathis-Lilly, Slate)

Watch: Calif. officers beat and use taser on mentally ill man (Video, Breanna Edwards, The Root)

What about those white vigilantes "helping" McKinney officer with bikini smackdown? (Tod Robberson, The Dallas Morning News)

What could McKinney PD have done differerently? (Jason Allen, CBS Dallas Forth Worth)

What percentage of McKinney, Texas is black? The statistics add a disturbing edge to the pool party incident (Melanie Schmitz, Bustle)

Who was Kalief Browder, the teen held at Rikers for 3 years without trial? (Megan Specia, Mashable)

Why America should stop building youth jails (Brentin Mock, CityLab)


ACLU, other groups plan "Freedom Rides" against police brutality from Baltimore to Annapolis (Kevin Rector, The Baltimore Sun)

After the race riots ... a weekend in Murdaland - home of police brutality (Andrew Purcell, The Herald Scotland)

Austin police investigating viral pepper spray video (Hasani Gittens, Andrew Rudansky, NBC News)

Bikers rally outside Waco courthouse to protest handling of Twin Peaks shooting (Tom Dart, The Guardian)

Dealing with Russia and race (Andrew Cohen, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

"Dinnertimin'" and "No tipping": How advertisers targeted black consumers in the 1970s (Lenika Cruz, The Atlantic)

Documentary focuses on all-black towns in Oklahoma (Kandice Lawson (Associated Press), The Washington Times)

Documents show police briefed to "get'um running" when encountering protesters in December (Daniel Tutt, The Daily Californian)

Ezell Ford: Protesters gather at Eric Garcetti's house, call for action (Kate Mather, Los Angeles Times)

Ferguson Police Department from interim chief's point of view (Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Los Angeles Times)

How many more will we mourn? (Cornell William Brooks, Jamaica Observer)

"How to raise a black son in America" is one of the truest, saddest TED talks ever (Jenée Desmond Harris, Vox)

In peaceful protests over police verdict, Cleveland has just seen values in action (Opinion) (Patricia Frost-Books, Kim Richards, Ratanjit S. Sondhe, cleveland.)

In urban mayors races, minorities at the forefront (Alexa Ura, Texas Tribune)

It's time for Marvel to make Magneto black: Use the coming "Secret Wars" reboot to make X-Men get real about race (Eli Keel, Salon)

Kalief Browder, 1993-2015 (Jennifer Gonnerman, The New Yorker)

The mistake of mistrusting officers of the law (Adam Walinsky, The Washington Times)

New Smithsonian museum curators pursue the stories in Baltimore's protests (Kevin Rector, Los Angeles Times)

New state data on student discipline sheds light on racial disparities (Debbie Cafazzo, The News Tribune, Tacoma, Washington)

New video shows Texas police officer pulling gun on teenagers at pool party (Video, Peter Holley, The Washington Post)

On the house: Studies say foreclosures, home prices widening social gaps (Alan J. Heavens, philly.com)

SF mayor refuses to fund DA's police misconduct task force (Jonah Owen Lamb, The San Francisco Examiner)

SWB: Swimming While Black (Will Bunch, philly.com)

Taking aim at cops' shoot-first culture (Carl M. Cannon, Real Clear Politics)

"Tired of the excuses": Ezell Ford protesters camp outside LA mayor's home demanding meeting (Video, Asher Klein, Kate Larsen, NBC Los Angeles)

The tragic tale of Ezell Ford: Man shot in the back by lAPD in "justified" shooting (Cassandra Fairbanks, PINAC)

Video emerges of violence at "innocent pool party" in McKinney, Texas (Bob Price, Breitbart)

Watch: Texas cop suspended after drawing weapon on teens at pool party (Lynette Holloway, The Root)

William F. Buckley and National Review's vile race stance: Everything you need to know about conservatives and civil rights (Kevin M. Schultz, Salon)

The woman behind Black Music Month (Ericka Blount Danois, The Root)


After 9/11, R.I. doctor found out how racial profiling feels (Ehsun Mirza, Providence Journal, Rhode Island)

Black America rages as go-slow police let murder rate soar (Toby Harnden, The Sunday Times, UK)

Congress awaits "monumental" police reform as mandatory kill count advances (Jon Swaine, Oliver Laughland, The Guardian)

Do blue lives matter more? (Larken Rose, The Free Thought Project)

Don't believe the fictitious crime trends used to undermind police reform (Bernard Harcourt, The Guardian)

Dozens attend Baltimore forum on "police terror" (Pamela Wood, The Baltimore Sun)

How Md. lawmakers are responding to Freddie Gray's death (Ovetta Wiggins, The Washington Post)

How Watts and the LAPD make peace (Nina Revoyr, Los Angeles Times)

"I am a citizen": when border patrol agents violate the rights of US residents (Tom Dart, The Guardian)

Jimmy Carter sounds off on Americans' "racist tendencies" (Cortney O'Brien, Town Hall)

LAPD concludes killing of unarmed, mentally ill man was justified (Daniel Politi, Slate)

Meet the people ensuring Black Lives Matter isn't just a hashtag (Julia Craven, The Huffington Post)

A night on patrol with the NYPD (Bob Henderson, Newsweek)

North Carolina GOP elects 1st black chairman (Gary D. Robertson (Associated Press), WRAL, Raleigh, North Carolina)

O'Malley tried to offer mayor crime-fighting tips before leaving office (Doug Donovan, The Baltimore Sun)

Police commission to discuss LAPD shooting of Ezell Ford next week (Kate Mather, Los Angeles Times)

The psychological advantages of strongly identifying as biracial (Lisa Miller, Yahoo Health)

Racial pathology and its manifestations (Steve Nelson, T, The Valley News, New Hampshire)

Racial tensions hit close to home for area African-Americans (Paula Ann Mitchell, The Daily Freeman, Kingston, New York)

Voting made easy (Leder, The Washington Post)

What the big fights about gentrification are really about (Emily Badger, The Washington Post)

"White Lives Matter" rally held in South Philadelphia, local councilman attends (Kali Holloway, AlterNet)

Why so few of New York's Bravest are black (Ginger Adams Otis, The Atlantic)


5th staffer leaving Baltimore mayor's criminal justice office (Luke Broadwater, The Baltimore Sun)

Alabama still struggles with history, race (Josh Moon, Montgomery Advertiser, Alabama)

And now ...White people complaining about de Blasio (Jessica Roy, New York Magazine)

Army report refutes "Racial Thursdays" allegations (Michelle Tan, Kevin Lilley, Army Times)

Baltimore after the cameras are gone (Video, Lesli Foster, Stephanie Wilson, WUSA9)

Baltimore's "space to destroy" mayor working w/terror linked Islamic group (Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Mag)

Beyond colorblind - retail's opportunity to advance racial equity (Catherine Ruetschlin, Demos)

Big city crime up thanks to "Ferguson effect" (Bob Adelmann, The New American)

Black and brown girls have a powerful message for America (Darnell L. Moore, Mic)

"Black women unnamed": how Tanisha Anderson's bad day turned into her last (Michelle Dean, The Guardian)

"Broken windows," "Ferguson effect" oversimplify crime and policing issues (Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune)

"Broken Windows" policing is not broken (David W. Murray, John P. Walters, Fox News)

Celeste Ng's debut novel, "Everything I Never Told You," focuses on racial isolation (Marylynne Pitz, The Recorder, Massachusetts)

Chinese who cheat versus cheaters who happen to be Chinese (Frank H. Wu, The Huffington Post)

Chris Christie: Hillary Clinton is clueless on voter fraud (Video, Jake Miller, CBS News)

Cleveland expat finds hometown breathing a little easier over race: Roger Cohen (Opinion) (Roger Cohen, cleveland.com)

The condemnation of a profession: To the media "experts" with 20/20 hindsight (Travis Yats, lawofficer.com)

Conservatives, stop scapegoating president Obama for the state of race relations (Elwood D. Watson, The Huffington Post)

Cops must be cops: Relentless attacks on law enforcement have driven the NYPD into retreat (Leder, New York Daily News)

County prosecutor, sheriff's department debunk Cleveland TV reports on Tamir Rice shooting (Brandon Blackwell, cleveland.com)

Crime and confusion in a safer New York City (Leder, The New York Times)

Death of 22-year-old student in police custody ruled a homicide (Stephen A. Crockett Jr., The Root)

"Dividing Americans": Potential GOP rivals assail Clinton over fiery voting law speech (Video, Fox News)

The double bind of voting rights (David A. Graham, The Atlantic)

The enemy is the state: how the US justice system started a civil war (Sergio De La Pava, The Guardian)

Entire police dept. disbanded after councilwoman and her son were arrested (Carmine Sabia, BizPac Review)

Even Republicans are unhappy with the GOP's stance on immigration (Danielle Wiener-Bronner, Fusion)

Family of Tamir Rice releases statement on investigation (WKYC, Cleveland)

Federal judges bring Va. one step closer to a new congressional map (Jenna Portnoy, Laura Vozzella, The Washington Post)

Fox News doubles-down on imaginary "Ferguson effect" as reason for non-existent spike in violent crime (Scott Eric Kaufman, Salon)

GOP hits back at Hillary Clinton on voting rights (Video, Alexandra Jaffe, CNN)

Harvard's Chinese exclusion act (Kate Bachelder, The Wall Street Journal)

Have wary police brought an end to the drop in crime? (Debatindlæg, Heather Mac Donald, Eugene O'Donnell, Peter Moskos, Dennis C. Smith, Tracey L. Meares, James Alan Fox, Marq Claxton, The New York Times)

HBO documentary "Southern Rites" chronicles a Georgia small-town killing (Jennifer Rainey Marquez, Atlanta Magazine)

Hillary Clinton calls the Republican bluff on voting rights (Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine)

Hillary Clinton's call for easier voting is self-serving, but so what? (Michael McGough, Los Angeles Times)

Hillary Clinton, voting rights and the 2016 election (Leder, The New York Times)

Hillary's racial politics - presented by: The Aol. On Network (Video, Nasdaq)

How history and voters will judge Hogan, Rawlings-Blake (Dan Rodricks, The Baltimore Sun)

How Robert F. Kennedy's death shattered the nation (Kenneth T. Walsh, U.S. News & World Report)

How stereotypes can interfere with objectivity and logic (Stella M. Tsai, The Legal Intelligencer)

How white and male was the media in 2014? (Sarah Seltzer, Flavorwire)

"I call bulls*%t!!": Rhetoric, racism, and the reality of living black and woman in America (Dr. Kimberly Chandler, Patheos)

Imagine: you call the police to check on your grandfather, and they shoot him (Steven W Thrasher, The Guardian)

In Baltimore, allegations of police doing less as drugs are rampant (Video, Ashley Fantz, CNN)

Inequality matters (Jared Bernstein, Ben Spielberg, The Atlantic)

LAPD officers were justified in fatal shooting of mentally ill man, sources say (Joel Rubin, Kate Mather, Los Angeles Times)

Lawyer for Olympia cop who shot brothers: "This is not Ferguson" (Video, Jon Humbert, KOMO News)

LeBron James, sports and racial healing (Nathan McCall, Atlanta Black Star)

Living at risk in Baltimore (Radioindslag, Lizzie O'Leary, Jenny Ament, Marketplace)

Los Angeles officer guilty of assaulting woman in back of police car in 2012 (Rory Carroll, The Guardian)

Ms Marvel is a progressive superhero, but latest story arc is a step back on race (Noah Berlatsky, The Guardian)

Muir: The intolerance of the tolerant (Jim Muir, The Southern Illinoisan)

Officers involved in Tamir Rice shooting remain on the job, away from public (Fox8, Cleveland)

Older black lives matter -- says top researcher (Paul Kleyman, New America Media)

Olympia officer's attorney says shooting of 2 men was self-defense (Amelia Dickson, The Olympian)

On passing, wishing for darker skin, and finding your people: A conversation between two mulattos (Collier Meyerson, Fusion)

The price of race privilege (David Rosen, CounterPunch)

Proposal to rename Edmund Pettus Bridge dies in House (Brian Lyman, Montgomery Advertiser, Alabama)

Republican candidates assail Hillary Clinton on voting rights (Maggie Haberman, The New York Times)

The right way for cops to retake streets (Video, Peter Moskos, CNN)

San Francisco mayor declines to fund taskforce into police bias (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Studies link childhood lead exposure, violent crime (Video, Michael Hawthorne, Chicaco Tribune)

Study examines racial bias in sports reporting (Joe DeCapus, Voice of America)

Tamir Rice case handed to McGinty: Darcy cartoon (Jeff Darcy, cleveland.com)

Toledo police unveil new body cameras (Lauren Lindstrom, The Toledo Blade, Ohio)

To diminish urban unrest, start by restoring voting rights (Tobias T. Gibson, The Hill)

US economy creates 280K jobs, but black unemployment increases (Tonya Garcia, Madame Noire)

US must address racial prejudice issue (Harvey Dzodin (China Daily, Asia News Network), The Nation, Bangkok, Thailand)

Virginia's congressional map has been thrown out by judges for racial bias (Andrew Prokop, Vox)

What's causing Baltimore's crime spike? (David A. Graham, The Atlantic)

When the skeleton in the family close is a Nazi (Deesha Philyaw, The Washington Post)

"White lives matter": Philadelphia residents protest "racial attacks" from black women (Video, Josh Feldman, Mediaite)

Why is it so easy for prosecutors to strike black jurors? (Gilad Edelman, The New Yorker)

Will Hillary be our 3rd black president? (Michael Tomasky, The Daily Beast)

Will the war on cops bring a new national crime wave? (Michael Barone, New York Post)

Who can play a mixed-race role? (Michelle Malkin, Town Hall)

Why has the murder rate in some US cities suddenly spiked? (Ashley Gold, BBC News)


25 moments that changed America (Time)

Activists want to fix Minneapolis racial disparities (Video, Ashley Roberts, CBS Minnesota)

America's newest crime: cheering at a graduation while black (Jenée Desmond-Harris, Vox)

Baltimore police department requests federal help to combat surge in crime (Amanda Holpuch, The Guardian)

Baltimore State's Attorney seeks to block release of Freddie Gray autopsy (Video, Associated Press, Fox News)

Better relationships for a better Baltimore (Randy C. Aleshevich, The Baltimore Sun)

Black Chicago pastor: Dems "failing" us (Justin Glawe, The Daily Beast)

Body cameras for police have become a necessity (Sean Pittman, Tallahassee Democrat, Florida)

Civil rights commissioner bashes FAA for race-based hiring (Blake Neff, The Daily Caller)

Cleveland cop Michael Brelo arrested 4 days after being acquitted in 2012 shooting of unarmed couple (Stephen A. Crockett Jr., The Root)

Cycle of retaliation could increase West Baltimore violence (Radioindslag, Morning Edition, NPR)

Durham police say racial makeup of traffic stops not uncommon (Video, WTVD-TV, North Carolina)

Georgia man found dead in jail restraining chair ruled homicide (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Hillary Clinton calls for sweeping expansion of voter access (Anne Gearan, Niraj Chokshi, The Washington Post)

Hillary Clinton declares war on voter ID (Janell Ross, The Washington Post)

Hillary Clinton gets it on voting rights, Republican contenders don't (Donna Brazile, CNN)

Hillary Clinton hits the GOP on voter suppression (Jamelle Bouie, Slate)

Hillary Clinton: Let's make voter registration automatic (Andrew Prokop, Vox)

Hillary Clinton names and shames Republicans for voting restrictions (Annie Karni, Politico)

Hillary Clinton says G.O.P. rivals try to stop young and minority voters (Amy Chozick, The New York Times)

Hillary Clinton's call to ease voting impacts growing Latino vote (Suzanne Gamboa, NBC News)

Hillary sets the perfect trap for GOP: Why her voting rights push is smart policy - and great politics (Jim Newell, Salon)

Illinois uses racial preferences for no good reason (Ilya Shapiro, Julio Colomba, Cato Institute)

Is changing the race or gender of an established comic book character a good idea? (Alger Alama, Nerd Reactor)

Justice Department's civil rights chief talks race and community policing at U of C (Ellyn Fortino, Progress Illinois)

A look back at LBJ's racial injustice speech, 50 years later (Video, The Washington Post)

"Loving Day's" examination of race is handled with candor, wit (Boganmeldelse, Jim Ruland, Los Angeles Times)

Mapping the widespread homelessness that runs throughout Los Angeles County (Bianca Barragan, Curbed LA)

Mother of Ezell Ford still hopes for justice in his killing by LAPD (Kate Mather, Los Angeles Times)

Muslims and Sikhs respond to a white man with an assault rifle at the Atlanta Airport (Zak Cheney-Rice, Mic)

New York City mayor Bill de Blasio is unpopular with white voters (Mara Gay, Josh Dawsey, The Wall Street Journal)

No mother should have to fear that the police will harm her mentally ill child (Dixie Gamble, The Guardian)

No, there's no new murder epidemic: James Alan Fox (James Alan Fox, USA Today)

On two-year anniversary of the VRA's repeal, new evidence that voter ID laws are racially biased (Sean McElwee, Demos)

The Orange Is the New Black cast members are racially segregated on magazine covers this month (Marjon Carlos, Fusion)

Orlando faith leaders: Improving race relations means building relationships (Video, Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel)

Police transparency requires an open invitation (Joan Vennochi, The Boston Globe)

Reparations would help close wealth gap in America (Eric Cooper, The Huffington Post)

Restoring community trust in police (Malik Ahmed, The St. Louis American)

Returning to roots, Clinton lays out proposal to expand voting (Tamara Keith, NPR)

"A riot is the language of the unheard": Baltimore and America's long legacy of hollowed-out cities (John Rennie Short, CityMetric)

Romanticizing "Broken Windows" policing (Charles M. Blow, The New York Times)

School segregation is much bigger than a few schools in the South (Casey Quinlan, Think Progress)

Since Freddie Gray's death, violent crime is up in West Baltimore (Radioindslag, Jennifer Ludden, NPR)

Smarter, more sophisticated policing a must (Areva Martin, The Huffington Post)

Study shows Latinos in retail are paid and promoted less than whites (Raquel Reichard, Latina)

These maps visualize Baltimore's blight (Stephen Babcock, Technical.ly)

This man was shot by the police, then charged with battery (Albert Samaha, BuzzFeed)

Uncovered: How academics are teaching Ferguson, Baltimore with a Google Doc (Peter Hasson, Campus Reform)

What are lawyers asking about the Freddie Gray case? (Radioindslag, Christopher Connelly, WYPR, Baltimore)

What Waco police still won't reveal about the biker-gang shootout (Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic)

What will it take to end racial profiling? (Rebecca McCray, TakePart)

Why Hillary Clinton is pushing early voting in 2016 (+video) (Ken Thomas (Associated Press), The Christian Science Monitor)

Wichita police considering racial profiling policy change (Video, KAKE, Kansas)

Will Democrats keep their early voting advantage in 2016? (Sam Frizell, Time)


America's toxic obsession with policing Black dads: What we should really be saying about Steph Curry (Lawrence Brown, Salon)

Angry activists in Cleveland: Justice for blacks in America will never happen (Richard B. Muhammad, Charlene Muhammad, New Pittsburgh Courier)

Armed neo-Nazis clash with anti-police violence protesters in Olympia (Scott Sutton, Seattle Sun Times)

Arraignment set for man in Ferguson police shooting (Jim Salter (Associated Press), ABC News)

Attorney: Stepbrothers' shooting "unjustified," says they did not attack Olympia police officer (Amelia Dickson, The Olympian)

The Baltimore city jail is horrifying (Ryan Cooper, The Week)

Baltimore police connects stolen prescription drugs to surge in violence (Video, NBC News)

Baltimore police release new numbers on terminations under Batts (Mark Puente, The Baltimore Sun)

Baltimore's "fire next time" (Curtis Price, The Brooklyn Rail)

Baltimore to pay $56,000 over allegations police chase caused death (Luke Broadwater, The Baltimore Sun)

Bernie Sanders is surging among white Democrats, minorities love Hillary (Perry Bacon Jr., Dante Chinni, Meet the Press, NBC News)

Bishops bring together congregation in North Charleston to address police shootings (Melissa Boughton, Charleston Post and Courier)

Black and Latino voters are actually very concerned about economic issues (Matt Bruenig, Demos)

Black jobs matter, too: Amy Hanauer and Amelia Hayes (Opinion) (Amy Hanauer, Amelia Hayes, cleveland.com)

California anti-profiling bill requires data on police stops (Fenit Nirappil (Associated Press), The Washington Times)

Cameron Crowe apologizes for casting in "Aloha": How prevalent is racial "whitewashing"? (Christina Maza, Christian Science Monitor)

The city next to Ferguson is even more depressing (Ben Westhoff, Vice)

Cleveland cop charged with assault days after acquittal for manslaughter (Andy Cush, Gawker)

Crime wave: Murders skyrocket across the country in St. Louis, Milwaukee, Chicago, Atlanta, New York City (Katie Pavlich, Town Hall)

Democrats wage a national fight over voter rules (Maggie Haberman, Amy Chozick, The New York Times)

Denis Reyes' mother on NYPD encounter: "I saw death on the face of my son" - video (Video, The Guardian)

Editorial: Help police forces diversify (Leder, The Journal News, New York)

Ex-workers accuse CVS of racial discrimination against shoppers (Alan Feuer, The New York Times)

Fifty years after LBJ challenged the nation, the rights of African-Americans remain unfulfilled (Steve Bogira, Chicago Reader)

Former Baltimore police officer explains the voluntary police slowdown (Video, NewsOne)

Give Baltimoreans a voice in fixing police-community relations (Brian Hammock, The Baltimore Sun)

GOP seeks to nix race question for gun buyers (Tim Devaney, The Hill)

Has one state created the ideal blueprint for police reform legislation that could save black lives? (Taylor Gordon, Atlanta Black Star)

"He couldn't breathe": the NYPD, mental illness and Denis Reyes' final minutes (Lauren Gambino, The Guardian)

Hillary Clinton cannot afford to lose black voters (Emily Schultheis, National Journal)

I'm offended (Charles Kesler, Real Clear Politics)

Is a new crime wave on the horizon? (Video, Mariano Castillo, CNN)

It's 1968 all over again (Noah Rothman, Commentary Magazine)

Jeb Bush and discrimination (Robert Fantina, CounterPunch)

Larry Wilmore blasts Fox News for defending Baltimore police slowdown (Video, Matt Wilstein, Mediaite)

Madison police department clears officer in shooting of Tony Robinson (Associated Press, The Guardian)

The man who was caged in a zoo (Pamela Newkirk, The Guardian)

Marc Lamont Hill likens "scared" Baltimore police "not doing their job" to Bowe Bergdahl (Video, Real Clear Politics)

Martin O'Malley courts Hispanics who could be key to his success (Leigh Ann Caldwell, Meet the Press, NBC News)

Martin O'Malley: I wish Baltimore got body cameras for cops when I was mayor (Emily Schultheis, National Journal)

Michigan homeowners to pick up $1.38m tab for police brutality (Jana Kasperkevic, The Guardian)

The most important redistricting case in 50 years (Sean Trende, Real Clear Politics)

Never before named: five people killed by police the world forgot (Jon Swaine, Oliver Laughland, The Guardian)

New bill says it's time to track the data on police shootings (Kim Bellware, The Huffington Post)

NYC shooting spike reignites stop & frisk debate (Gerard Flynn, Gothamist)

On mass incarceration, we have reached a tipping point (Aspen Institute, The Huffington Post)

Planting seeds in Baltimore (Thomas L. Friedman, The New York Times)

Police brutality and social inequality in Baltimore: An indictment of the Democratic Party (Nick Barrickman, Trent Novak, World Socialist Web Site)

Prosecutor receives findings in fatal shooting of Tamir Rice by Cleveland police (Mitch Smith, The New York Times)

Race and beyond: Exploring our unconscious biases (Sam Fulwood III, Center for American Progress)

Racial disparity in vehicle stops worsens (Rebecca Rivas, The St. Louis American)

Sanity trumps political correctness: UMN still uses suspects' race in crime alerts (Anthony Gockowski, The College Fix)

Source: Evidence in Sheriff's Tamir Rice shooting investigation does not support criminal charges (newsnet5, Cleveland)

Steven Spielberg still has the life rights to Martin Luther King Jr.'s story. That could be a problem. (Soraya Nadia McDonald, The Washington Post)

Stop-and-frisk policies can cause police to lose legitimacy, study finds (George Diepenbrock, The University of Kansas)

Tamir Rice investigation soon to be turned over to county prosecutor for review (Peggy Gallek, Fox8, Cleveland)

The trials of freedom: The first slave freed by Lincoln - 20 years before the Civil War (O'Brien Browne, The Huffington Post)

UC study shows racial differences viewing "The Boondocks" (Sydney Murray, cincinnati.com)

The US government could count those killed by police, but it's chosen not to (Rashad Robinson, The Guardian)

US needs database for police shootings (Leder, Charleston Post and Courier)

US president Obama praises Singapore's economic success, racial integration (Channel News Asia)

What's behind Asian discrimination in college admissions? (David Cahn, Jack Cahn, The Huffington Post)

Where is the black leadership in Detroit? (Bankole Thompson, Michigan Chronicle)

Why diversity on the front lines of policing isn't enough (Radioindslag m. David J. Thomas, Delores Jones-Brown, Minnesota Public Radio News)

Why is it so hard to track police killings? (David A. Graham, The Atlantic)

Why it matters if Bernie Sanders doesn't talk about race or gender (Emily Crockett, RH Reality Check)

Why some black activists believe they're being watched by the government (Darnell L. Moore, Mic)

Why South Carolina cops are almost never charged for wrongful shootings (Issac Bailey, Myrtle Beach Online)

Why "white ignorance" is a lame excuse for racism (Jasmine Nelson, Atlanta Black Star)


7 mind blowing facts about segregation on the Internet (melaniemccoy, Atlanta Black Star)

40 reasons our jails and prisons are full of black and poor people (Bill Quigley, AlterNet)

Accepting and moving on in post-racial and post-tribal societies (Washington Osiro, The Huffington Post)

ACLU asks judge to force improvements at Baltimore jail (Dave Philipps, The New York Times)

Activists seek to meet with Missouri attorney general over racial profiling report (Christine Byers, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Affirmative Action lands in the air traffic control tower (Jason L. Riley, The Wall Street Journal)

America must change now, as it did during the civil rights movement, so all lives matter (Lewis Diuguid, The Kansas City Star)

Artist asks how far we've really progressed in the 150 years since the Civil War (Priscilla Frank, The Huffington Post)

As violence spikes in some cities, is "Ferguson effect" to blame? (Video, Jon Schuppe, NBC News)

Baltimore divided: The "rot beneath the glitter" (Adam May, Al Jazeera America)

"Baltimore is our country" (Jamie Stiehm, U.S. News & World Report)

Baltimore jail's appalling conditions may explain seven deaths, lawsuit says (Ed Pilkington, The Guardian)

Baltimore's deadliest month should be as big of a story as Freddie Gray (David A. Love, The Grio)

Baltimore, victimology, empowerment & Wesley (Mark D. Tooley, Christian Post)

Black and Jewish WWI vets finally get medal of honor (Halimah Abdullah, NBC News)

Black cops aren't better for black communities just because they have the same skin color (Julia Craven, The Huffington Post)

Booker wants police departments to track shootings after Ferguson and Baltimore (Jonathan D. Salant, nj.com, New Jersey)

The Boston police shooting of Usaama Rahim: Protection or victimization? (Sarina Neote, Law Street Media)

Broken promises, broken lives (Daryl Khan, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange)

The case for black racism (ThyBlackMan)

Cornel West's Race Matters and the politics of democratic respect (Harry Boyte, The Huffington Post)

Crime and the "Ferguson effect" - Presented by: The Aol. On network (Video, Nasdaq)

Darker than blue: Policing while black in N.Y.C. (Matthew McKnight, The New Yorker)

David Oyelowo: "I won't do roles that I deem to be stereotypical" (Brennan Williams, The Huffington Post)

Deadly force by the numbers: The missing data on police killings (Radioindslag, The Takeaway)

Democrats' excuses for black crime leads to rise in violence (Crystal Wright, Town Hall)

Demoralizing police forces is insane (Arnold Ahlert, The Patriot Post)

Devastating images from all over America show why climate justice is a racial issue (Zak Cheney-Rice, Mic)

Dodson: Racial issues have us two steps forward, three steps back (Glen Dodson, Cleveland Advocate)

Emma Stone: the whitest Asian person Hollywood could find (The Guardian)

The equal pay gap isn't equal across ethnic lines (Charles D. Ellison, Pacific Standard)

Everybody chill: There's no Ferguson-inspired "new nationwide crime wave" (Jason Linkins, The Huffington Post)

"Ferguson effect": New crime wave hits Democrat-run cities (John Nolte, Breitbart)

Former British police official disputes US police rationale for killing armed suspect (Joanna Walters, The Guardian)

GOP plans new commission on policing (Rachael Bade, Politico)

Gordon Parks and the "mystery" of the interracial intimacy at the heart of segregation (Stephen A. Berrey, New York Daily News)

Grief transcends all lines. Trayvon Martin's mother taught me that. (Lynda Cheldelin Fell, The Blaze)

A guide to debunking "black-on-black crime" and all of its rhetorical cousins (Collier Meyerson, Fusion)

"Hands up, don't shoot" a "false narrative" repeated "140 times" during Ferguson coverage (Video, Awr Hawkins, Breitbart)

The hanging death of a black man stirred up old racial fears in Mississippi (Alan Huffman, Vice)

Here's what people are saying about racial weirdness in "Aloha" (Maanvi Singh, NPR)

Hispanics flee as fights, racial tension rile George Washington high school (Hayleigh Colombo, WFYI, Indianapolis)

History: James Meredith shot, RFK assassinated (Jerry Mitchell, The Jackson Clarion Ledger, Mississippi)

How college admissions are affected by racially biased school discipline (Casey Quinlan, Think Progress)

How much Cleveland will pay to reform its police department under consent decree (Rich Exner, cleveland.com)

How to fix a racist frat (Kate Dries, Jezebel)

June 2, 1924: Calvin Coolidge signs the Indian Citizenship Act (Richard Kreitner, The Almanac, The Nation)

Justice is not blind (Julianne Malveaux, New Pittsburgh Courier)

Liberal friends, if you're worried that blacks are getting shut out of politics, show us the money (Charles D. Ellison, The Root)

Matt Taibbi and others on Freddie Gray, Broken Windows & community policing (Rick Cohen, Nonprofit Quarterly)

The mysterious number of American citizens (Nathaniel Persily, Politico)

Nero tolerance: As O'Malley announces a run for president, a look at his Baltimore legacy (Edward Erickson Jr., Baltimore City Paper)

New York police attribute rise in gun violence to gangs and hot weather (Amanda Holpuch, The Guardian)

[OP-ED] New civil leaders: Athletes taking a stand on social issues (King Jut, The Source)

O'Reilly blames Dems "permissive attitude" in Baltimore, Chicago, NYC for "violent trend" (Video, Jeff Poor, Breitbart)

Overnight shootings are Baltimore's first June homicides (Jessica Anderson, Justin George, The Baltimore Sun)

Paying Cleveland to not riot would be worse than a riot: Phillip Morris (Phillip Morris, The Plain Dealer, cleveland.com)

Please listen, white Facebook friends: This is what you need to understand about race and the police (Musa Al-Gharbi, Salon)

Police: 161 murders in 151 days in Chicago this year (CBS Chicago)

Police killings and state repression continue after Ferguson and Baltimore (Abayomi Azikiwe, Centre for Research on Globalization)

Poll: 40 percent think police make unfair judgements about race (Adam Carlson, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

The profound racism of "Black Lives Matter" (John Perazzo, FrontPage Mag)

Racial stereotyping still very much alive when it comes to athleticism (Kathleen Lees, Science World Report)

The retail race divide: How the retail industry is perpetuating racial inequality in the 21st century (Rapport, Catherine Ruetschlin, Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, NAACP, Demos)

Senators announce push for "accountability" on police violence (Al Jazeera America)

"Shot from behind": man's death reveals hidden horror of Latino police killings (Oliver Laughland, The Guardian)

The significance of Pentecost, Memorial Day and #BlackLivesMatter (Rev. Dominique C. Atchison, The Huffington Post)

The sleeping giant: Why American Latinos don't vote? (Fred Mariscal, CityWatch, Los Angeles)

Space, place, race: Six policies to improve social mobility (Richard V. Reeves, Allegra Pocinki, The Brookings Institution)

The steep cost of politicians' scapegoating the police in Baltimore (Thomas Sowell, National Review)

The story of Amilcar Perez-Lopez, Guatemalan migrant killed by San Francisco police - video (Video, Bryce Yukio Adolphson, Oliver Laughland, Laurence Mathieu-Leger, The Guardian)

Throw away the script: How media bias is killing black America (Kirsten West Savali, The Root)

Tom Hanks' son Chet defends his use of the N-word (Nardine Saad, Los Angeles Times)

Two admit plot to bomb police station, kill St. Louis County prosecutor and Ferguson police chief (Robert Patrick, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

A war on cops? (John Wills, officer.com)

What 2 big new reports on police killings tell us (Jaeah Lee, Mother Jones)

What's behind Baltimore's record-setting rise in homicides (Josh Sanburn, Time)

Why does Philly have so few black police recruits? (Mensah M. Dean, Philadelphia Daily News, philly.com)

Why police kill so often? Because they can! (Carl Finamore, Beyond Chron)

Why the black best friend has had its day (Maurice Mcleod, The Guardian)

Will the press force the government to finally count the number of police killings in America? (Mike Pearl, Vice)


Almost 10 years after Katrina, Michael Brown's still out to lunch: Jarvis DeBerry (Jarvis DeBerry, The Times-Picayune, New Orleans)

Another tortured effort by the GOP to help itself with minorities (Dana Milbank, The Washington Post)

As progressives push to appeal to black voters, have messages of economic equality cast a shadow over racial issues? (Taylor Gordon, Atlanta Black Star)

Baltimore: A significantly deadlier city than Chicago (Derek Hunter, The Daily Caller)

Baltimore's deadly May (Leder, The Baltimore Sun)

Baltimore sees worst month for homicides in 40 years (Justin Worland, Time)

Baltimore's youth: Champions, not thugs (They just don't know it yet) (Orrin Hudson, Frost Illustrated)

Best poverty cure: Escape from Baltimore (William McGurn, The Wall Street Journal)

Black Americans killed by police twice as likely to be unarmed as white people (Jon Swaine, Oliver Laughland, Jamiles Lartey, The Guardian)

Black drivers in Ferguson far more likely to be stopped than whites, report finds (James Queally, Los Angeles Times)

Bloody Baltimore (Leder, The Washington Post)

Bringing an end to the incarceration generation (Marc Schindler, The Huffington Post)

The case for why Baltimore should pay murderous residents not to kill (Terrence McCoy, The Washington Post)

"Central Park Five" member says black men need to be educated about legal rights when dealing with the police (Jasmine Nelson, Atlanta Black Star)

Chief Justice Roberts is poised to score a major victory against racial justice (Ian Millhiser, Think Progress)

Cleveland police supervisors involved in chase that killed two get lost pay (Associated Press, The Guardian)

The controversial method that helped turn one of America's most murderous cities into one of its safest (Terrence McCoy, The Washington Post)

The counted: People killed by police in the US (Interaktiv grafik, The Guardian)

A conversation on race? Or a monologue? (Melvyn L. Fein, The Marietta Daily Journal, Georgia)

Did Fla. police lie about Jermaine McBean not wearing earbuds during fatal shooting? (Stephen A. Crockett Jr., The Root)

Don't go to bed racist (Zion Barrios, The Daily Californian)

Family identifies man Tased by police (Video, Justin Murphy, Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York)

"Ferguson effect": Shooting victim's family to De Blasio - "We need stop-and-frisk" (John Nolte, Breitbart))

Former marine dies after being shot with stun gun by New York police (Reuters, The Guardian)

For officer arrested in Walter Scott death, documents show rising use of Taser (Andrew Knapp, Charleston Post and Courier)

The gap between how often white and black drivers get stopped by police in Missouri got even larger last year (Mark Berman, The Washington Post)

Google still struggling to diversify beyond white and Asian men, report shows (Michael Liedtke (Associated Press), The Huffington Post)

Hey neighbor! A "Black Lives Matter" sign on your lawn is an act of solidarity (Sarah Kendzior, The Guardian)

Homicides rise in Chicago, Baltimore, New York (Tio Hardiman, The Huffington Post)

Jesse Jackson: Shrinking middle class squeezes African Americans, Latinos (Jesse Jackson, Chicago Sun-Times)

"Kelly File" special: America's finest under fire (Video, Fox News)

Killing season in Baltimore (Steve King, Death and Taxes)

Lawsuit against two officers in Tamir Rice shooting delayed for 60 days (Elisha Fieldstadt, NBC News)

Los Angeles deputies break ranks to admit beating of jail visitor (Rory Carroll, The Guardian)

"Loving Day," by Mat Johnson (Boganmeldelse, Baz Dreisinger, The New York Times)

Marco Rubio's appealing ambiguity (Michael Brendan Dougherty, The Week)

Mayor believes city will rebound after record month of violence (Justin George, The Baltimore Sun)

Missouri AG report: Black drivers continue to be stopped at higher rate (Walker Moskop, St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Missouri reports wide racial disparity in traffic stops (John Eligon, The New York Times)

Missouri traffic stop report reveals racial disparity (Trymaine Lee, MSNBC)

National column: Hope, cash didn't save Baltimore (James Bovard, The Coloradoan)

A neighborhood apart (Priscila Mosqueda, The Texas Observer)

New York City's Juneteenth: Remembering Frederick Douglass' eulogy to Abraham Lincoln at a pivotal moment in the city's racial history (Theodore Hamm, New York Daily News)

The numbing spectacle of racism (Pamela Newkirk, The Nation)

Oklahoma officials say pastor killed by troopers had shoved one to the ground (The Guardian)

Police fatally shot more than 300 people in 2015 so far, contradicting the low ball numbers of federal reports (Taylor Gordon, Atlanta Black Star)

Police won't face indictment over death of suspect who warned: "I can't breathe" (Associated Press, The Guardian)

Rare Under 40 poll: These two key factors determine whether you're likely to trust the police (Meningsmåling, Jay Croft, Rare)

Republicans seek to win over black voters once Obama's gone (Niall Stanage, The Hill)

Riot pharmacy looting linked to spike in city crime (Derek Valcourt, CBS Baltimore)

Seeing a community of values through the lens of the Brelo verdict (Stuart Muszynski, Ronald Soeder, Stephen P. Loomis, The Huffington Post)

Star student killed by California police "was going to change the world": sister (Rory Carroll, The Guardian)

States pursue varied police reforms amid national debate (Sarah Breitenbach, Government Technology)

Stephen Rankin: the military-trained officer who killed two unarmed men (Jon Swaine, The Guardian)

Telling the untold story of 1921 Tulsa Race Riot and Black Wall Street (Jim North, The Connection, Tulsa Community College, Oklahoma)

Template for terror (Victor Thorn, American Free Press)

There is a better way (Mark Meckler, The American Spectator)

To get into elite colleges, some advised to "appear less Asian" (Bella English, The Boston Globe)

The US can't keep track of how many people its police kill. We're counting because lives matter (Gary Younge, The Guardian)

US police kill more than two people a day (Patrick Martin, Centre for Research on Globalization, Canada)

Virginia police recruitment video reveals department's military-style tactics - video (Video, The Guardian)

Washington County Sheriff's Office buys $68K in riot gear (Associated Press, CBS Baltimore)

The Washington Post's fleeing suspects (Robert VerBruggen, Real Clear Policy)

Watch: Black man demolishes Baltimore mayor and prosecutor with truth they'll hate (Video, B. Christopher Agee, Western Journalism)

What happens when the protests are over? (Harold A. McDougall, The Huffington Post)

White progressives' racial myopia: Why their colorblindness fails minorities - and the left (Joan Walsh, Salon)

Without evidence, right-wing media see "hysteria against cops" as cause of increase in homicides (Libby Watson, Media Matters)

William Chapman: "My son is gone and nobody is trying to help me understand" (Video, Jon Swaine, The Guardian)

William Chapman: unarmed 18-year-old shot dead by officer who killed before (Jon Swaine, The Guardian)